Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Shopping Trip

I braved going to the grocery store today.

Mostly because while I still have plenty of food in the house....
I wanted to stock up more on my snack foods that I use for work and for when I have the munchies. 

Plus...I have no idea when things are going to get 'back to normal' in the stores where you can go shopping and not worry about them being out of various products.

At this point it's kinda like a "Go and try your luck" sort of situation.

Because I'm not sure waiting it out...is going to work. 
Especially because it seems like everytime I choose to "wait" something happens and then the panic gets all hyped up all over again. *exhales*

So today I decided to try my luck.
And go get myself some groceries so I can hold down the fort at home for a couple more weeks and hope by then things are more normal.

And...I think things are slightly better than they were?
Like. Compared to the empty shelves I saw a couple of weeks ago....
Things are nearly back to normal in the store.

Toilet Paper and Cleaning Products are still basically gone as soon as they come out onto the shelves.

I think it's reached the point that the stockers are just leaving the pallets out in the main aisles for customers to grab instead of trying to put them on the shelves.

-Which I was lucky enough to be in the store when they were bringing pallets out so I snagged a 12 pack and called it good as we're not low on TP at the house...but it's good to have an extra pack on hand especially if things continue to be crazy long term. 

The pasta aisles and canned food aisles were also kinda stripped still. 
I didn't get a good look at those as there were more people in those aisles so I avoided them to keep myself socially safer. 

But like. Frozen food was mostly back on the shelves -frozen potatoes seemed to be the popular item there. But I could grab my ice cream and most of my snack foods without issue. So woot!!

Still though.
It's crazy how much people are wanting to 'stock up' currently.
Like I'm sure the earthquakes and aftershocks happening in the next valley over aren't helping the general mindset at all.

But i am grateful that I managed to get into the store when it wasn't too crazy.

Hopefully things will continue to calm down now that all the panic buyers have hoarded all their supplies. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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