Monday, June 30, 2014

April 2000 General Conference Sunday Morning

Thomas S. Monson -Your Eternal Home
  • First, be an example in word.
  • "Let your words tend to edifying one another."
  • Second, be an example in conversion.
  • Third, be an example in charity.
  • Fourth, be an example in spirit.
  • Fifth, be an example in faith.
  • Finally, be an example in purity.
Joseph B. Wirthlin -Finding a Safe Harbor
  • Be assured that there is a safe harbor. You can find peace amidst the storms that threaten you. Your Heavenly Father--who knows when even a sparrow falls--knows of your heartache and suffering. He loves you and wants the best for you. Never doubt this.
  • Draw close to the Lord Jesus Christ. He bears a special love for those who suffer. He is the Son of God, an eternal king. In His mortal ministry He loved them and blessed them.
  • To the meek and discouraged, His every word was one of compassion and encouragement. To the sick, He brought a healing balm. Those who yearned for hope, who yearned for a caring touch, received it from the hand of this King of Kings, this Creator of ocean, earth, and sky.
  • Do you suppose that today He is any less inclined to aid those who suffer, who are sick, or who appeal to the Father in prayer for succor?
  • Be of good cheer.
  • Adversity can strengthen and refine us.
  • Adversity is necessary to build character in people.
  • You are stronger than you think.
  • You are not alone.
  • When we work together to benefit those in need, "we eliminate the weakness of one person standing alone and substitute the strength of many serving together. While we may not be able to do everything, we can and must do something."
  • Of course, your brothers and sisters in the Church are not to solve your problems for you. It has been my experience that when we do for others what they can and ought to do for themselves, we often weaken rather than strengthen them. But your brothers and sisters will be at your side to strengthen you, encourage you, and help you.
  • As you overcome adversity in your life, you will become stronger. Then you will be better able to help others--those who are working, in their turn, to find a safe harbor from the storms that rage about them.
  • At times we may be tempted to think the Savior is oblivious to our trials. In fact, the reverse is true; it is we who need to be awakened in our hearts to His teachings.
  • Use your ingenuity, your strength, your might to resolve your challenges. Do all you can do and then leave the rest to the Lord.
  • Living the gospel does not mean the storms of life will pass us by, but we will be better prepared to face them with serenity and peace.
  • Draw close to the Lord Jesus Christ. Be of good cheer. Keep the faith. Doubt not. The storms will one day be stilled.
Earl C. Tingey -The Widows of Zion
  • Being alone is foreign to our sisters when they become widows. They want to be helpful and to contribute to the well-being of others. Many have limitations because of poor health. They want to remain faithful so they may one day join their eternal companions. They can teach us much about faith.
  • "Let each company bear an equal proportion, according to the dividend of their property, in taking the poor, the widows, the fatherless, and the families of those who have gone into the army, that the cries of the widow and the fatherless come not up into the ears of the Lord against this people."
  • To you wonderful sisters who find yourselves as widows, please know that God loves you. You are the choice among the choice.
Mary Ellen Smoot -We Are Creators
  • You might say, "I'm not creative." I'm here to tell you, you are.
  • "Sculptors of life are we, with our uncarved souls before us. Everyone of us is carving a soul."
  • I believe that we carve souls--our own and others--every day.
    • First, go where the Spirit directs.
  • Be still and listen.
    • Second, don't be paralyzed from fear of making mistakes.
  • Thrust your hands into the clay of your lives and begin.
  • The time for procrastination is over. Begin! Don't be afraid. Do the best you can. Of course you will make mistakes. Everyone does. Learn from them and move forward.
    • Third, support others along the way.
    • Finally, rejoice.
  • Creation isn't drudgery. Creation flows from love. When we do what we love, we rejoice along the way.
Henry B. Eyring -Watch Over and Strengthen
  • First, to the newly called: Confidence depends on your seeing the call for what it is. Your call to serve is not from human beings. It is a trust from God.
  • The faithful servant prays that even the apparently smallest task will be done as God would have it done. It makes all the difference to work and to pray for His success more than for our own.
  • You may have confidence in the Lord's service. The Savior will help you do what He has called you to do.
  • You may pray for help enough to do the work and know that  it will come.
  • We are to watch and strengthen. And each of us has almost endless chances to do it.
Gordon B. Hinckley -My Testimony
  • Jesus is my friend. None other has given me so much.
  • He is my exemplar. His way of life, His absolutely selfless conduct, His outreach to those in need, His final sacrifice all stand as an example to me. I cannot measure up entirely, but I can try.
  • He marked the path and led the way, And ev'ry point defines To light and life and endless day Where God's full presence shines.
  • He is my teacher. No other voice ever spoke such wondrous language as that of the Beatitudes:
    • "And seeing the multitudes, ... he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,
    • "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
    • "Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
    • "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
    • "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
    • "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
    • "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
    • "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God.
    • "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
  • He is my healer.
  • He is my leader.
  • He is my Savior and my Redeemer. Through giving His life I pain and unspeakable suffering, He has reached down to lift me and each of us and all the sons and daughters of God from the abyss of eternal darkness following death.
  • He is my God and my King.
  • None other can take His place. None other ever will.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was at my parents house, estatically opening the present from my brother. It was a poster...supposedly of The Winter Soldier. But when I opened it was a negative poster of Peggy Carter and Captain America, with a faded Bucky in the background. Apparently my brother had ordered the wrong poster by accident or they'd sent us the wrong one, so we were trying to figure out how to get a different poster....

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Sunday, June 29, 2014

I wants some space.

Today was one of those days,
Where I really just should have stayed home, curled up in a blanket, reading a book.
And not talked to people in any way.
No phone,
No text.
No chat.
No verbal conversation/socialization.

Because it seems like every single conversation brings up some factor that just tenses me up.

And since I've been tense for most of the week....
Today hasn't totally helped.

I mean, it's had it's ups and downs.
Ups because I've been able to talk out issues.
But downs, because it exposes other issues, or points out problems I'm not in the mood to deal with....

So basically.
I didn't want to talk to anyone.
Because I'm trying to distress my life by not thinking about the stressor's in my life.
Because I really don't have the time right now to deal with them.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream.

I was at work, in the storage area, when a woman came in and told all of us that we had failed the task (which was odd we'd only worked at it for a lil bit) and she let loose a flood of water to 'wash' us out. /drown us. But we all managed to escape -though it was close for a boy that I was super worried wouldn't make it,- by climbing up the steel beams to the top where there were a pile of fall colored leaves for us to eat. Our only source of survival. But while up on top of the beams we discovered these mechanical crosses that helped to transport us -like a hang glider- away from that place to a different world, but we would travel back to that area to gather supplies like coming back to 'work' for a bit in order to sneak in and steal things from the woman and the like, and each time we came back we had slightly more advanced means of transportation. the last being a sort of rocket car/plane that allowed us to take off straight from the parking lot. But the last time we traveled back...we encountered dinosaurs. We'd entered the 'Age of Extinction.' somehow and were unsure if we could get back to a different time.

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Saturday, June 28, 2014

A Fishy Idea

I had an idea while at work.
About Fish.

You see, on occasion we have people come in, wanting fish for events.
Parties, Graduations, Birthdays, Weddings.

And unfortunately for them,
we either can't sell them the fish they were looking to make their centerpieces.
Or else we would be out of the fish they needed, or wouldn't have them in the colors they needed.

So while I was changing the water of our Bettas.

I had this thought.

What if there was a company called "Rent-a-Fish"
(It wouldn't surprise me if this already exists)

Where you can rent fish for events.
There would be a company that would carry hundreds of different fish for centerpieces on tables.
Some would be just in bowls, others in creative fish tanks that look like centerpieces. (vases and such, but work as actual tanks so the fish can have flowing water)

The customer just has to come to the location (or look online)
And pick out the colors of the fish they need, and what they want their centerpieces to look like.
And the online generator (or person in the store) would direct them to the fish that work with those specifications.
If the customer wants specific types of fish, then they will have to deal with those fish's requirements.

In any case.
There would probably be an overall cost for how many fish they want, the tanks themselves, and the setup/takedown/drivetoandfrom portion of the business.
(Which I'd have to figure out a good midpoint price for this so that it's not crazy expensive, but the customers won't just turn to a local fish store to get everything for less.)

We would probably have guarantees as well.
Like "If you have a fish die while at the event you'll get a 25% refund. Two fish die 30% etc..."
And depending on how many fish (like if you have over 100 then the percentage would be less than if you have like 4 fish or one centerpiece tank.) you order, would depend on that percentage.

And then, if the customers want to give away the fish as presents.
They would be able to take the fish home (for a particular price per fish. again not expensive, but less than petstores...hope we don't go broke!) but we would be able to have the money to restock on fish we'd just lost from our inventory (by breeding ourselves, or buying from a breeder)

More likely we would have the options of "Take it home with you!" Or "You take it back!"
That will also allow us to better meet the needs of the customers so that the fish is an easy present to take care of instead of work....and not as likely to die as soon as the people go home.

Yah, there would still be a bunch of bugs to kink out.
But still, it does have some merit don't you think? :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.

Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was in the middle of a heist sort of thing. Where there were people chasing after me and my partner to get at something we had stolen. But we were too smart for them, because they were adults, and we were kids. Which meant that they would keep underestimating us, making it easy for us to get away. But there was one woman who wasn't fooled, she knew not to be deceived (kinda seemed like Miss Adler) and kept strong on my trail. I don't think she knew all that I -as a scratch- (sort of witch) could do. (specialty explosions to distract) and so she and her hunch men were able to follow us all up and down a hotel that me and my partner were hiding out in. -Where a murder happened to happen, and they thought that we were the cause of it, but we weren't. But they knew that we had an item she wanted, and so as I ran down the halls, trapped, but not trapped, I came up with a plan that involved me pretending to live on a different floor and had me trying to get into a different hotel room by pretending to be the sick girl who lived there....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Friday, June 27, 2014

Out The Window

There is something about long drives that I enjoy.

It may be that my family didn't have movies to watch, or rarely electronic means of entertainment when we were younger. Instead, it was coloring books, road games, and reading.

And of course.
Looking out the window.

I didn't much enjoy this last option when it was dark. It wasn't fun to look out into darkness.
But during the day?
It actually is enjoyable.

To watch plains become forests become mountains become valleys.
The changing scenery.
All the different places to see as we drive by.

It can be inspiring at times.
Or just relaxing in general.

The knowledge that you're heading away from your current life.
To take a break from it.
And enjoy a few days of relaxation.

It's great.
And the scenery passing by on the outside, is fun to watch.
Especially if we're on the look for certain landmarks.
Or wildlife.
Or big foot. >.> <.<

In any case.

My kids are probably going to hate me when we go on vaca's.
Because I'm going to make them look out the window instead of putting in a movie for their entertainment. And let them experience the wonder of the outdoors as we drive through it. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, June 26, 2014

"That's All of 'Em"

In 1918 Brother George Goates was a farmer who raised sugar beets in Lehi, Utah.
Winter came early that year and froze much of his beet crop in the ground.
For George and his young son Francis, the harvest was slow and difficult.
Meanwhile, an influenza epidemic was raging.
The dreaded disease claimed the lives of George's son Charles and three of Charles's small children--two little girls, and a boy.
In the course of only six days, a grieving George Goates made three separate trips to Odgen, Utah, to bring the bodies home for burial.
At the end of this terrible interlude, George and Francis hitched up their wagon and headed back to the beet field.

"[On the way] they passed wagon after wagon-load of beets being hauled to the factory and driven by neighborhood farmers.
As they passed by, each driver would wave a greeting: 'Hi ya, Uncle George,' 'Sure sorry, George,' 'Tough break, George,' 'You've got a lot of friends, George.'

"On the last wagon was ... freckled-faced Jasper Rolfe.
He waved a cheery greeting and called out: 'That's all of 'em, Uncle George.'

"[Brother Goates] turned to Francis and said: 'I wish it was all ours.'

"When they arrived at the farm gate, Francis jumped down off the big red beet wagon and opened the gate as [his father] drove onto the field.
[George] pulled up, stopped the team, ... and scanned the field.
... There wasn't a sugar beet on the whole field.
Then it dawned upon him what Jasper Rolfe meant when he called out: 'That's all of 'em, Uncle George!'

"[George] got down off the wagon, picked up a handful of the rich, brown soil he loved so much, and then ... a beet top, and he looked for a moment at these symbols of his labor, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Then [he] sat down on a pile of beet tops--this man who brought four of his loved ones home for burial in the course of only six days; made caskets, dug graves, and even helped with the burial clothing--this amazing man who never faltered, nor flinched, nor wavered throughout this agonizing, ordeal--sat down on a pile of beet tops and sobbed like a little child.

"Then he arose, wiped his eyes, ... looked up at the sky, and said: 'Thanks, Father, for the elders of our ward.'"

-D. Todd Christofferson - The Priesthood Quorum -October 1998 General Conference

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

...Involved being annoyed at my grandmother, and reading the scriptures. But reading them wasn't helping, it was only making me angrier....


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Back To Work

There are days,
When things get out of hand.
For my tolerance of stress.

And when those days happen,
My shoulders/back/neck tense up.
Creating headaches
That just stubbornly won't go away.

Everything I try,
It just lingers.

Which is bad for ever wanting to get anything done.

And when the headache doesn't go away.

It usually means that I have two options that will finally make it leave.

One. Sleep it off.

And when that doesn't help.

Go to work.

Because when I'm not focused on the headache, but focused on customers or tasks at hand,
Moving about, warming up my muscles.
Helps to relax them.
And relaxed muscles means a relaxed head.

Which means, Finally. My headache goes away.

Of course, that doesn't mean it stays away always.
>.< Sometimes things trigger it back.
But most of the time, while at work,
I can find relief from these headaches.

And that's the best feeling.
To not have one.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sooo Cloooose

It was like a siren call to me.

The Red Rocks.

We drove right past them.

My Red Rocks.

If only, if only I had been in the driver's seat.

Then we would have gone to those Red Rocks.

Seriously. We would have.
Most everyone was asleep at that point, when the exit came up.
To go to Arches.
They probably wouldn't have realized what had happened until I turned into the gateway to Arches National Park.

Only, I wasn't driving.
So I had no control.
Which is good...I suppose.
We were on our way to a different destination.
And adding in an extra three...or more hours,
into an already full day of driving.
Probably have meant an unhappy family.

So instead,
I stared longingly out the window.

Watching all the red rocks pass by me.

Still, I got to see the Park from a different view point.
Still too far away for my liking,
But I could tell the rocks were red.
I may have even seen one of the arches. ^^;;

I really, really, really need to get back down there soon.

There are so many canyons, arches, and towers to explore.

I actually mentally was plotting.
I would pick a direction and drive, stop, hike, drive some more, explore, until my gas tank reached the halfway empty mark.
And then, I would return to my 'base' camp.
Wherever that may be. To refill, and set out in a different direction the next day.

Then, then I shall explore those Red Rocks to my heart's content!

This I shall do.


But it didn't happen on this journey away from home. :(
The Red Rocks will have to wait.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, June 20, 2014

Wounded, But Not Bitten...Kinda

I got 'bit' again the other day.

Don't worry, it wasn't an animal bite. :)
No more monitor lizards here!

No, instead I was 'bitten' by an inanimate object.
A box cutter to be more precise.

How so? Well, there I was, doing what the blade was meant to do.
Cutting open boxes so that I could get into the contents inside.
When the box cutter slipped....and 'bit' me. Right in the thumb.

I hadn't really been surprised that this happened.
The two boxes before this one had had seams that the cutter didn't flow smoothly through, due to how the pieces had all come together and then been taped shut.

I was just like. "Well shoot!"
And then.
It started bleeding.

Again, not unexpected, but...definitely hoped that it wouldn't happen.
It happened.

So I quickly grabbed a paper towel, and went to treat my injury.

Do you know how annoying it is to have a cut on the thumb?
Super annoying!
Because wrapping a Band-Aid around it, limited the movement of that thumb.
Not to mention every time I would try to move it, my thumb would ache and throb.

It still hurts actually.
But at least it stopped bleeding! :)

Note to self....Watch where the blade of the box cutter is going, and get my hand out of the way! :) lol

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Editor's Note: I will most likely not be posting for the next couple of days. :) VACA!! :D

The Dream

There was a movie shot of an old creamy colored brick/rock sort of temple that had the look of neglect to it. It looked like it could be a pyramid high up in the mountains away from civilization, as it faced the edge of a cliff. There were other buildings as well, with it surrounded by a high brick wall. It was known as a palace centuries ago, and the kings/queens of Spain would rule from there isolated from their kingdom and it's corrupting ways. There was this king, who had had a lot of children, but only one was meant to rule. It was a young boy, with dark hair, who only appeared to be 12-14 years old. His favorite spot in the palace had been the spot that I first viewed, this crumbling pyramid thing on the edge of a cliff. But it wasn't really a cliff, it was a spot that emptied into a big hole. As this place, back then, had been a pool area for the Prince. He would go there all the time for various reasons. One day he and his advisor were there when there came a riot to the Castle. The prince went to run away, but got cut off from one side, he tried to take a different route, where the water would have flowed into the pool, but encountered the heinous cry of the minotaur (the bullman) and had fled back to the now empty pool, where he'd slipped on a rock and fallen, hitting his head on the arm of a rock chair that was in the middle of the pool and dying. The advisor had found the minotaur -who hadn't meant to kill the child with his cries, he'd been calling out for some other reason.- the poor minotaur was so distraught over the death of the prince...that the advisor admitted, that the prince actually hadn't died. and he showed how all the sea creatures -dolphins, whales, frogs -all cartoonized/looking like live stuffed animals- had covered the rock chair so that the boy had landed on them (and been covered by them.) so he would live. He brought the boy up out of the water, -they were now on a beach- and he came out onto land. As he'd now been living temporary with a Japanese family -who were amused with his American ways- And he'd been doing his best to live to their standards, as the father was a strict man, not to be messed with. The prince got on well enough with the family's only son, who was about his same age. They had been on the beach, digging holes -with a couple other people- and encountering treasures. To much nervousment of one of the people (can't remember if it was a woman or a man) as they didn't want the satellites to see them doing this and track them down. We'd pulled out a giant Tiffany lamp/sword thing, among other treasures, when suddenly above a giant airplane hovered along the beach. On the side were the words "Presidential Flight" It was the president of the United States, come to the country, more particular to see the Father. And the beach, was a hidden landing zone. Which we quickly vacated. It wasn't the smoothest of landings for the president, as we had been unknowingly digging through the landing strip searching for treasure, but he made it to the ground alright, apparently. The boy didn't see the landing, as he'd dashed back into the house to politely inform the Japanese father that the president was there. Only he didn't really get the chance to as the father was busy. He hid behind a door with his friend, though it wasn't much of a hiding place as there was a window cut into the door (circular) and the president saw them through it and went to investigate why the two boys were hiding there. The American felt an immediate connect with the president, mostly because there was someone who was 'as white as him' there. But he didn't get much chance to say anything as the father came in at that point, and the boys scrambled to get out of the way....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Thursday, June 19, 2014

After The Party

When I was a boy, my mother had to go to work at Garfield Smelter and work like a man to help support the seven children.
She worked the graveyard shift as much as she could, I'm sure to be with us during the day.
I don't know when the poor woman slept.
One Saturday morning, she got off work about 7:00 or 8:00 A.M.
She went to bed for a couple of hours and then got up.
She had invited all her relatives to dinner.
There must have been 35 or 40.
She decorated the tables and arranged the chairs and put all the dishes and silverware out.
She cooked and baked all day long.
The dirty pots and pans and dishes stacked up.

Everyone came to dinner, and after dinner all the dirty dishes were brought into the kitchen.
The food was cleared and stacked on the table and cupboards; then the kitchen door was closed and the family began to visit.
It was about 8:00 P.M.

I remember standing all alone in the kitchen.
In my young mind, I thought: My mother worked all night; she has worked all day to get this dinner.
When everyone leaves, she will have to do the dishes and put the food away.
It will take two or three hours, and that's not fair.
Then I thought, I will do them.

I washed the dishes, did the silverware, the glassware.
We didn't have an electric dishwasher; ours was a manual dishwasher, and that night I was manual.
I used a half-dozen dish towels.
I was drenched from head to foot.
I put the food away, cleaned off the table and drainboards; then I got down on my hands and knees and scrubbed the floor.
When I was finished, I thought the kitchen was immaculate.
It took about three hours.

Then I heard the chairs shuffling, and everyone left.
The front door closed, and I heard my mother coming to the kitchen.
I was pleased and thought she would be.
The door swung open, and even at the age of of 11, I recognized that she was startled.
She looked around the kitchen, looked at me, and then there was a look I didn't recognize at the time.
I do now.
It was something like "Thanks,
I am tired.
I think you understand, and I love you."
And she came over and hugged me.
There was a light in her eye and a warmth in my heart.
I learned it is a wonderful feeling to turn on the lights in our parents' eyes.

Vaughn J. Featherstone -One Link Still Holds -October 1999 General Conference

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I had an appointment to see a guy who was going to help out my back. The ribs were slightly out of place and needed to be popped back into place. The man, tall and blonde, lead me into a big room...kinda like a classroom/auditorium/theatre place. And told me to undress. I did this, feeling a bit uncomfortable, because the doors had been left open and anyone could walk in at anytime. He came up behind me to fix my back, but the method he was using, didn't feel right. I broke away from him, and he left in a rage, because it was this way or no other way. I pulled a towel around myself and escaped back into the main theatre (where people had gathered to watch a play.) I'm not sure what I was doing, as I wasn't quite trying to find a seat, but with all the people there, I didn't want to draw attention to myself, (I did end up being dressed again.) But I did have a motive to find someone in particular to tell about the incident, and have them do something about it....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Revisiting A Show

I tend to go through cycles of repetition on occasion.

Sometimes it's in my thoughts,
other times its in my dreams.
Or my actions.

Or...In things I like to watch.

You see, like a year or so ago...About the same time my close friends went on their missions.
I got into this Anime Show.
Thanks to a roommate who loved it.
And showed it to me.

At first I wasn't impressed.
But then I really got into it. :)

And...out of it.

After a while I stopped trying to find the next episode online, and it faded into a compartment into the back of my mind....
As really. Its hard to keep up with episodes when there's like a gazillion of them. :S

Yet, this past week, I discovered a bunch of the episodes are now on YouTube -when they weren't before- and so...I've been clicking on the ones with interesting pictures and have been watching them off and on.

Which has been fun.
And rather rebellious of me. lol

I'm usually the sort where I want to watch every episode in order!!
But not this show...I'm content to just click on the interesting ones and watch. :D

....I just need to be careful....
Or else the whole day disappears before I realize it. ^^;;;

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

No Seriously, It's Broken


Sometimes I wonder how many girls they have to deal with, that see a problem, a major problem, and ask them to fix it, only to have it be something simple like plugging in something that got unplugged?

I mean, I have those moments too on occasion, so I can see how guys wouldn't get the best impression of the girls in College Town.

But seriously...I do try what I can to figure out what's wrong with my own stuff before asking for help.

This time around my electronical needs revolved around my TV.

Which is a nice change from my laptop I suppose. :) lol.

In any case, I got back from HomeTown the other night,
Turned on the TV.
And was confronted by a black screen.

Let me repeat.
The TV was on.

But there was no picture at all.

Maybe something had gotten turned off.
....but everything showed that it was on.
And even stranger....
I could hear sounds.

I could hear what was on the TV, or on the DVD when I switched back and forth between those.

But after repeated attempts of turning the TV on and OFF ....with only a brief flash of the tv brand coming onto the screen before going back black....

I gave up.
And asked my roommate what was up?
No idea, but it had happened the day before I got back.

That meant that either the  Cable provider's side of things were at fault....which I doubted since I couldn't get picture on the TV when I switched back to the DVD screen.

Or something was wrong with the TV itself.
As my roommate put it "The light may have gone out." -You know...the bulb that gives picture to the tv....
Yah, no idea, it sounded good to me.

So, we put in a work order request to the office to have them come fix it.
The next day (as it was late when I got home to find the TV broken.)
I came home from work to find...

Totally traumatic guys. ;) No TV. What was I going to watch shows on?!?!
not that it was that useful before when I couldn't see any pictures...... lol.

No, I actually was impressed that the guys came to look at the TV so quickly.
But...since they took it out of the Apartment....
That had to mean that it wasn't just an easy fix.

Sure enough, a couple of hours after I got home.
I got a knock on the door.
And there were the fix-it guys with the TV in their arms.

I was like *grabs them in a giant hug* YOU BROUGHT IT BACK!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

Okay, I played it more low key then that. With a more moderate. "You fixed it!" said with a big smile.

And then, I asked them. "What was wrong with it."
The one of the guys was like.
" first I thought it was just that the video plug had been unplugged and it needed to be plugged in."
O.o >.< Oh gee, thanks for insulting my intelligence right there. I'm not that naïve about how electronics work.
"But it was plugged in, and when I turned on the TV"
"You just saw a flash of the tv name and nothing right?" I interjected.
"Right. Which is totally weird."

In the end....
They never did tell me what had been wrong with the TV.
Which leads me to believe that they just were like "OH, crap, it's broken. Ah well, let's take this one, and go grab a new one." (the handy dandy thing about living in apt with the TV already provided. ^^;;)
I'm sure they tried to fix it, as it did take them a couple of hours to get back to me.
But since they didn't tell me what was wrong...
And a red dot that was always present on the TV screen is now gone...

I'm guessing in the end it's just a new TV. ^^;;;

Yay for 'fixing' things!!

Though really... the video plug came unplugged? Give me some credit.
I only struggle with that aspect of electronics when it comes to Internet cables. ;) lol

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, June 16, 2014

April 2000 General Conference Priesthood Session

Richard G. Scott -The Sanctity of Womanhood
  • "Woman is God's supreme creation. Only after the earth had been formed, after the day been separated from the night, after the waters had been divided from the land, after vegetation and animal life had been created, and after man had been placed on the earth, was woman created; and only then was the work pronounced complete and good.
  • "God will hold us accountable if we neglect His daughters."
  • Satan has unleashed a seductive campaign to undermine the sanctity of womanhood, to deceive the daughters of God and divert them from their divine destiny. He well knows women are the compassionate, self-sacrificing, loving power that binds together the human family. He would focus their interests solely on their physical attributes and rob them of their exalting roles as wives and mothers. He has convinced many of the lie that they are third-class citizens in the kingdom of God. That falsehood has led some to trade their divinely given femininity for male coarseness.
  • I fear that much of their plight comes from our own neglect or misdeeds.
  • Because it is their nature to give and please others, many women do not realize their intrinsic worth. That loss makes them vulnerable to those who would convince them that their major role is to be physically appealing.
  • So many of our own young women sacrifice their God-given endowment of femininity, deep spirituality, and a caring interest in others on the altar of popular, worldly opinion. Young men, let such young women know that you will not seek an eternal companion from those that are overcome by worldly trends. Many dress and act immodestly because they are told that is what you want. In sensitive ways, communicate how distasteful revealing attire is to you, a worthy young man, and how it stimulates unwanted emotions from what you see against your will.
  • Those young women who do embrace conservative dress standards and exhibit the attributes of a devoted Latter-day Saint are often criticized for not being "with it." Encourage them by expressing gratitude for their worthy example. Thank them for doing what is pleasing to the Lord and in time will bless their own husband and children. Many young women have returned to righteousness because of the example and understanding support of a worthy priesthood bearer.
  • As a brother, you can have a powerful, positive influence in your sister's life. Compliment her when she looks especially nice. She may listen to you more than to your parents when you suggest that she wear modest clothing. Simple courtesies like opening the door for her and building her self-esteem will encourage her to find her real worth.
  • Be a wise father who showers attention on each daughter. It will bring joy to you and fulfillment to her. When a daughter feels the warmth and approval of her father, she will not likely seek attention in inappropriate ways. As a father, acknowledge her good behavior. Listen to her and praise her for her strengths. You will greatly enrich her life. She will model the behavior she observes. Let her see you treat your wife and other women with admiration and honest respect.
  • Pure love yields happiness and engenders trust. It is the foundation of eternal joy. Lust will destroy that which is enriching and beautiful.
  • When you travel, take along a picture of your wife. Set it before you. Remember how you are loved and trusted. You will not be tempted to contaminate your mind or violate your covenants.
  • The participation in pornography in any of its lurid forms is a manifestation of unbridled selfishness.
  • I solemnly declare as a servant of Jesus Christ that despite what is taught in the world, the violation of the law of chastity is a very grievous sin. For your own well-being and for the blessing of His daughters, be ye clean.
H. David Burton -Honoring the Priesthood
  • Show respect for the priesthood and to be priesthood holders seven days a week rather than just one day, Sunday.
  • The priesthood isn't something we take off during the week and put on for Sunday. It is a 24-7 privilege and blessing--that is, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • "Conversation is the substance of friendly social activity. It can be happy. It can be light. It can be earnest. It can be funny. But it must not be salty, or uncouth, or foul if one is in sincerity a believer in Christ."
  • Conversation is one of the windows to our souls.
  • The defense is clear and relatively easy in the case of illicit drugs. It likes in simply refraining from touching them.
  • We would not place our lives in jeopardy by playing with a venomous snake. Drugs are just as dangerous as the reptile's deadly venom.
  • If we are not careful, our vocations, hobbies, recreation, and even perhaps our Church service can adversely impact our responsibility as fathers and husbands.
  • Quality and quantity time are essential.
  • A man never stand taller than when he is upon his knees.
Elder Angel Abrea -Your Own Personal Testimony
  • Maybe, you have already realized that some adults are cynical and will not talk to you about the beautiful concepts of the Atonement, the Resurrection, and the eternal life. Instead, they will tell you to "eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die." Others you will see groping and grasping, looking for answers which they do not find. And yet they will still try to demonstrate to you a knowledge of that which they do not have. Even others will say, "Well, maybe these things are true, but maybe they aren't. The best thing we can do is live our own lives the way we see fit, and then if there is a life after this one, we will see what happens."
  • We must be sure to continue growing and not be content with the limited knowledge or comprehension of the gospel which a child has.
  • "Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men."
  • Do you realize that a testimony is defined as "the highest type of knowledge" and "man's chief possession."
  • First, don't harden our heart.
  • Second, ask in faith.
  • Third, keep the commandments.
James E. Faust - The Power of Self-Mastery
  • Self-mastery is essential to invoke the power of the priesthood of God. This is because this great, divine agency can only be exercised in righteousness. Self-mastery requires self-determination and strength of character. It enhances our own gifts and talents in a remarkable way. It is the power of noble manhood.
  • Learn to control an unruly temper. Willpower is necessary so that irritations do not take over our emotions.
  • Road rage is not caused by traffic congestion but by attitude.
  • Self-mastery is a challenge for every individual. Only we can control our appetites and passions. Self-mastery cannot be bought by money or fame. IT is the ultimate test of our character. It requires climbing out of the deep valleys of our lives and scaling our own Mount Everests.
  • Our minds are a part of us that really require discipline and control. I believe reading the scriptures is the best washing machine for unclean or uncontrolled thoughts.
  • If, as Samuel Johnson suggested, "language is the dress of thought," then the language we are hearing on television, in the movies, and even in our schools is a poor commentary on our current thinking. I worry about young people becoming desensitized as they continually hear or use this bad language. I believe that the young man of character is not coarse in his speech. Holders of the holy priesthood of God should never use foul language or obscene gestures.
  • "That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do; not that the nature of the thing itself is changed, but that our power to do is increased."
  • We should not look for excuses when we lose our self-control.
Thomas S. Monson -Your Eternal Voyage
  • While we may differ in age, in custom, or in nationality, we are united as one in our priesthood callings.
  • When we qualify for the help of the Lord, we can build boys. We can mend men. We can accomplish miracles in His holy service. Our opportunities are without limit.
  • Lessons from the past can quicken our memories, touch our lives, and direct our actions.
  • This is no time for "summer soldiers" in the army of the Lord.
Gordon B. Hinckley -The Stake President
  • It is classless. Every worthy man, regardless of nationality, ethnic background, or any other factor, is eligible to receive the priesthood. His obedience to the commandments of God becomes the determining factor. Its bestowal is based only on worthiness before the Lord.
  • Such is the wonder of this priesthood. Wealth is not a factor. Education is not a factor. The honors of men are not a factor. The controlling factor is acceptability unto the Lord.
  • I have total confidence in the men who fill this office. Their duties are numerous, their responsibilities great. They recognize their own inadequacy, and I know that they pray for guidance and help.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Appreciating The Guys

Do you ever have those thoughts that go along the lines of: "If I ever get into this position, I'm going to do this?"

Today, I had one of those thoughts.
And it's actually a recurring thought.
That comes to mind every time this year.

For you see It's Father's Day.

And it always bugged me that on Mother's Day, the Moms would get a gift (Flowers mostly) from Church.
But Father's Day....Nothing would happen. There was no special treat waiting for the Father's after Sacrament Meeting was over. :(

Which I found... sad.
I mean, Dad's are awesome!
Don't they deserve to have an awesome treat as well?? To celebrate that fact that they are Fathers?

So once again, the thought came to my mind this Father's Day,
That "If I ever get into a position of influence (I.E. into the Relief Society Presidency/committee) I'm going to suggest that we give the Father's Something for Father's Day!"

Funnily Enough.

Someone must have had my same thought,
Only much earlier.


Because this year, in my parent's ward....the Father's actually got something!! :D

Oh the joy I felt for them, that for once they got something special for Father's Day!
(Added's possible that they've gotten things for other Father's Day before...but I don't remember it.)

What was their Father's Day Gift?
A Package of M&Ms tied in the middle to make it look like a Bow Tie.

lol I thought that was rather creative of them. ^^

Happy Father's Day to all the Men out there!

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I looked down at my feet, as another person pulled away, and discovered that they had been tied up in some sort of white fabric. Why? Well, I wasn't sure at first, but I quickly discovered that it allowed us to walk around quietly without making noise. Which was great, because....we were under attack by a rival group (rival clan? Petstore? Someone trying to take us over.) And they had these awesome weapons, while my group.....didn't. But that didn't stop us from fighting back. It just meant that we had to be a lot more creative with our offense. We would find things around the store (electronics, animals, etc) and tweak them to make them a weapon. Like an electronic pad thing became a taser. A box of two chinchilla parents and their babes became a whirlwind of terror if anyone dared to open the box (the parents were very possessive of their young, to the point they were willing to attack.) And it all seemed to be helping, we seemed to be winning because we wouldn't stop fighting, and the others...were backing off....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Solemn Farewell

It almost made me want to marry a military man.

To see the honor that was done for my Grandfather, as he was buried today, for serving his country.
The flag that draped his coffin, neatly folded.

And then, a (cute) young solider, solemnly knelt in front of my grandmother and present the flag to her, saying words that immediately had everyone in the audience in tears for how sincere he spoke them. A gun salute went off, a bomber plane flew nearby over head.

It was...beautiful.
A perfect moment, made even more perfect with the sun coming out from behind the clouds just as the ceremony ended.
As if to say.

All is well.

That doesn't mean that more tears won't be shed in the coming days.
But over all, there is that feeling.
All is well.

My Grandfather is in a better place.

And while we won't be able to see his most recent photographs from his last trip,
Or eat of his wonderfully seasoned hamburgers,
or just sit out on the porch and enjoying the view.

He will continue to be found through his family.
He's not there in person.
But he's definitely around.

Miss you Grandfather. Y_Y

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, June 13, 2014

The Lunch Break Chat

I had a voicemail.
had a voicemail?
Who'd be trying to call me?
Nobody ever calls me.

Who could it be?

Welcome news!
I had a voicemail from one of my missionary friends!
And the news was great!
She was in town with my other missionary friend to check out one of the schools in College Town and wanted to see if we could hang out afterwards.

And I was like: YES!!!

Only...Big. Problem.

>.< Work.

I had work during that time. :( One of my later shifts. Which is sad, as most of the time my shifts would have ended at a reasonable hour to go hang out. :(

So I called her up.
"I'm sooo excited you're down here!!! But.....I have work until this time." Y_Y
*cue gasps of disappointment*
'Will you be still here? I can hang out for a lil bit after work."
Bad news. Y_Y Deadline. They had to get back up to HomeTown by a certain time....
So I had the brilliant idea.
"Well, if you're getting done about this time....I need to take my lunch break about that point, so once you come to my work, I can take my lunch and we can chat for a little bit!"

Brilliant idea really. ^^
And it worked out!!
They were able to come. We were able to talk and it was great!!
I just wish my lunch break lasted longer... lol.

It was great to see them,
and gave me a much needed energy boost of happiness. ^^

I can't wait to see them again soon....hopefully for longer than a lunch break. lol :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was on a crumbling cliff face, with a bunch of other gold miners, searching for gold. But our search was cut short because the rocks around us, began falling into the ocean below so we had to scramble to get to safety. But while doing so, I was still desperately trying to figure out how I could get my hands on at least one piece of gold. It didn't have to be big, I just wanted one piece of it. We paused at a 'safe zone' (for now) where there had been things carved into the rocks. It took another person pointing it out for me to realize it was a sign post of sorts. As travelers from all over had traveled here, and it was easy to get lost in the twists and turns of the rock. People would carve their home town into the rock and have an arrow pointing back the way they came so they and others, would know which direction a particular city lay. We ended up escaping from the rocks, and I was with a handsome young man, who was anxious to convince me that he was the 'one and only' only he kept telling me I was beautiful, and I took that as offense. (because I didn't believe I was, after some past event had happened, leaving me scarred from it.) and so I wasn't trusting of him or his flattery...but I was slowly being convinced.....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Help From Another

Accept help from others.
The next important point is to be willing to ask for help from those around you.
Sometimes help comes from unexpected sources.
A few years ago I stood in line in Chicago waiting to put my baggage on a plane.
Behind me was an older man.
After a few minutes he said to me, "Where are you going?"
I said that I was heading for Salt Lake City.
He said, "I'm going there too.
Are you a Mormon?"
I responded by saying I was.
He said that he had been a Latter-day Saint all his life and had prepared himself to finally go to the temple.
While waiting for the plane, he opened his suitcase to show me all the missionary pictures that he had collected through the years.
After some minutes, we were on our way and had a wonderful talk as we flew toward Utah.
Upon arrival, we left the plane quickly.
I made sure he knew where he was going and said good-bye.

Some weeks later, I received this card in the mail: "Dear Brother Christensen, I lost your address and then found it.
So, I'm writing you a card.
When I met you in Chicago, it was a prayer answered.
I never travel anywhere.
I wanted to be with someone.
I have thought of you many times.
I really enjoyed myself in Salt Lake City at the temple.
Hope to see you someday.
Thanks many times for the help you were to me."
I wasn't planning to be useful that day, but I'm grateful for this brother who sought for extra help and I was nearby to assist.

-Val. R. Christensen -Overcoming Discouragement -October 1998 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Please, Say Something Else

I may or may not have told you before,
But I'm a bit sensitive to sound.

Which usually means....I like to avoid large parties, with loud music.

But it can mean other things too.
Repetitive sounds, like dripping water, or a constant whirring of a machine,
can get on my nerves as well.

This time around,
it was a particular word.
That started getting on my nerves.

I was talking to a woman at work,
she was with her young family.
Looking for a pet.

So, I was going through different pets and such.
And after nearly every statement, she would follow up with the same response.
The first time she used it, I was like. O.o?
But didn't think too much of it.
Yet. She kept saying it.
The same word.
and over.
and over.
and over.

Like a broken record.

And it quickly got on my nerves.
To the point where I was like "Please, stop saying that word!"
(I didn't say it out loud.)
But really, I was hoping that they would quickly decide what they wanted, so that our conversation could end.

So, what was this word?

It was: "Okay."
But not just "OK"
Like the letters.
It was drawn out. Like "Oooohhh Kaay."
With the heightening of pitch on the last syllable which would make it a question.
Oooo Kay?

It was said in such a way where I was like "Do you understand a word that I'm saying?"
Typing it out doesn't really show how sounded.
But oh, I can still hear it in my head as I do so.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Involved a couple of betas, and I was trying to decide if one had parasites or not because there were these little wiggly creatures crawling on the fish, and around the fish.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Late Night Worry

Change is on the horizon.

And....I have no idea how to deal with it.

I don't.

And when the day winds down, the city starts to glow, and all becomes quiet.

It strikes me.
You know...all those dark emotions that find it hard to stay put when I'm distracted at work.

But once I get home,
It seems to all come back.

And silently, I start stressing.
About this.
About that.

Really, I shouldn't be, I still have time to figure things out.
But, at the moment.
It's bugging me.
Because I don't feel really in control.
Because a lot of this change,
is depending on what others decide.

What if this situation happens
What if that falls through
What if.......

And at the moment, I'm only getting by, through little acts of kindness from others.
A text here.
A wave there.
A smile in passing.
A word of compliment.

To let me know.
Even though the big things might not be going so well.
At least the little things are building a foundation towards the solution.
Or at least keeping me more positive until a solution is found.

I hope I find one soon.
This uncertainty is stressing me out.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, June 9, 2014

April 2000 General Conference Saturday Afternoon

Thomas S. Monson - The Sustaining of Church Officers

Ted E. Davis - The Church Audit Committee Report

F. Michael Watson - Statistical Report, 1999
  • Total membership - 10,752,986
  • Full-time missionaries - 58,593
L. Tom Perry - "Thou Shalt Give Heed unto All His Words"
  • "Undoubtedly the greatest miracle of the century is the accomplishment by which the human voice, with the personality of the speaker, may be indefinitely preserved and reproduced with every detail of originality."
Glenn L. Pace - A Temple for West Africa
  • "We are determined ... to take the temples to the people and afford them every opportunity for the very precious blessings that come of temple worship."
  • We should not be surprised that Lucifer is using every means at his disposal to keep a temple from these people.
  • Through centuries of suffering, the people in general have not become bitter. They are humble, teachable, and God-fearing. They know the scriptures, and they recognize the Shepherd's voice.
  • As the Savior has said, "I will not suffer that [the enemy] shall destroy my work; yea, I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil."
  • It has been inspiring to see the Lord's hand in bringing the forces together which will lead to an inevitable victory.
Jay E. Jensen - Keep an Eternal Perspective
  • Remember, however, that Satan will dim the brightness of hope and eternal perspective by the dark, compelling urgency of now.
  • "Inspirational music is an essential part of our church meetings. ... Some of the greatest sermons are preached by the singing of hymns."
Gary J. Coleman - "Are You Still Here?"
  • God has promised that the Holy Ghost will testify to each of us that sacred truths have been restored and that Joseph Smith was called by God to be a special witness of Christ and His gospel. We may come to know the truth of all things God has revealed, through the power of the Holy Ghost.
  • The answers to life's questions are found in this, the true Church of Jesus Christ.
M. Russell Ballard - "How Is It with Us?"
  • "How is it with us?"
  • We must carefully guard against spiritual apathy and work to maintain the full measure of our loving loyalty to the Lord.
David B. Haight - Faith, Devotion, and Gratitude
  • I would hope and pray that in our own families, all of us, that we would have a desire to be a strong link in our own family chain, in our posterity, so that the eternal blessings that are part of the gospel, the blessings of the temple and the eternities, will be taught to our families in such a way that they will go on and on forever to affect many, many people.  Be sure that those links are strong in your chain.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi