Thursday, March 19, 2020

Then There Were Two

So yesterday we ended up getting our small animal shipment in a day early.
Which luckily we had the cages prepped already or else that would have caused more stress in an already stressful day.

But we got word that the delivery would occur around lunchtime.

Apparently the company is pushing up all the shipping of their animals because they're uncertain as to whether or not travel will occur next week (due to virus concerns) and so are trying to get this weeks shipments out at least in case things do shut down.

In any case.

As part of our shipment, we were expecting to get in a Conure.

Which was rather surprising because like I usually don't expect to see conures in the store until late April or even May.

As we don't get them in during the winter at all.
And like I feel like we would get them in in March on occasion. 
But it's been a year or two since that occured.

So to see a conure on this week's invoice was surprising.

It was even more surprising when the bird actually showed up.

Because there have been instances where it's like "You're gonna get this animal" but due to supply and demand we don't always get the animal listed because they don't have enough to send to all the stores. 

But we got the conure in. Woot!!

As per normal procedure.
When the delivery guy was done putting the animals in their temporary cages we have.
He left the boxes that had carried the birds for me to take care of.

As they're made of cardboard and so aren't really good for more than one use.

And as I took the boxes to the back I thought I heard/felt movement in the box.

But a quick glance inside...didn't show anything out of the ordinary. So I placed the boxes in the back to be taken out to the dumpster at some point.

And didn't think more of it.

Fast forward to this morning.

I come in to open.
And as I'm checking in on the birds in our New Arrivals room, giving them fresh food and water, and look into the conure cage.

And see TWO conures staring back at me.

I did a double take.
Like blink blink blink multiple times to make sure my vision hadn't doubled and I wasn't seeing things.

But nope.
There definitely were two conures in the cage. 

Which was crazy because like...we were only expecting in ONE.
I double checked paperwork and everything.
We were only supposed to get in one.

And I was positive there was only one in the cage when I left yesterday.
But I had the thought that maybe the delivery guy came back later that day.
Maybe he couldn't make a delivery to another store (as we did have this earthquake and I know at least one sister store temporarily closed down because of it) and he chose to leave it with us.


What actually occured.

Was that when my stocking manager went into the back...the bird came out and basically scared her.
I don't have full details on what exactly happened in that encounter.

But apparently the second conure had still been in the box. 

Which is crazy! Like. 
I thought I heard movement but hadn't thought much of it.
And like neither me nor the delivery guy realized there was a second conure in the box.
I mean, why would we think there would be another one when we were only expecting there to be one in the box??

*shakes head*

I have no idea how it happened. 
But I'm grateful that we did catch the bird and get him in to the other cage with his buddy so that he's nice and safe and has access to food and water and that we didn't accidentally throw him away.

My VP Manager called the company later on...just to check in and see if they wanted the bird back or if we were fine to keep it to sell.
We haven't heard back to my knowledge.

But yah.
Crazy day.

Crazy how we had 2 conures instead of one in a box....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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