Saturday, March 30, 2013

Ruby Eyed Aggression

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

I'm surprised I'm a lefty.

Because seriously...that hand takes ALOT of abuse.
I guess it comes with the territory though.
If you use the hand're more likely to hurt it.
So if I was a righty...I would probably hurt that hand more then I do.

In any case.
My poor left hand took a bit of abuse this week.
From a Red Eyed, White Haired, Crazy Russian Hamster.

The poor creature just has gone berserk this week.

I think he think I'm going to take his food or something.

Because when I did bedding changes.
I put his food in the cage, and was rearranging the bedding around the food.
As the hamsters like to move the bedding around to reveal the bottom of the cage, and I didn't want that to be seen as I like the bedding more.
pain on my middle finger.
He totally nipped me.
Left two little red marks.

I was like.

I shook my hand, sanitized it, and moved on.
Thinking...alright, probably startled you, it won't happen again.


Two days later, I got around to feeding the hamsters again.
-Due to different bedding changes everyday, I'm not always the one who gets to feed the Hamsters in the morning.
Well, I got to this time.
And again.
I was rearranging some of the objects in the cage, having just barely fed the little Russian.
I was minding my own business.
And he literally jumped at me, jaws agape to puncture my ring finger!
Totally drew blood. I had to wear a bandaid.
-The first time I didn't. It wasn't that deep.
No. This time.
He totally wanted to make it hurt.
And it did.
He's super lucky I didn't fling him across the room.
Very lucky.

Needless to say.
I've been very careful sticking my hand into that cage the last couple of days.
Watching him like a hawk to make sure my hand stays safe the entire time.

I'm not quite sure what's made him snap like this.
I's food...I'm not taking it from you.
actually giving it more.

I'm thinking he's gone a bit stir crazy.
Stuck in a little cage for days on end.
And he's getting aggressive
because he's not being handled and tamed down.
I don't know if he will tame down now. :(

Why is it that the albinos are the hardest to sell?
We have four cages each with a single white Fancy/Russian in it.
And they've been in there for months.
January, Februaryish.
I feel so bad for them.
As bad as I feel for the two poor ruby eyed Winter White's we got around Christmas that still haven't found a home.

Red Eyes.
White fur
Difficulty to sell.

Personally...I think after like a month or two....we should put those guys on discount.
Because they're just getting older....
Harder to tame.
More aggressive.

Good news, this biting Russian has been put on discount :D

You know...cus he BIT ME TWICE!

Bad discount for the others.

Oh well...there's a pet owner out there for every one of them.


Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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