Thursday, March 26, 2020

An Early Morning Call

With all the stress happening around me...I really dislike it when a stressor I finally thought was gone....comes back around again. 

A while ago I mentioned that a friend had called telling me that they thought that 'something was wrong' and that they weren't going to be around 'much longer' and that 'it's terminal' 

And for like two weeks the friend ended up calling nearly the point where it was causing me stress just seeing their name pop up on my caller id. 

Because like...there's only so much I can take...of having the same troubling conversation over and over and over again. 

But about the time that I sought out advice from other friends and family on what to do in the situation...

The friend stopped calling me.

Which was like a double edged sword.

Because while I was happy that I didn't need to worry about them calling me....
I was also wondering if they weren't calling me because...well...maybe they had died.

I was hoping that they just weren't calling me for other reasons. Like they found help elsewhere and didn't need to use me as like...their therapy treatment for when the pain got really bad.

It had bee over a month....

And then the friend called me.

At 8:30 in the morning of all times.

Like....people don't usually call at that time. 

I chose not to answer.
Because I wasn't emotionally or mentally prepared to listen to them. Especially since I had no idea what the subject would be about.

And then like two minutes later....the friend called again.

And again I let it ring unanswered because I didn't need to deal with this first thing in the morning especially when I have the stress of being at work during the pandemic already on my plate. 

This time the friend left a voicemail.
Asking me if my store was still open as they had been trying to call, but hadn't been able to get through...which makes sense because our phones don't usually work before the store opens, especially since the Grooming department is closed currently. 

So I ended up waiting until we were officially open.
Before sending a quick text back explaining that the store isn't going to close because we're considered essential retail and listed the hours we were open.

Thankfully *knock on wood* I haven't heard from them since. 
But I did have that worry in the back of my mind that the friend would come into the store while I was working and that I would end up having to interact with them. 

Which since I haven't seen them in person since...January...and there were a fair few awkward and stressful phone calls during February...I didn't want to face them in the store.

Again, thankfully...they didn't come in while I was there. So that's one less stressor currently.

But yah.
That wasn't fun to deal with first thing in the morning.
Like I'm glad they're still alive...but I hope that I don't have to interact with them anytime soon. 


I spoke too soon....they just called. I'm not gonna answer.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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