Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Good Time

I'm so glad, that I bought a ticket to go see BYU Vocal Point for tonight.
As I really needed a fun distraction to distract me.
To cheer me up from the sadness of the past couple of days.

Because honestly, I was in a dark mood yesterday.
Dark enough that I was rather....short at work with people.
And dark enough that I was really glad that I had a short shift,
because I struggled the two hours of the store being open that I was there...
to keep up a cheerful countenance with my coworkers and the customers.
When I really just wanted to snap every one's head off.

Yah....I just wasn't in a great mood.
So going to go see Vocal Point,
literally was a beam of light on a cloudy day.

To laugh, have fun, and participate with these guys while they goofed off on stage was great!

Even better, I ran into my old roommate and her husband from my first year of college.
They don't know how much I needed to just talk for a bit with someone I knew.
For I went to the concert by myself, and while the company around me was great...
I just needed somebody to connect to.
and they did that for me.
It helped alot to just have a brief conversation with them.
And know that someone actually knows me here.

That made the concert even more enjoyable.

But Vocal Point totally stole the show.
It was so much fun.

And just what I needed to cheer up. :)

Great job guys as always! ^^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream.....I woke up feeling well...depressed. whatever I had dreamed, it wasn't cheerful.  

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