Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What Is Real?

They're on to me.


For years it's been questioned, even asked, but never proven as a fact.


I don't eat real food.


That's right.
I'm a vampire.
I admit it.
Hence why I love the night!

Totally kidding. :)

But the 'real food' thing....I guess is true?

For at work today, I happened to take my lunch break at the same time as Taar.

As I sat down to eat, she asked me.
"Sarnic...what are you eating?"

I looked down and was like... O.o "An oats and honey sunbelt bar." and then I also showed her the Ritz cracker package I also had -the one from the commercial, Huge crackers with cheese in the middle. It's good!

And she was like. "You know, I have never seen you eat real food here."

And I was like. O.o Crackers and Sunbelt bars aren't real food? I shrugged.

Apparently not.

Isn't snack food real food?

Apparently not.

lol I have no idea what this 'real food' thing is.
I've heard of it.
Had it harped at me often enough that I needed to eat more real food....
But whatever I think is real food....apparently isn't.

I'm guessing for Taar and the others, real food would be considered 'Noodles, Sandwiches, Fast food' basically anything that you can microwave slash put both hands on...that has a bit of a 'healthy' flare to it. Like...veggies, grains, meat...

I do eat those things. :)
Just not at work.

No reason in particular...
It's quick and easy to just bring snack foods.
I didn't come to work to eat, I came to work. So I just snack on my breaks and have real food when I get home. (heh...real food. Ha.)
I handle so many different animals/bugs/fish in a day, that I don't want to prepare something and have the smell on my hands (because that doesn't always go away after washing them.) put me off my meal. Snack foods don't have much of a smell.)
Plus...how sanitary is it...to prepare food in the break room? No idea.

Honestly. I can get by on a little.
I mean, I'm not at work that long, I can get by on snack foods.
I'm more the type to eat little things throughout the day then to go for bigger meals anyway. :)

So don't worry. ;)
I do eat 'real food'
whatever it is...
At least I think I do....

What is real food?
I should get an answer at some point.

;) So I can for sure avoid it in the future. hehe.

Kidding. Once I figure out this 'real food' thing....I'll probably find a way to bring some with me, if i can keep them in my locker. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was with friends, driving through the campus to get to a building.
For we were all going to a Vocal Point Concert.
I did see some of the concert, the guys were great. And cute. And amazing.
But...I guess during intermission...tragedy struck.
Lacey...who was sitting with us, died.
Not like died died.
She was alive....and there.
But all of a sudden she was like "Soo I'm dead."
And she gathered her things and left to go to the 'otherside.'
I felt horrible, because she was supposed to go on a mission. She'd just given her farewell talk. She wasn't supposed to die.
But that seemed to start the flood gates...I think Melanie also...died...but she became Taylor, and Taylor admitted that she had also died. So I guess everyone was visiting me in spirit or something? Because she came to me to tell me that she was dead, and that she wanted to say goodbye. Jessica was also there....she's also on a mission. And she was also telling me her goodbyes. For she was dead too. And it was...just emotional. Heart wrenching, that all my friends had come by, to give me stuff, to tell me things...to say goodbye....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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