Monday, March 2, 2020

Far Too Much Driving

I don't understand how people can commute like 45 minutes to an hour to work.
Like doing the same long distance drive.
Day after day after day after day.
How do these people do it?? *shakes head*

I ended up doing the 'long distance' commute thing faaaarrrr too many times in the last....four days.

Like. It was basically commuting from the valley CollegeTown resides in to the valley that holds Hometown.

But agh.
So. Much. Driving.

I drove up Wednesday to Hometown.
Thursday I drove family down to, over and around CollegeTown (to show Godparents our homes) and then back up to Hometown.
Friday I drove down to Collegetown then back up to Hometown and then back down to Collegetown (though my Sister-in-law drove this round) and back up to Hometown.
And Saturday...we drove again down to Collegetown and back up to Hometown.
And Sunday I drove down to Collgetown so I could check out my new ward as my old ward got snapped last week and I didn't want to miss the 'first' week in my new ward....and then ended up driving back up north to Hometown.....

And then today i drove back down to Collegetown.

It's far too much.
That 45 minute drive is LOOONG if you drive it too much. The speed limit seems to get slower. You want to go faster. 
I can't do that everyday commute like I had to do this past weekend.

I much prefer my 12 minute drive. 
That's a lot easier to deal with. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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