Sunday, March 31, 2013

Idea Trouble

Note to self. Ignoring your first idea. Is a time consuming bad idea.
Note to self. Going with your first idea...means that you think of an even better idea, just after you finish the first idea..

So it's a lose lose situation. Either way.

Well I did both in less then twenty four hours. :)

Last night, I had that last minute concept of "Hey! I need to go get Easter stuff!" hour before the mall closed.

Dun Dun Dun.
So I waited for Kikay to leave the apartment. hour before the mall closed.

Drove like crazy up there
and had the thought.
"I should go to the Hallmark store!"

But once I got inside...
Ignored that.
Instead going for my second idea of "Let's go to the Disney Store!" (love that place)
Only to not find anything.
"Oh! Let's go to Claires and get some earrings!"
Only to not find anything.
The same with Icing (the sister? store of Claires)
And a couple of candy stores.
Time was running low.
And in a panic I headed for Hallmark.
With the mindset of "I will buy something here even if it's a stupid little trinket."

Good news!
I didn't buy a stupid little trinket. :)
At the last instant I happened to look up,
and see this cute little statue of a blue jay.
Kikay LOVES blue jays.
But she didn't have any statues of it.
*angelic chorus*
And that, a small little turtle, and a whole bunch of chocolate.
I got everything! :)

lol Kikay had said that she just wanted to get a whole bunch of candy.....but I thought that would be rather.....well boring. So I spiced it up with a couple other things. :)

Only I couldn't hide her Easter Presents until after she got home.
But...I ended up being tired.
So I went to bed before her.
Knowing she'd put out her Easter stuff she got before going to bed.
However, I knew I would be up before her today, so I could set up my Easter thing then.

I ended up doing a trail of Reeses over to her gift. :)
Only to get into my car and think.

Oh well.
It's probably a good thing I didn't do that,
as it got hot today.
and chocolate in a hot car....isn't pretty. :)

^^ It was a super fun Easter.
As Kikay set up a Mini Easter Egg Hunt in our apartment living room. ^^
I managed to find all but two of the eggs.
:) Woot!
That was fun. lol.
I want to do it again, but on a larger scale. :)

Happy Easter Everyone!

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Ruby Eyed Aggression

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

I'm surprised I'm a lefty.

Because seriously...that hand takes ALOT of abuse.
I guess it comes with the territory though.
If you use the hand're more likely to hurt it.
So if I was a righty...I would probably hurt that hand more then I do.

In any case.
My poor left hand took a bit of abuse this week.
From a Red Eyed, White Haired, Crazy Russian Hamster.

The poor creature just has gone berserk this week.

I think he think I'm going to take his food or something.

Because when I did bedding changes.
I put his food in the cage, and was rearranging the bedding around the food.
As the hamsters like to move the bedding around to reveal the bottom of the cage, and I didn't want that to be seen as I like the bedding more.
pain on my middle finger.
He totally nipped me.
Left two little red marks.

I was like.

I shook my hand, sanitized it, and moved on.
Thinking...alright, probably startled you, it won't happen again.


Two days later, I got around to feeding the hamsters again.
-Due to different bedding changes everyday, I'm not always the one who gets to feed the Hamsters in the morning.
Well, I got to this time.
And again.
I was rearranging some of the objects in the cage, having just barely fed the little Russian.
I was minding my own business.
And he literally jumped at me, jaws agape to puncture my ring finger!
Totally drew blood. I had to wear a bandaid.
-The first time I didn't. It wasn't that deep.
No. This time.
He totally wanted to make it hurt.
And it did.
He's super lucky I didn't fling him across the room.
Very lucky.

Needless to say.
I've been very careful sticking my hand into that cage the last couple of days.
Watching him like a hawk to make sure my hand stays safe the entire time.

I'm not quite sure what's made him snap like this.
I's food...I'm not taking it from you.
actually giving it more.

I'm thinking he's gone a bit stir crazy.
Stuck in a little cage for days on end.
And he's getting aggressive
because he's not being handled and tamed down.
I don't know if he will tame down now. :(

Why is it that the albinos are the hardest to sell?
We have four cages each with a single white Fancy/Russian in it.
And they've been in there for months.
January, Februaryish.
I feel so bad for them.
As bad as I feel for the two poor ruby eyed Winter White's we got around Christmas that still haven't found a home.

Red Eyes.
White fur
Difficulty to sell.

Personally...I think after like a month or two....we should put those guys on discount.
Because they're just getting older....
Harder to tame.
More aggressive.

Good news, this biting Russian has been put on discount :D

You know...cus he BIT ME TWICE!

Bad discount for the others.

Oh well...there's a pet owner out there for every one of them.


Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, March 29, 2013

Talk About An Impulse Buy

I'm used dealing with customer after customer after customer asking about fish.
But....any other creature in the store...
It's a record if I deal with two...maybe three people in a row asking about the same creature.

And then came the Walmart guy.

Apparently every year about this time...a guy shows up at Walmart.

With: Red Eared Sliders.

A type of turtle.

Here at Starsmet, we're not allowed to sell turtles unless they're at least 4inches.
...and...I'm pretty sure it's illegal to sell anything smaller....anywhere.

This guy is selling little baby turtles.
About the length of your thumb.

I have no idea how much he's selling them for...but he must be making a pretty penny.

Because I had TWELVE (ish) Customers come into the store just today!
Basically all in a row.
"Hi! We just got this little turtle" (shows little turtle in tupperware container.) "And we need to get everything for him."

O.o Talk about an impulse buy.
First off....WHY would you buy any animal from Walmart?
Seriously...not a good idea.  And from a guy outside of Walmart?
(It seems a bit shady to me....)

It's just...odd. I mean, it's not like a gold fish from the fair. It's a TURTLE.
Something that can live for YEARS. DECADES
and will get BIGGER.
It's not something you can put into a fish bowl and expect it to do well.

No. When all is said and done, you'll need like a 55 gallon tank to make that little turtle happy when it's all grown. (sure you can start smaller, but you will need to get bigger like with any reptile.)
And with that tank, you'll need Heat lamps, and Day Lamps
You'll need a filter. -and for turtles it's better to have two.
You'll need the gravel.
You need some place for the turtle to get on land.
You'll need to get the right food.
Plus....turtles are pretty dirty...I mean they can get that tank filthy.
Totally not the pet I would recommend for a new pet owner.

*shakes head*
Basically when all is said and done, if you want to make this turtle happy....
It's going to cost you like $200 to get everything.

Customer after customer went wide eyed when they found that out.

Like I's not a gold fish.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, March 28, 2013

An Easter Meaning

As Easter time approaches, let me share with you the tender story of an eleven-year-old boy named Philip, a Down's syndrome child who was in a Sunday School class with eight other children.

Easter Sunday the teacher brought an empty plastic egg for each child.
They were instructed to go out of the church building, onto the grounds and put into the egg something that would remind them of the meaning of Easter.

All returned joyfully.
As each egg was opened there were exclamations of delight at a butterfly, a twig, a flower, a blade of grass.
Then the last egg was opened.
It was Philip's, and it was empty!

Some of the children made fun of Philip.
"But, teacher," he said, "teacher, the tomb was empty."

A newspaper article announcing Philip's death a few months later noted that at the conclusion of the funeral eight children marched forward and put a large empty egg on the small casket.
On it was a banner that said, "The tomb was empty."

Marion D. Hanks -The Royal Law -April 1992 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

An Angry Call

Cold rage.
I haven't experienced it before the other day.
But I did.
Over the phone.

Dude had a problem within a problem.
I had no idea how to help him.
So I told him I'd talk to my manager.
Put him on hold.

Talked to the manager.
Manager was in a meeting.
Told me to get name and number.

So I got back to the guy.
Told him my Manager was in a meeting.
And if I could get a name and number.
The Manager would call him back.

He told me:
"No, I'd rather hang up now, stew about it for a while longer and then call back when I'm even more angry."

I couldn't tell if he was serious.
So in my shock.
"That doesn't sound like any fun." I responded.

His response. "No it isn't!" and went on to swear at me and then hang up.

He was serious.
Seriously in a cold rage.
Angry that a misunderstanding had happened, and he was having problems.

But seriously dude....we can't help you unless you let us help you.
Getting furiously angry and not thinking swearing at an employee who was trying to help....and hanging up.'re going to get help that way.

And news're not the only person having problems in a day. Ever stop to consider that the manager was in a meeting to help someone else with problems?
*shakes head*

Some people.

Needless to say.
He totally threw me off my groove for the rest of work.
And when he called back...
I didn't answer the phone. I wasn't in the mood to get yelled at.

(Though I do wonder if it was his wife calling to apologize for her husband's behavior....)

In any case, I told the manager what happened.
And surprisingly.
The manager called the dude back.
-We did have the number. Caller id is handy.
Even if we didn't have the name of the dude.

Turns out...we really couldn't help him.

He wasn't happy.
Still obviously in a cold rage.
For he swore some more.

*shakes head*

I don't think he'll get his problem solved until he cools down.
That may take a while.

I'm just glad....that he didn't show up in person at work.
Cus from the way he sounded, it wouldn't have surprised me
to see some angry guy storming in.

Still...just experiencing that....
wasn't fun.
I hope I don't have to deal with that again any time soon.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What Is Real?

They're on to me.


For years it's been questioned, even asked, but never proven as a fact.


I don't eat real food.


That's right.
I'm a vampire.
I admit it.
Hence why I love the night!

Totally kidding. :)

But the 'real food' thing....I guess is true?

For at work today, I happened to take my lunch break at the same time as Taar.

As I sat down to eat, she asked me.
"Sarnic...what are you eating?"

I looked down and was like... O.o "An oats and honey sunbelt bar." and then I also showed her the Ritz cracker package I also had -the one from the commercial, Huge crackers with cheese in the middle. It's good!

And she was like. "You know, I have never seen you eat real food here."

And I was like. O.o Crackers and Sunbelt bars aren't real food? I shrugged.

Apparently not.

Isn't snack food real food?

Apparently not.

lol I have no idea what this 'real food' thing is.
I've heard of it.
Had it harped at me often enough that I needed to eat more real food....
But whatever I think is real food....apparently isn't.

I'm guessing for Taar and the others, real food would be considered 'Noodles, Sandwiches, Fast food' basically anything that you can microwave slash put both hands on...that has a bit of a 'healthy' flare to it. Like...veggies, grains, meat...

I do eat those things. :)
Just not at work.

No reason in particular...
It's quick and easy to just bring snack foods.
I didn't come to work to eat, I came to work. So I just snack on my breaks and have real food when I get home. (heh...real food. Ha.)
I handle so many different animals/bugs/fish in a day, that I don't want to prepare something and have the smell on my hands (because that doesn't always go away after washing them.) put me off my meal. Snack foods don't have much of a smell.) sanitary is prepare food in the break room? No idea.

Honestly. I can get by on a little.
I mean, I'm not at work that long, I can get by on snack foods.
I'm more the type to eat little things throughout the day then to go for bigger meals anyway. :)

So don't worry. ;)
I do eat 'real food'
whatever it is...
At least I think I do....

What is real food?
I should get an answer at some point.

;) So I can for sure avoid it in the future. hehe.

Kidding. Once I figure out this 'real food' thing....I'll probably find a way to bring some with me, if i can keep them in my locker. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was with friends, driving through the campus to get to a building.
For we were all going to a Vocal Point Concert.
I did see some of the concert, the guys were great. And cute. And amazing.
But...I guess during intermission...tragedy struck.
Lacey...who was sitting with us, died.
Not like died died.
She was alive....and there.
But all of a sudden she was like "Soo I'm dead."
And she gathered her things and left to go to the 'otherside.'
I felt horrible, because she was supposed to go on a mission. She'd just given her farewell talk. She wasn't supposed to die.
But that seemed to start the flood gates...I think Melanie also...died...but she became Taylor, and Taylor admitted that she had also died. So I guess everyone was visiting me in spirit or something? Because she came to me to tell me that she was dead, and that she wanted to say goodbye. Jessica was also there....she's also on a mission. And she was also telling me her goodbyes. For she was dead too. And it was...just emotional. Heart wrenching, that all my friends had come by, to give me stuff, to tell me say goodbye....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Monday, March 25, 2013

April 1994 General Conference Saturday Morning

James E. Faust -Five Loaves and Two Fishes
  • It has been said that this church does not necessarily attract great people but more often makes ordinary people great.
  • If God has a work for those with many talents, I believe he also has an important work for those of us who have few.
  • I have looked at the love and want to feel that love, and not the hate. We can forgive.
Richard G. Scott -To Be Healed
  • When you feel you can do no more, temporarily lay your challenges at His feet.
  • "Give us strength according to our faith which is in Christ, even unto deliverance."
  • The Lord will give relief with divine power when you seek deliverance in humility and faith in Jesus Christ. 
  • When discouraged do you feel overwhelmed and in desperation seek for others to solve your problems, overlooking your own capacity to make much improvement?
  • Your access to the Savior's help comes in different ways. The most direct and often the most powerful way is through humble, trusting prayers to your Father in Heaven, which are answered through the Holy Ghost to your spirit.
  • I feel that the pace is generally set by the individual, not by the Lord.
  • Love is a potent healer.
  • Love comes by learning how to give it to another in a spirit of trust.
  • When you are worthy, a challenge becomes a contribution to growth, not a barrier to it.
  • Learn to forgive; though terribly hard, it will release you and open the way to a newness of life.
Carlos E. Asay -"If a Man Die, Shall He Live Again?"
  • "Behold my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, in whom I have glorified my name--hear ye him."
  • "Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world."
  • "Death is not a period but a comma in the story of life."
Albert Choules, Jr. -A Child's Love Matured
  • Love sincerely given brings love in return. Love so shared brings trust, support, and a level of security that is unsurpassed.
  • No man--particularly one who bears the priesthood--has the right to treat any woman unkindly, especially his wife, with whom he would hope to share eternal joy.
  • "Any man who claims the special powers of heaven for his own selfish purposes and seeks to use the priesthood in any degree of unrighteousness in the Church or in the home simply does not understand the nature of his authority. Priesthood is for service, not servitude; compassion, not compulsion; caring, not control. Those who think otherwise are operating outside the parameters of priesthood authority."
  • I have watched the Brethren, those who understand the rights of the priesthood and the needs of eternity perhaps more clearly than anyone. I have watched how they speak of and treat their sweethearts. They give us an example of love, respect, and kindness that we would do well to emulate.
  • Children learn to copy the patterns of their parents.
Elaine L. Jack -"Walk with Me."
  • Our progress on this journey is determined by recognizing the straight and narrow path, having an eternal perspective, and acting accordingly.
  • Putting off to tomorrow is to fall behind, step backward, and open the door to the subtle influences of Satan. "There is no such thing as standing still in the eternal work of our God."
  • Though the path is narrow, our moves are not scripted.
  • "The best measure of true greatness is how Christlike we are."
Malcolm S. Jeppsen -A Divine Prescription for Spiritual Healing
  • A divine prescription for this healing has been given by our Heavenly Father which has eternally significant implications.
    • The first ingredient is an acknowledgment of the cause of the spiritual malady.
    • The second ingredient is a deep contrition and remorse for any wrongdoing we may find.
    • A third ingredient is to seek forgiveness from those whom one has hurt by transgression.
    • A fourth ingredient: There must be total abandonment of the sin.
    • A fifth ingredient: There must be compliance with all the commandments of God.
    • Sixth, one must plead to the Lord for mercy, strength, and forgiveness until one receives through the Holy Ghost a "peace of conscience."
    • The final ingredient, number seven: There must be faithfulness and service throughout the rest of one's mortal life.
Boyd K. Packer -The Father and the Family
  • "We'd like not to take care of the exception first. We will establish the rule first, and then we'll see to the exception."
  • Bring up your children in light and truth.
  • Never should there be a domineering or unworthy behavior in the tender, intimate relationship between husband and wife.
  • Your wife is your partner in the leadership of the family and should have full knowledge of and full participation in all decisions relating to your home.
  • The family is safe within the Church.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Me and a group of others were riding bikes trying to get away from a father figure -tall, skinny, bald, and a bit controlling. He was chasing us through a mountainous pass by the ocean in his yellow car, only we reached a group of...goths riding bikes. Known as the Bat Bikers. Apparently seeing them had frightened the father figure into giving over the chase, but to be on the safe side the group of us began to disguise ourselves as part of this bike gang to make sure he wouldn't see us.
I encountered this human girl -as I was Tinkerbell,- I we were trying to help her get to some place, only someone was chasing us, but we escaped by making ourselves invisible, only I couldn't make the human girl invisible instead I changed her into a screw which was a bit frightening to her, but she survived it.
We landed at work, and I encountered a new manager there, as Reth had let it spread that she was thinking of hiring this woman -Stacy- to be the new manager and because the news had already spread Reth had to hire her. I didn't know if that meant that Reth had lost her job or not, but I would be working along with Stacy. She and the other managers took me around the work place saying that this new woman with a fancy title would be coming wtih GoRee to check out the place and so we had to make sure everything was spick and span. Which meant that the groomers/kitchen people had to have the kitchen clean, the garage needed to be cleaned up -mopped and the spilled hay picked up- the cat litter box definitely needed to be emptied and needed to have at least six inches of litter in it -so Rice told me.

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Midnight Musings

Can they not see
That it craves their company?
Unable to connect.
It can only observe.
From what they choose to put out publicly.
Through Internet means
It can learn of them,
but they never learn of the quiet soul.

Too shy. Too shy.
A soft soft voice.
Known already that it won't be heard.
Staying quiet.
Oh so quiet.
For no soul can speak
When no heart will listen.

How can it speak.
This quiet soul.
When already it knows...
No one will hear.
No one remembers.

But this soul does not forget.
For it craves the company.
Wonderful friendship.

A single call to bring them by.
A single word to get the party started.

Not so.
Not so.

A priority, it is not.

To sit.
To think.
To write.
And wish....

That things were different.


Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, March 23, 2013

I Lost, But Found Freedom

Whelp. I lost the competition.

Between me and Kikay.

On who would find a new car first.

Yep. Kikay did.

lol though to be fair...she did have like only one requirement, while being super picky...I have like 12.
Hers. It needed to be blue. preferably the brighter shade.

And....this past weekend. She found one that she liked.

Dun Dun Dun.

Which means....I don't have to share the car anymore!!

Do you know how weird this is?

It's super weird.
Because I've basically shared a car since I got my license.

I've always needed to check in with someone to make sure that I could have the car when I needed it.

Even more so these past couple of years with Kikay as we've shared a car and so had to figure out how to get us both where we needed to be when we needed to be.

In many cases that involved one of us dropping off the other or picking up the other.

Not no more though.

And it's the oddest thing ever.
lol Kikay's taken to this change like a duck to water.

Me though, I'm still finding my wings.

Venturing out cautiously as it's so weird that one day we're sharing a car, and the next...we're not.

I can go where I went, when I want, at any point I want, however far I want. Without worrying about whether or not it runs into Kikay's plans.

It's like I've found a new level of independence.
I mean...I was independent before, but I had to be independent within a set boundary line.
Now though, the boundary line is gone.
I can go as far as I want.
It's exhilarating.

^^ I can't wait to take full advantage of this new found freedom lol :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, March 22, 2013

White Rain

"It's supposed to snow today."
"What? No! Don't Jinx Us! It's supposed to snow tomorrow. The weather said so. Rain today. Snow tomorrow."
*shrugs* "That's what I heard, it's going to snow today and tomorrow."

So our conversation went yesterday morning at work.
I was in the middle of playing in the dirt.
And Taar came up to me and strangely started talking to me.
For actual conversation.
It's only strange because it usually doesn't happen.
Our conversations are the brief "You all open?"
"K. Get it done and then I need you to do this."  *walks away*
Sort of thing.

Not so.
We actually had a bit of a conversation.
Spread out over a span, but a conversation anyway.

For not like two minutes later Taar called out to me.
"Hey Sarnic, come here!"
*dusts of hands and walks to entrance*
"What's that?"
*points to the ground*
For the wind was blowing these white things across the ground in waves.
I looked at it. Shrugged and said "It's either snow...or flower petals."
-I kinda doubted the second, I hadn't really seen flowers abloom on the trees yet.
"No it can't be snow!"

Is it sad that I just wanted to grin evilly and say "Why yes it is. You're welcome!"

Yes. I love the snow. I react positively to it.
For I love the cold weather.
^^ So I don't mind getting blamed for bringing the snow.
I like it.

lol If only I could have seen Taar's face this morning when we actually had a bit of a blizzard going on outside for a couple of hours.
Yesterday's little snow blown across the parking lot, looked like glitter compared to huge sparkly sparkles.
One you could barely see.
The other, you looked out and you saw that it was snow. :)

In any case.
The storm was just that. A storm.
Nothing stuck to the ground.
So it was more like a white rain. ;)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Simple Letter

"Dear Elder Monson:

"This is a letter out of the blue. Its purpose is to thank you for the letters you wrote some twenty years ago--one to me and the other about me--and to let you know the effect they had on my life.

"My name is George Watson. In 1957, at the age of twenty-one, I emigrated from Ireland, where I had grown up, to Canada. The main purpose of going to Canada was to put together sufficient money to do postgraduate work at London University.

"The firm for which I worked was in Niagara Falls, and I found a room at the ridiculously inexpensive cost of $6.00 per week. The only drawback was that I had to drive the landlady--age seventy-three--to church each Sunday in St. Catharines, Ontario.

"I soon found this chore to be very annoying, as she used the twenty-five-minute drive to try to get me to see the missionaries from her church. I resisted this very effectively for better than a year, until one day she told me that there were two young ladies coming to supper, and would I care to join them. It is very difficult to be rude to lady missionaries!

"I did a great deal of thinking over the next few months and decided that although what eleven sets of missionaries were telling me felt right, I would have to give up too much, besides which I was fed up running my landlady to church. In order to stop her asking for the ride, I decided to take her half an hour late on the next Sunday and to go in and sit with her in an open-neck shirt, sneakers, and sports slacks. I thought this would embarrass her and she would not ask me again.

"My plan worked perfectly, except that she was not annoyed at being late, and I made as much impact as a damp squid. We arrived just as the Sunday School was splitting for class. I would not go into class and spent my time talking to a very fine man who was crippled and who 'understood' me. As I was to return to Ireland eight days later (July 1959), he suggested that I should join the Church on the Saturday before I left. He was to call and confirm this during the week, but I effectively countered this by not answering the phone all week. On Sunday, after a sleepless night, I phoned him to apologize and was baptized in Hamilton virtually on the way to the airport--knowing that I would never meet any Mormons in Ireland and that the Church would lose track of me.

"I have no idea, President Monson, where you found my address in Ireland, but on the Friday after I returned, I had a letter from you welcoming me into the Church, and on Sunday at 9:00 A.M. there was a knock on the door and a President Lynn stood on the doorstep saying he had had a letter from President Monson in Toronto asking him to watch over me.

"The next few months or years were traumatic. Three meetings on a Sunday were entirely unreasonable: no way I would speak up in front of that group; they can't expect more than 10 percent. Even more traumatic: my girlfriend set out to show me how ridiculous I was. She ended up being baptized.

"We now live in Illinois with three wonderful children. I often sit and ponder why the Lord has blessed us so greatly. We have all had reason to feel His sustaining hand in difficult times.

"Although it is unlikely that we will ever meet, I would like to very sincerely thank you for taking the trouble to write those two letters. They have completely changed the course of our lives. I am grateful for the knowledge of the Savior's purpose in coming to earth, my relationship to Him, and what He expects of me. The courage and steadfastness of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, and the knowledge that he imparted to us will always be a source of inspiration to me. I am thrilled at the opportunity of serving in the Lord's church.

"May the Lord continue to bless you in His work, and thank you for the effect you have had on my life."

"[signed] George Watson"

Thomas S. Monson -Search and Rescue -April 1993 General Conference

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Lack of Color

To continue my car theme....

Have you ever noticed how monochromatic cars are?

I mean the joke of "What's black and white and red all over"
can totally apply to the cars on the road.

On a road trip back to home base with my sister,
we totally got talking about cars.
Particularly color.

As she wants a blue car. like bright shiny electric blue.
That got us talking about colors of cars.
Like I'm drawn to the red colors at the moment.

And I totally don't want a white car because they're everywhere.

we ended up 'car shopping' along the drive.
Pointing out cars we liked or didn't like and the reasons why.

And we noticed the colors.

Tanish color....

Over and over and over again.
Also Red.

Black White Red.
Black White White Silver White Tan White White Silver Silver Black White Tan Red Red Black White Red Black Tan White White Red.

Over and over again.

With occasional pops of Yellow, Blue and Green.

It's super crazy.
and I can't stop myself from noticing at the moment.
How much everyone has the same color of car.

*shakes head*
lol I'm not quite sure what color I want now...
definitely not white.
But I am leaning more to Red, Blue, or Green now. :)
Something that everyone else doesn't have.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was out by some water. Hoping from stone to stone, but got a bit too far out. My mom called for me to come back. So I turned around to get to the rock I had just hopped from. I jumped, but slipped at the last instant, nearly falling into the water. But managing to keep myself from doing so by falling into a slight crack. Suddenly I wasn't just on a little rock, but on top of a huge rock with the water hundreds of feet below me. With...crocodiles swimming around the bottom. I turned to the rock and found....more crocodiles. Somehow I managed to get back, only to discover that Kikay had trapped a baby crocodile in a little cardboard box. I told her we couldn't keep it. This other man told her she couldn't keep it. But Kikay really wanted a pet. She ended up with this small round, silver dollar sized creature that looked kinda like a sting ray without the tail. It's edges undulating. She really wanted this sticky creature. It ended up on the wall. But Kikay wouldn't be stopped....she somehow ended up with a blue parakeet. Bright blue. But I made her return it. So we snuck into the bird aviatory to put the bird back. It was in a giant wooden warehouse/barn type building, with cages full of birds all over... only to have the owner discover us. Somehow we ended up giving him wings. And he flew around, until he crashed through the glass ceiling and landed on the ground where his wings broke off and became two yellow egg yolks. I picked them up and put them on the table and told Kikay that we really needed to go. We went to the exit only to discover rangers closing in on us. So we ran to the other door and out of that, only to have officers there as well to catch us....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

So Very Picky

It seems easy enough at first thought.

Go online.

Look through all the pretty pictures.

And walla!

You have a car!


O.o Why on Earth does there have to be a gazzillion and a half cars out there!
All shapes, sizes, doors, engines whatever...

And I really don't understand most of it.

I spent like...five hours just going through ads on the local news website.

And found ones that were close....but not my favorite. There was always something I didn't quite like about it.

Ugh why does it have to be so difficult?
And it doesn't help that I may find the car I like....only to get behind the wheel of one and not like it.

I almost feel like I'm studying for a big test.
Or applying for acceptance somewhere.

Basically....venturing into the unknown.

*sighs* clue really what I'm doing.
I'm getting a better idea of what I want.....but actually getting behind the wheel of a car that isn't owned by family....doesn't seem likely any time soon.
As I really don't want to go by myself to some car dealership and be like:
"Hey! I totally can't afford any of your cars, but I want to test drive them so I know how they feel and such."

yah...muddling through.....

It's not like it should be that complicated right?

I want a car that isn't white.
That has under 110,000 miles.
That costs under $5,000
It's Automatic,
Has a clear title.
Gets great gas high 20s or higher.
And isn't too prone to you know...breaking stuff.
Oh! And is visually pleasing to my eye -i.e....I want to have it and am willing to be seen in it.

Shouldn't be too hard right?
like in most areas...I'm picky.
I would love a compact SUV  but those don't get that great of mileage for the gallon.
But I really don't want a car car.
Something that looks like everything else on the road.

I actually love the idea of having a convertible....totally one of those random 'lets click on this!' moments. But I think I would like one....of course I haven't ever driven maybe I won't like the fact that I have no roof over my head.


like....I want this vehicle to be good in snow.
And you know....rough terrain. Something with a higher clearance so those speed bumps don't destroy my car. ;) lol.

Basically...I have no idea what I'm looking for.

I'm pretty sure it's going to be a "I'll know it when I see it!" moment.

For now...the search goes on!

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was someone going around and....basically making people into vegetables, and the gang of superheroes I was with....didn't have much of an idea of who was behind it. Spiderman, superman, avenger dudes....robin...all of them were running around finding people in their veggie state (you didn't think I meant the greens did you? ;) ) Drooling like there was no tomorrow.
It switched subtly to that of a young male in an office space, he saw a girl with blonde hair that he wanted to talk to, about something important, but he chickened out at the last minute and left.
He went upstairs to a cubicle where another woman was....and signed his name to a contract giving the woman permission to sever him.
I wondered what it would feel like to go into a veggie state and got my answer.
As he finished signing his name.
His consciousness basically faded to black -like fainting or falling asleep suddenly, drifting away. I felt the thud as his body hit the ground, and vaguely felt the body breathing, but there was no other sensory information. No actual person there. It was just a body in a veggie state.....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Monday, March 18, 2013

Ocotober 1993 General Conference Sunday Afternoon

Dallin H. Oaks -"The Great Plan of Happiness"
  • All of the myriads of mortals who have been born on this earth chose the Father's plan and fought for it.
  • In ways that have not been revealed, our actions in the spirit world influence us in mortality.
  • "Without proper and successful marriage, one will never be exalted."
  • Many of the most important deprivations of mortality will be set right in the Millennium, which is the time for fulfilling all that is incomplete in the great plan of happiness for all of our Father's worthy children.
M. Russell Ballard -Strength in Counsel
  • All councils in the Church should encourage free and open discussion by conferring with one another and striving to have clear, concise communication.
  • Today, individuals and families need wise and inspired help from the Church to combat the evils of the world.
  • In a recent council meeting with the presidencies of the women's auxiliaries, the sisters told me that very few women in the Church express any interest in wanting to hold the priesthood. But they do want to be heard and valued and want to make meaningful contributions to the stake or ward and its members that will serve the Lord and help accomplish the mission of the Church.
  • Ideally, all members of any Church or any family council should share their concerns and should suggest solutions based on gospel principles.
  • God never intended that His children should stand alone.
  • The scriptures state clearly that while our respective callings may be different and may change from time to time, all callings are important to the operation of the Church.
  • This is not man's work nor woman's work; it is all God's work, which is centered on the atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • First, focus on fundamentals.
  • Second, focus on people.
  • Third, promote free and open expression.
  • Listen unto his sayings, that when all have spoken that all may be edified."
  • Fourth, participation is a privilege.
  • Fifth, lead with love.
  • Priesthood is for service, not servitude; compassion, not compulsion; caring, not control. those who think otherwise are operating outside the parameters of priesthood authority.
Virginia H. Pearce -Ward and Branch Families: Part of Heavenly Father's Plan for Us
  • Wards are not designed to replace the family unit, but to support the family and its righteous teachings. A ward is another place where there is enough commitment and energy to form a sort of "safety net" family for each of us when our families cannot or do not provide all of the teaching and growing experiences we need to return to Heavenly Father.
  • First, ward families provide a sense of belonging.
  • Overcome your natural timidity and greet as many people as you can be name each week.
  • Next, ward families provide the reassurance of listening ears.
  • Someone has said that people would rather be understood than be loved. In truth, the surest way to increase our love for someone is to listen with patience and respect.
  • We discover and develop our thoughts through conversation. Talking itself is a sorting and learning process. We feel such comfort when others listen with the understanding that our words are not our final statement, but a wondering and wandering process used to reach a clearer understanding.
  • Mutual murmuring is a smoldering fire that can burst into flame and destroy a ward.
  • Third, ward families provide encouragement.
  • I don't know how you will get through this, but I am confident that you can.
  •  Positive reinforcement changes behavior for the better, while criticism stabilizes negative behaviors and blocks change.
  • "What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult to each other?"
  • Ward families are a refuge.
  • Ward families provide ways for us to contribute.
  • Ward families provide a laboratory to learn and practice the gospel.
  • Love whatever war you are in--participate in it, enjoy it, learn from it.
W. Eugene Hansen -The Search for Happiness
  • Often it is the work and sacrifice one experiences in obtaining money for a worthwhile purpose that produces the most satisfaction.
  • "Happiness does not always require success, prosperity or attainment. It is often the joy of hopeful struggle, consecration of purpose and energy to some good end. Real happiness ever has its root in unselfishness--its blossom in love of some kind."
  • One of the most critical challenges mankind faces today is to recognize the difference between happiness and mere pleasure.
  • "If you won't hear, then you'll have to feel."
  • If we would all listen more, it would not be necessary to have to feel so often in that sense.
  • "True happiness is lived over and over again in memory, always with a renewal of the original good; a moment of unholy pleasure may leave a barbed sting, which, like a thorn in the flesh, is an ever-present source of anguish.
Ronald E. Poelman -Divine Forgiveness
  • "Return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you."
  • The Lord's gift of forgiveness, however, is not complete until it is accepted. True and complete repentance is a process by which we may become reconciled with God ad accept the divine gift of forgiveness.
  • I know in whom I have trusted.
  • Cease to do evil.
  • Learn to do well.
Richard G. Scott -Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge
  • "You must ... see that .. searching the scriptures is not a burden laid upon [us] by the Lord, but a marvelous blessing and opportunity."
  • Principles are concentrated truth, packaged for application to a wide variety of circumstances. A true principle makes decisions clear even under the most confusing and compelling circumstances.
  • To acquire spiritual knowledge and to obey it with wisdom, one must:
    • In humility, seek divine light.
    • Exercise faith in Jesus Christ.
    • Hearken to His counsel.
    • Keep His commandments.
  • As spiritual knowledge unfolds, it must be understood, valued, obeyed, remembered, and expanded.
  • "From my boyhood I have desired to learn the principles of the gospel in such a way ... that it would matter not to me who might fall from the truth, ... my foundation would be ... certain in the truths ... I have learned."
  • Seek divine light.
  • "Put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good--yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit.
  • "I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill your soul with joy;
  • "And ... by this shall you know, all things whatsoever you desire of me, which are pertaining unto things of righteousness, in faith believing in me that you shall receive."
  • Humility is essential to the acquiring of spiritual knowledge. to be humble is to be teachable. Humility permits you to be tutored by the Spirit and to be taught from sources inspired by the Lord, such as the scriptures. The seeds of personal growth and understanding germinate and flourish in the fertile soil of humility. Their fruit is spiritual knowledge to guide you here and hereafter.
  • A proud individual cannot know the things of the Spirit.
  • Since it requires much personal effort to gain and use worthwhile knowledge, you cannot endlessly sample from every fascinating arena of life. Therefore, you should select carefully a few vital areas where you can focus energy to learn and share vital truths. I know that to gain knowledge of great worth requires extraordinary personal effort.
  • Spiritual knowledge is not available merely for the asking; even prayers are not enough. It takes persistence and dedication of one's life. ... Of all reassures of knowledge, the most vital is the knowledge of God."
General Relief Society Meeting

M. Russell Ballard -Equality through Diversity
  • Our Father in Heaven loves all of His children equally, perfectly, and infinitely. His love is no different for His daughters than for His sons. Our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, also loves men an women equally. His atonement and His gospel are for all of God's children. During His earthly ministry Jesus served men an women alike: He healed both men and women and He taught both men and women.
  • The gospel of Jesus Christ can sanctify both men and women in the same way and by identical principles.
  • Even though men and women are equal before God in their eternal opportunities, they have different, but equally significant, duties in His eternal plan. We must understand that God views all of His children with infinite wisdom and perfect fairness. Consequently, He can acknowledge and even encourage our differences while providing equal opportunity for growth and development.
  • Both men and women are to serve their families and others, but the specific ways in which they do so are sometimes different. For example, God has revealed through his prophets that men are to receive the priesthood, become fathers, and with gentleness and pure, unfeigned love they are to lead and nurture their families in righteousness as the Savior leads the Church. They have been given the primary responsibility for the temporal and physical needs of the family. Women have the power to bring children into the world and have been given the primary duty and opportunity as mothers to lead, nurture, and teach them in a loving, spiritual environment. In this divine partnership, husbands and wives support one another in their God-given capacities. By appointing different accountability's to men and women, Heavenly Father provides the greatest opportunity for growth, service, and progress. He did not give different tasks to men and women simply to perpetuate the idea of a family; rather, he did so to ensure that the family can continue forever, the ultimate goal of our Heavenly Father's eternal plan.
  • Let us not judge others, because we do not know their situation nor do we know what common sense and personal revelation have led them to do.
  • Ideally, the Church and the family do not inhibit our progress. They expedite it by putting our feet firmly on the gospel path that leads us back God.
  • Personal revelation is personal, indeed. It is not based on gender or position but on worthiness. It comes in response to sincere inquiry. However, revelation for the Church comes only through the lord's prophets, seers, and revelators.
  • First, focus on the fundamentals.
  • Second, maintain balance.
  • Remember that most things have been put into place by God and simply are not subject to change.
  • This is God's plan; we do not have the prerogative to alter or tamper with it.
  • Third, reach out to one another with love, for "charity never faileth."
  • Never forget that the Lord may work a miracle in their lives through you.
Aileen H. Clyde -Relief Society: Charity, the Guiding Principle
  • We knew that women struggling to clarify their identities could best do that not by comparing themselves to other women but by understanding their important place as full and equal partners with men in receiving, in righteousness, the saving ordinances established by Christ.
  • We would not try to describe an ideal Mormon woman. We would seek instead to teach that Christ is our model and that as we are filled with his love, we are his disciples.
  • Whether you belong to a long-established ward or a struggling branch, what you bring to the work as a participating member will greatly affect what happens to you and to the others around you. Teaching and saving souls, seeing that "none is neglected," is a great cause. This work calls on us all and calls for our honest best.
  • Love is not just good, it is essential to life.
Chieko N. Okazaki -Strength in the Savior
  • That's where strong families come from--from strong individuals.
  • There is great diversity in LDS homes. But all of these homes can be righteous homes where individuals love each other, love the Lord, and strengthen each other.
  • Strong families build strong individuals who, in turn, strengthen other family members. We take turns in lifting each other.
  • I believe the strength we need can always be there because it comes form the Savior and his love. Sometimes our own faith enables us to draw on the love. Sometimes it is the faith and love of others that strengthen us.
  • "With God nothing shall be impossible."
  • "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."
  • "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen tee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
  • "Seek the Lord and his strength ... continually."
  • "Blessed is the man [or woman] whose strength is in thee. ... Go from strength to strength."
  • Sisters, strengthen yourselves by seeking the source of true strength--the Savior. Come unto him. He loves you. He desires your happiness and exults in your desires for righteousness. make him your strength, your daily companion, your rod and your staff. Let him comfort you. There is no burden we need bear alone. His grace compensates for our deficiencies.
  • Your strength will strengthen others--your children, your husband, your friends, and your sisters in the gospel. That strength will flow back from them to you when you need it.
Jeanne Inouye -"Be of Good Cheer"
  • I did not need to be afraid.
  • Motherhood entails difficult decisions.
  • "Some women, because of circumstances beyond their control, must work, We understand that. ... Do not, however, make the mistake of being drawn off into secondary tasks which will cause the neglect of your eternal assignments such as giving birth to and rearing the spirit children of our Father in Heaven. Pray carefully over all your decisions."
  • When we have been honest with ourselves and humble before the Lord in decisions about work and in the myriad decisions involved in mothering, we can go forward with courage. "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
  • I have learned that we may almost always have too much to do.
  • To accept the guidance of our Heavenly Father, through the scriptures and through his prophets, is a source of much strength and courage. We may not be able to do everything, but he will bless us in our efforts to do those things that he has asked us to do.
  • God will give mothers guidance concerning the individual needs of their children.
Elaine L. Jack -"Ponder the Path of Thy Feet"
  • Even though we live in very difficult and challenging times, we are on the path to eternal life, and we cannot afford to be delayed or deterred.
  • Indeed we stand before the world today to rejoice--not in the power of men and women--but in the goodness of God.
  • Sisters, the time is past when we can merely believe. We must be passionate in our beliefs. Women hunger for things of the Spirit.
  • "Lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better."
  • We are women with spiritual strength!
  • Remember that the spirit is not the same as self. The spirit is not enhanced by selfishness, self-pity, self-pride, and self-deception. "To be spiritually-minded is life eternal."
  • Our spirituality is also recharged by each other. show charity for each other. Show understanding, not judgment; kindness, not blame; joy, not envy. love as the Lord loves.
  • We are women with a sense of purpose!
  • Sisters, turn to the Lord. He cares so deeply for our happiness and our well-being. Talk with him earnestly and often, and your answers will come.
  • look at your priorities.
  • For those who have young and growing children, they are our first priority. I am not speaking of maintenance, not the wash, not the windows. I am speaking of loving our children and teaching them righteous principles.
  • We are women of commitment!
  • We are women who know the blessings of the priesthood.
  • Now, once again, may I say, "Ponder the path of thy feet." Look to the Lord for direction and guidance.
Russell M. Nelson -Combating Spiritual Drift--Our Global Pandemic
  • We see evidences of increasing ethnic strife and hatred. Nationalism seems to be taking priority over brotherly love.
  • Religion must shoulder greater responsibility in healing the spiritual sickness that engulfs our globe.
  • Human nature cannot be changed by reforming public policy; that kind of change comes by exposing the human mind and heart to the transforming teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • We regard a saint as a believer in Christ, one who knows of His perfect love and who strives to live in accord with His commandments. The term connotes a high level of commitment to following the Savior.
  • "The Lord doth grant unto all nations, of their own nation and tongue, to teach his word."
  • Our origins did not spring from protest of any kind; hence, we are not a Protestant denomination. Rather, we understand that the church of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth, established, as the Apostle Paul once declared, "upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone."
  • Sincere study of the Book of Mormon transforms the spirit and engenders a testimony of Jesus Christ that heals the spiritual hearts of men and women throughout the world.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Involved dogs....I was getting stuff from our trailblazer and there was this mail woman who was trying to take my dog pepper from me because she was tied up in the back corner of the truck. I took her from the woman and left only to have her horse come after me and nip me constantly on my bottom and running into the home didn't stop the horse from following me inside. EeEoowww!!

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
