Saturday, March 2, 2013

Go Find The Fish!

Losing a bag of fish.
In the store.
I didn't think it was possible but....
It happened today.

A customer came into the store right as we opened.
And asked for some feeder goldfish.
My coworker bagged it up and we went on our merry way.
My merry way being on a break.
Well. When I got back she told me.
That the customer had come back to her and said/asked:
"I've lost my bag of fish down one of your aisles. Can you find it for me?"
How can you lose a bag of fish on our aisles?!?!!?
lol I'm sure my coworker had the same impression.
Yah...apparently the customer got distracted with their dog, set down the bag....and spaced where they'd set it down.
(my coworker says that this guy comes in alot...and constantly seems like they're it's not too hard to believe that they did lose the bag of fish I suppose.)
My coworker did look down the aisles of our department, but didn't see anything.
So she ended up bagging up some more fish for them and they went on their merry way.

I ended up walking up and down all the aisles in the store looking for this bag of fish.
And didn't see it.
Both of us kinda assumed the the customer had probably stolen the fish, hiding it under their jacket or something....though I don't know why they'd want to steal feeder fish...they're like a quarter each....

In any case...I put the missing bag of fish out of my mind.
Assuming that in a couple of weeks...if not a few days we would find the bag of fish by the smell.
lol as I assumed that they'd probably been placed behind something....and we wouldn't find it that way.

Yet, later, near the end of my shift I was helping a different customer with some African Dwarf Frogs. They wanted to know what kind of food to feed them,
so I lead them down the aisle.
And there they were.
Sitting next to some filters.
The bag of fish!
I snatched it up with a triumphant AH HA!!!
lol the others gave me a weird look, but understood when I explained lol.
yep, the little gold fishies are back in their tank now. :)
Apparently I went up the aisle on my search when I should have gone down, as the bag was placed so that if you came from the wrong wouldn't see it.

I'm just glad we don't have to worry about finding a bag of dead fish in the future lol. :) (as those are super smelly! Trust me...I know. :S)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was watching a fencing competition. And there was this cute guy. He kinda looked like the actor Sterling Knight. Behind Kikay and I, were a camera crew. And I commented that I knew the guy. They got all impressed and wanted to know if we were dating or anything and I was like. O.o No...I talked to him for the first time in my institute class a couple of days ago. I hadn't known that he was like this famous fencing guy. Top of his class. And I found it difficult not to root for him, as he was on an enemy team and my Sister's fencing group was also competing.
It was a bit....saddening, as Sterling's group treated Kikay's group like they were children. real amateurs because Sterling's group were more Olympic in training then Kikay's. It also didn't help that Kikay's old boss lead that group...and he was obsessed with perfection.
Yet...after the competition...I think I left before it ended, I found Sterling...practicing/warming up for a concert. I actually think that he found me playing the flute (I have no idea how to play the flute) and he joined in. With this whole band. He was really impressed with my playing and invited me to join, but I didn't believe I was that great...but we were walking around an older mansion home type place holding hands when...

The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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