Saturday, March 14, 2020


It was one of those weird juxtapositions being at work today.
Because like, as a Saturday, it's expected to be our busier day of the week.

But from what I heard from my manager it's been "Saturday" for the past two days.
As on Thursday we made the same amount of money we would have on a normal Saturday. Which is like nearly triple of the usual Thursday sales amount.
And on Friday we again made the same amount of money as we would have on a normal Saturday.
Which meant that either Saturday was going to be just as crazy busy...or because everyone had already come into the store to panic buy things, the store would be dead.

It's also this weird dynamic because like...I'm not sure what to expect this next week.
As my state has closed down all our schools. The Elementary schools being closed for around 2 weeks. And it's to help prevent the virus spreading right? It's to keep families home and away from other people.
But I do wonder how many people will bring their kids into the pet store to look at the animals still.
Because that is a common occurrence here. A free zoo. I mean I saw that today, parents bringing in their little ones to come look at the animals.
So i do wonder if we'll stay busy this next week...or if no one will come into the store.

In any case.
It's been this weird dynamic in the store today.

Because on the one hand it was like a normal Saturday.
People were coming in to buy things as they had just gotten a new puppy, or wanted to get their first fish, bird, hamster, reptile etc. 
All normal things.

At the same time.
There was this undercurrent of fear running through the place.

Thankfully my store wasn't crazy like the grocery stores.
We didn't have people buying all the dog food or all the cat litter.
But there were people who were grabbing an extra bag. Just in case. 

And we fielded so many phone calls. With customers asking if we had products still on the shelf, asking if we'd been cleared out, asking if we were out of dog food. 
Which we weren't.

To all appearances our shelves looked pretty normal. (Though i'm sure that could have changed after I left my work shift)

But you could just sense this...panic.
This tension.

And it was hard.
Because while some people were obviously worrying...others were wandering around without a care in the world just doing their normal pet shopping.

It's weird.
It was stressful. 
Like how do you navigate that sort of situation??

*shakes head*
I can only imagine how all the workers of the grocery stores are feeling. Because it's crazy. Crazy how crazy people can get when they panic and go panic buying things. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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