Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Cichlid Sale

I'd been looking forward to yesterday for nearly a week.
Because on Sunday our current store sale at work ended.
Which meant that new sales would start Monday morning.

And I was anxious to see what fish would go on sale.
As I wanted to buy some.
But the fish that were on sale last week, the cichilds, weren't what I wanted to buy.
>.< And hadn't wanted to buy for the past three months.
Because since October, it seems like we've had the same fish on sale. With no variation unless there was a holiday.

So yesterday, I was very anxious.
Anxious to see what new fish would go on sale.
You can imagine my disappointment. My huge disappointment Monday morning.
To see that once again.
Just the Cichlids have gone on sale. >.< UGH!!!
I mean, at least more of the Cichlids went on sale than before.
But that isn't the type of fish I wanted to buy!!

I was rather upset at this news.
I mean. It's four months now. FOUR MONTHS that we've only had Cichlids on sale. FOUR MONTHS!! Agh. (okay Glofish as well have also been on sale for four months, but basically Cichlids for the most part)

So there I was. Fuming.
Here I was wanting to get fish on sale.
And none of the fish I wanted to buy, had gone on sale!

>.< There was no way at all that I would be waiting another month in hopes that the Cichlids would finally get a break from being on Sale and give the other fish a turn.

Which meant...I would be buying fish not on sale. >.<
Not happy about that.
Happy I was finally buying fish.
But not happy that they weren't fish on sale.

However. As I was fuming over this.
I happened to look up and see one of my regular customers walking to me.
To which I was surprised.
As I'd just seen this customer a couple of days ago. Saturday.
So I wasn't expecting to see them again for at least another couple of weeks, because that's how it usually averages out.

To my surprise, this customer had come into the store.
Specifically to see me. Yesterday.

Because when I saw them Saturday, I had shown them pictures of my new fish tank,  and told them of my plan to buy fish.

So what did they do?
They came into the store.
And gave me a gift card. To my work. As a Birthday/Christmas Present so that I could buy fish!!!

Talk about jaw on the ground in surprise.
Because it wasn't like $10 or anything like that.
No I was given a larger amount than that.

Just for fish.

Talk about Gratitude on my part.
I was surprised, happy, and thankful.

I mean, it's rare for customers to want to do something for the employees that help them out and talk to them in stores.
So to have one of them do such for me in this case.
Just wow.

^^ It totally turned my day around.
I got 14 fish yesterday!! :D
Ah! So good to finally have more than my 5 glofish in my tank nw.

Thanks to my customer friend. Who made my day. :)

Yay for giving!! ^^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, January 30, 2017

April 2013 General Conference -Sunday Afternoon

Jeffrey R. Holland -"Lord, I Believe"
  • "Even if you can no more than desire to believe," Alma declares, "let this desire work I you, even until ye believe."
  • In moments of fear or doubt or troubling times, hold the ground you have already won, even if that ground is limited.
  • When those moments come and issues surface, the resolution of which is not immediately forthcoming, hold fast to what you already know and stand strong until additional knowledge comes.
  • The size of your faith or the degree of your knowledge is not the issue--it is the integrity you demonstrate toward the faith you do have and the truth you already know.
  • Do not start your quest for faith by saying how much you do not have, leading as it were with your "unbelief."
  • I am not asking you to pretend to faith you do not have. I am asking you to be true to the faith you do have. Sometimes we act as if an honest declaration of doubt is a higher manifestation of moral courage than is an honest declaration of faith. It is not! So let us all remember the clear message of this scriptural account: Be as candid about your questions as you need to be; life is full of them on one subject or another. But if you and your family want to be healed, don't let those questions stand in the way of faith working its miracle.
  • Furthermore, you have more faith than you think you do.
  • In this Church, what we know will always trump what we do not know. And remember, in this world, everyone is to walk by faith.
  • So be kind regarding human frailty--your own as well as that of those who serve with you.
  • Except in the case of His only perfect Begotten Son, imperfect people are all God has ever had to work with. That must be terribly frustrating to Him, but he deals with it. So should we.
  • When doubt or difficulty come, do not be afraid to ask for help.
  • Hope on. Journey on.
  • Forever fan the flame of your faith.
Dallin H. Oaks -Followers of Christ
  • Latter-day Saint understand that we should not be "of the world" or bound to "the tradition of men," but like other followers of Christ, we sometimes find it difficult to separate ourselves from the world and its traditions.
  • Jesus's teachings were not meant to be theoretical. Always they were to be acted upon.
Christoffel Golden Jr. -The Father and the Son
  • It is true that the power or influence of the Holy Ghost may on occasion be felt, according to the will of the Lord, by any person irrespective of that person's religious persuasion. But the full measure, or gift, of the Holy Ghost comes only after a person has received, with "a broken heart and a contrite spirit," the ordinances of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands. These and other sacred ordinances may be performed only under the direction and power of the priesthood of God.
  • "Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father [in Heaven] and how familiar his face is to us."
Enrique R. Falabella -The Home: The School of Life
  • Some parents excuse themselves for mistakes they have made at home, stating that the reason for this is that there is not a school for parenting.
  • In reality, such a school does exist and it can be the best of all. This school is called home.
  • "In order to contend, you need two people, and I will never be one of them."
  • The words "I love you," "Thank you very much," and "Forgive me" are like a balm for the soul. They transform tears into happiness. They provide comfort to the weighed-down soul, and they confirm the tender feelings of our heart. Just as plants wither with the lack of precious water, our love languishes and dies as we put to rest the words and acts of love.
  • I may have tried to teach her the gospel, but she taught me how to live it.
Erich W. Kopischke -Being Accepted of the Lord
  • The feeling of being accepted by someone we love is a basic human need. Being accepted by good people motivates us. It increases our sense of self-worth and self-confidence. Those who cannot find acceptance from desirable sources often seek it elsewhere. They may look to people who are not interested in their well-being. They may attach themselves to false friends and do questionable things to try to receive the acknowledgement they are seeking. They may seek acceptance by wearing a particular brand of clothing to generate a feeling of belonging or status. For some, striving for a role or a position of prominence can also be a way of seeking acceptance. They may define their worth by a position they hold or status they obtain.
  • The heart is the center of our feelings. As we look into our hearts, we screen ourselves. What no one around us knows, we surely know. We know our motives and desires. When we engage in sincere, honest reflection, we do not rationalize or deceive ourselves.
  • We have to know that our spirit is contrite.
  • A contrite spirit is manifest by our willingness and determination to act.
  • Too often we think that the word sacrifice refers to something big or hard for us to do. In certain situations this may be true, but mostly it refers to living day-to-day as a true disciple of Christ.
  • Sometimes observing our covenants means nothing more than standing firmly and faithfully when the storms of life are raging all around us.
Bruce D. Porter -Beautiful Mornings
  • "The moral values upon which civilization itself must depend spiral downward at an ever-increasing pace. Nevertheless, I do not fear the future."
  • The Church stands as a bulwark of safety for its members. Though conditions in the world may become very vexing at times, faithful Latter-day Saints will find sanctuary in the stakes of Zion.
  • If we humbly, quietly trust in the Lord, He will give us strength and guidance in every challenge we face.
D. Todd Christofferson -Redemption
  • "Teach it unto your children, that all men, everywhere, must repent, or they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God, for no unclean thing can dwell there, or dwell in his presence."
  • People acting alone or in ad hoc groups cannot always provide means on a scale needed to address larger challenges.
Thomas S. Monson -Until We Meet Again
  • May we be tolerant of, as well as kind and loving to, those who do not share our beliefs and our standards.
  • If we will put our trust in the Lord, He will help us through our difficulties, whatever they may be.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Small Size

I just had an epiphany!!

You see, a couple days ago at work, we got in our fish shipment.
And I had noticed that it was really small, compared to our usual shipments.
As usually we have 3 or 4 levels of boxes full of fish to put out.
And that day, we only had 2 levels.

Which truthfully, was a good thing. Because our fish shipment came in super cold this week.
Like the water temperatures were in the low 50s. :S
Considering they're usually in the 70s or the high 60s....50s is really cold.

Cold enough to kill almost half the fish it seemed like.
Y_Y Which was super depressing by the way.
To see bag after bag of fish floating lifeless.

Though it wasn't all bad....as once the waters warmed up a bit....some of those dead fish came alive!
Dun dun dun.

In any case.
I was confused about why the shipment was so small.
And randomly thinking about it today.

I realized why it was so small.

It was because neither my manager and I were there on either of the days that we usually count the fish on.

You see, we do weekly fish counts in order to keep an accurate inventory of what fish we have in the store.
As with any live creature....some of them end up dying throughout the week.
Others arrive dead...like they did this time around.
So once a week, me or my manager go through and count all the fish and adjust the numbers as necessary.

That way, we would get fish to replace the ones we lost when our fish shipment came.
If no count is done....
We don't get as many replacement fish.
Because our inventories would still show that we have fish we don't have.

Why our fish shipment was so small this week.
As we only got fish to replace the ones we SOLD.
Not the ones we Lost.

Which means, that the 2 levels of boxes now makes sense.
Because that's would coincide with the amount of fish we sell in a 'normal' week.

Which means, this week, when I do get the fish count done....we're going to get a huge fish shipment in.
Hopefully. :)

But I'm happy I figured out the mystery. ^-^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, January 28, 2017

To Catch A Fish

I was helping a family at work today.
To get their first fish tank set up for their kids..
They had an adorable little boy around 3 years of age, who wanted a fish....
Until you asked him what fish he wanted.

You see, he only wanted the fish if he could catch it himself.
And no amount of coaxing by the parents could convince him otherwise.
And in typical toddler fashion threw a tantrum when told he couldn't catch the fish, but he could watch.

So he stormed off elsewhere.
And with the delay in fish catching,
I briefly broke away to help another customer until the Father brought the son back.
Holding him the father was like "You can't catch the fish, but I'm sure she'll let you hold the container that she's going to put the fish in."
Which sure. I could do that.
But the little boy wasn't having it. He didn't want to hold the container of water.

I'd already spent a lot of time with these customers, and was quite ready to finish up the last bit of catching their fish for them.
And with the little boy being difficult....

I caught one of the orange goldfish that he'd liked earlier, and then held out the net to the boy. "Here," I said, proffering him the handle. "How about you help me."
With the fish already in the net, and my hand on the 'stem' I directed the boy to pull back on the net. I lifted the fish out of the water and over to the container the father was holding in one hand, and had the boy 'turn' the net so I could place the fish into the water.
The boy wanted a second fish and with the father's approval I took the net and caught another fish before giving the boy the handle again to repeat the action.

Lol, I was in control the entire time, so the fish wasn't in any danger.
And I managed to make the boy's day and give some relief to his parents who were grateful that I 'let' the boy 'catch' fish. Because not even the dad could do that.

I was glad to have everyone leave happy. :) ^^

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, January 27, 2017

Sun Kissed

My manager keeps throwing me for a loop at work.

And it started the day before yesterday, when I came back to work from my vacation and the manager saw me for the first time since before I left.

And the first words out of his mouth were: "Whoa! Sarnic, You got Tan!!"

With confusion I looked down to my arms.
I had?

I mean, I don't get tanned. lol.
Okay, I'm sure I do a little bit, especially if I spend time in Red Rock country, but considering I spend most of my days indoors. My skin tends to stay pretty light.

So to hear I got a tan while on vacation. Was rather newsworthy.
As I hadn't thought I'd gotten tanned.
I mean, yes, I did spend over half the vacation out in the Southern Sunshine for hours on end as me and my family explored Mayan Ruins and played on the beach.
And I only put on sunscreen for two or three of those days when I knew the sun was going to be extra hot.
Because even though it was warm out...there was, thankfully to my cold loving self, clouds to block out a lot of the sun.

*shakes head*
I guess it was gradual enough that I didn't notice?
I still don't really see it.
This 'tan' lol.

But apparently Tan I did get.
Because my manager has been commenting on it ever since. Basically whenever he sees me. lol

Though no one else really mentions it unless he points it out. So perhaps he is the one seeing things.

Still, I guess my skin got a bit sun kissed. lol.
I'm definitely going to enjoy it while I can. ^^
Though it's still going to throw me off whenever my manager comments, because I'm not used to being the 'tan' one.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Making Connections

My Jr. High Spanish teacher was probably cringing in her classroom during my entire vacation.

Because I was attempting to remember those two years of Spanish I was gone lol.
Unfortunately. Since it's been forever since I've taken those classes....
I don't remember much.
I mean, random words will come to me.
And short phrases.
But it's not like I can hold more than the "Hi, How are you?" "Good how are you?" "Good." conversations.

Yet, that didn't stop me from attempting to. lol.

I mean, there's a point where you kinda just....have to roll with it.

Especially when the conversation goes: (sorry
"Coma Estas?"
"Bien y tu?"
"Bien! Habla Espanol?"
"Muy pequita"

And...that's where I would get into trouble.

I think with how naturally I responded with. "Good and you?" got a lot of the locals asking me. "You speak Spanish!"
To which I was like "Very little"
After all. It's Jr. High Spanish. lol.

O.o But for some reason the "Very little" seemed to translate into "Speak more to me!"
Because then the locals would start speaking Spanish to me.
And I'd give them the deer in the head lights look ()_()
"Lo Siento" I would say. (I'm sorry)
"No comprende" (I don't understand)

So they'd ask again in English "Where did you learn Spanish?" Or "Where are you from?"

To the first I'd reply "Escuela, Secondary Escuela" (School, Secondary School ((aka Jr. High)))
:S lol no idea if that's the proper way to say Jr. High...but I was trying lol.
A little bit of explanation with more mangled Spanish would help lol.

Yah....basically I ended up saying "Como se dice" (how do you say?) to help me learn the words I was trying to find, a lot.
That, and just used a mixture of Spanish and English.

Overall the locals didn't seem to mind my mangled attempts at conversation.
I think they appreciated that I was trying to communicate in their native tongue.
;) The guys there were for sure, complimentary on my speaking skills. lol. Either I was doing well enough that they didn't mind it. Or I was pretty enough that they didn't mind it. haha.

But. Ugh. *head in hands* Guys. Do you know how hard it is to try and explain a concept in a language you barely know? It's super hard.
Especially since I'm waaaaay more proficient in American Sign Language and so if I couldn't explain it in English what I wanted, and couldn't find the word in Spanish...I'd then try resorting to ASL to get my point across.
lol. Don't think it helped.

Still, somehow, at some one point I ended up becoming the Interpreter between my family and the locals as we haggled over prices in their stores. lol.
Good thing most of the Lingo was numbers. At least I can still remember numbers. heh. Still the conversations would drift into a mixture of Spanish and English from that point.

It also helped a bit, I suppose, that I spent all of college training to become an interpreter. So at least...I could gather information and try and explain back without becoming overwhelmed.

But yah.
I had a ton of fun. :) I really enjoyed talking with the people there and brushing up on my Spanish.

Really, it's inspired me to consider trying to relearn Spanish.
Perhaps with two languages under my belt already....it will make the stepping stones of becoming more proficient in Spanish easier than it was when I was 13....

Guess we'll see. ^^

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Home Again Home Again

There's something invigorating about the Cold.

At least for me there is.
It seems rather rare to find people who like it when it snows, when the temperatures drop.

They prefer the sun, the heat, the warmth.
Not so much.
I wilt in the summer.
Despite having a summer birthday. lol.

Anything above about 80 is not good for me.

Which means, this recent little trip I took down south to the Caribbean....
Wasn't really my bowl of ice cream. lol.

I'm mean,  I had a ton of fun. Gotta get some sun, see some ruins, play with monkeys, sail the open seas.... :)

But it was hot. :(
I don't like hot.

And after a while...it seems to drain me. The heat.
To the point where I really just want to collapse into a pile of snow and lay there for an hour to cool off lol.

I'm pretty sure my family noticed it as well.
That I was less energetic...especially towards the end of the trip.

Because I was missing home.
Missing the mountains, the snow, the Cold.
I love winter.
And for the first time in years, we've actually received enough snow fall for it actually to be considered winter.
So to be taken away from that. Was difficult.

Honestly, it was on my mind a lot, the winter. Wanting to be back in the cold.

It was on my mind the day we were to leave the sunny beaches of the south and fly home. Home to my mountains, to the cold, to the winter, to the Snow.

I yearned for it.
To be back amongst the white and mountains on the horizon.

You can't imagine my excitement to see the first traces of snow, from the air, to see the flatlands change into mountains, to see the familiar skyline of my hometown from above.

And then.
Oh then.
That first wift of cold air blowing past me as I stepped off the plane.
It was electrifying.

My sister said later, that I was like a 'dead battery' on the entire journey home. Lethargic, quiet, zoned out.

But as soon as I felt that cold air.
I perked right up.
My eyes lit up, a smile broke on my face, my energy surged forward.

Apparently it was quite scary to see how fast I did a 180 lol. ;) lol

But it was oh so true!
I really perked up, breathing in the cold dry mountain air.
I was home.

I've felt so much better since I've stepped off that plane.
Enjoying the snow like none other.
Feeling almost hyper about it. lol. :)

Pretty sure everyone else thinks I'm crazy haha.

But it's true.

For future reference.
If I'm in need of an 'energy pick me up'
Cold/Winter/Snow or Red Rock Country will do just fine. ^^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, January 13, 2017

A Different Time

It has to be the weirdest thing, when I come into work at a different time than my usual early morning shift.
I mean, for the past year, I've basically had the same schedule. During the weekdays come in like 3 hours before we're open, the weekend shifts come in an hour later than the weekday shifts.

It's pretty well known that my schedule is basically set in stone. The only time it really changes is if people go on vacation or the managers need me to be in the store later than normal.

Today was one of those days.
Where I came in right as the store opened.

The reason why I had this later shift was because one of my coworkers was leaving on vacation -via plane- later the same day and so needed to work an earlier shift so she wouldn't miss her flight out of the state.


But so weird for me.
It's always slightly weird for me when I come in later than normal.
Because everything gets messed up.

My breaks are taken at different times.
I have different tasks to do.
I see a different sort of crowd.
-both driving into work, dealing with people at work, and driving home from work.

I also have a weird energy as well.
I usually  am a bit more vibrant I suppose.
I'm more active.
Because it's a different situation.
I'm staying later at work than normal.
Dealing with different people than normal.
It's, in a way, a higher stress zone for me.
Therefore, I'm more alert because it's not the usual expected things that go on.

Work passed by quickly even if I had to stay a couple hours later than the normal time I would leave. :)
Also Thankfully this doesn't happen often, so I appreciate the randomness and the new experiences the different work shift brings. lol

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Editor's Note: I won't be posting for the next weekish due to a vacation located away from internet access. :)

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Seasons of Tomatoes

As we think about the imagery of succoring the weak, lifting up the hands which hang down, and strengthening feeble knees, I am reminded of a sweet seven-year-old showing her grandfather a small tomato plant she had started from seed as part of a second-grade school project.

She explained that from one tiny seed would come a plant.
And if the plant were cared for, it would grow many tomatoes that would each have many seeds.

She said, "And if all of those seeds were planted and grew more tomatoes, and you planted all of those seeds, in a few seasons you would have millions of tomatoes."

"All," she said in amazement, "from one little seed."

But then she said, "I almost killed my plant.
I left it in a dark room and forgot to water it.
When I remembered the plant, It was all wilted and dead looking.
I cried because I thought of all of those millions of tomatoes that would never grow."

She was then excited to tell her grandfather about the "miracle" that happened.

She explained, "Momma said maybe the plant wasn't dead.
Maybe all it needed was some water and some light to bring life back.

"And she was right.
I gave the plant some water, and I put it in the window for light.
And guess what?" she asked.
"It came back to life, and now it's going to grow millions of tomatoes!"

Her small tomato plant, so full of potential but so weakened and wilted from unintentional neglect, was strengthened and revived through the simple ministration of water and light by the little girl's loving and caring hands.

-M. Russell Ballard -"This Is My Work and Glory" -April 2013 General Conference

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

New Shoes

I'm the sort of person, where if I like something. I stick with it.

The problem with wanting to stick with the same thing though is simple.
Nothing ever stays the same. >.<
No, people are always trying to be fashionable and innovative and create the newest most amazing thing.

While in many cases, people like me....just want to buy the same thing they bought three years ago because that thing they bought three years ago is now broken and they want it back.

Ugh. Innovation.

I've encountered it time and time again.
Most often with Laptops really.
I get used to a certain look and style, and when it comes time to get a new one...that look and style is gone. *exhales*

But this post isn't about laptops. Even if I started it out that way.
No, this post is about shoes.

For you see, shoes also go through trends of innovation. Where people try to make them lighter, more fashionable, whatever.

Which is great, if you're into all that.

But when you're trying to find a regular pair of tennis shoes to wear to work and to hike around in....
It becomes difficult.
Oh so difficult.
Perhaps I'm looking for tennis shoes out of season or something.

Because the 'tennis shoes' the store I went to had to offer.
We rather flimsy things.

Basically made entirely of a mesh material.
-Which I know is suppose to help your feet be able to breathe and such.
But it really sucks if you get them wet because they can't keep out water worth anything.

I know.
Because I bought a pair of these shoes for work a bit back.
And they worked fine for a while.
Until, you know, my coworkers flooded the department like three times in a single week.
And while mopping the water, I discovered that the shoes really weren't resistant to said water.
So I switched to an older pair of tennis shoes, and what do you know? No mesh means no water inside my shoes and no wet socks to squelch around in.

Only now.
Those shoes have unfortunately gotten worn down enough that the sole is now separating from the rest of the shoe. Making a neat little hole.
Which if anybody decides to flood the department...or you know...if I have to go walk out in a snow storm...doesn't do much to keep my feet nice and dry.

So the search began.
For new work shoes.

And you know what I encountered?
Those annoying mesh athletic monstrosities masquerading as actual shoes. That's what I ran into.

*shakes head* While I was trying in vain to fine a pair of work shoes that would keep my feet dry without being a boring and ugly black color, one of the workers at the store was like "Are you doing alright?"
And I was like "Kinda...I'm trying to find new work shoes that are water proof. But these are all mesh."
And whaddaya know? She directed me to ugly black works shoes. While saying. "Oh I know that problem, these shoes are amazing." *points to mesh shoes* "I own them myself, but they do get wet, but I have this water protective spray I spray on them and it works just like a charm!"

Ever felt like face palming? I did just then.
What's the point of having shoes if they can't protect your feet? O.o
Why not make a shoe that doesn't need the 'water resistant spray?'

In any case.
After a bit of searching about.
I found a pair of shoes that I thought would work.
The only draw back to them...is that they don't have laces. Just bungee straps pretending to be laces that you can't adjust at all.
However, they are tight enough that I don't fear that I'm going to walk out of my shoes. lol. And comfortable enough that I was able to work my shift today without worrying.
I mean, there's still mesh to these shoes. But at least the designer was smart and put a thicker material on the side of the shoes so it's less likely my feet will get soaking wet if there is a flood....inside or outside of the store.

Plus. The shoes aren't black. Yay! They're a nice two tone blue shade. lol.

In any case. I definitely think they'll do for work.
...though Hiking through red rock country would be another story. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Memory Comes Back

Do you ever run into people that you know you know, but you can't quite place how you know them?

I had that happen today at work.

A girl came into the store, who knew me. And I recognized her.
I knew her face, though her hair had been dyed a lighter blonde than I remembered. As I was sure her hair had been darker the last time I'd seen her.

Which threw me off a bit more, as I knew the girl, but the hair wasn't right, so I was trying to remember the hair before it was dyed before I could place where she was from.

Was it from school? I'd halfway thought she was in one of my sign language classes.
Maybe it was institute?
Or was it in a ward? She struck me as some sort of Relief Society person.

I got a clue when she asked if I was still living at the Palace.
The Great and Spacious apartment complex that I had moved into...what three years ago? Maybe it's four now. It was the apartment complex before my last apartment... So yah three years ago. As I spent 2 years in my last place....
In any case.

The Palace.
I knew her from the Palace.
But how?
Again, all I could think of was that I knew her from the ward.

It was only later,
after she'd left.
And I'd had time to consider and think about it.

Did I place her.

She used to be my roommate.

I think she was part of the 'summer' group that lived in the apartment with me before the 'main year contract' started.

But it's no surprise that I had trouble remembering her.
As I've probably suppressed thinking about her.

Because we didn't end our relationship that well....

She was one of those roommates...that kinda just made you feel worse about yourself.
She was one of those roommates that seemed really sweet...and then I found her candy coated heart of darkness and I ended up irrationally fearing for my life.

She was one of those ones that had a hand in knocking down my confidence levels a peg or two or six.

Because she...as I recall....basically moved out of the apartment to get away from me.
So she said in a text or some sort of note...it wasn't verbal and wasn't in person.

But it was basically over a disagreement of cleanliness. She was more into having the apartment look unlived in than I was. But wouldn't tell you to your face that things were too dirty for her. Her take was a passive aggressive sort of thing. Notes, texts, all your stuff piled in a corner.

And the last note she'd left that basically said "I'm leaving because you're driving me crazy because you can't keep things clean and it's despicable that you leave thing so untidy" yadda yadda that left me feeling...unsafe, downtrodden, and worthless.
How could such a nice person to your face say such mean things on paper?

It was a case of "hide in my room and pretend not to exist" sort of case until she actually moved out.

*shakes head*

No wonder I had trouble placing her. lol.
I mean, I encountered her a few times during the year after she'd moved out. As she was still living at the Palace, and ended up being around the Institute as well.

But it's been a while since I've seen her.
Or thought of her.

Like I said.
It took me a while to remember who this girl was.

Which now explains why I felt a slight tension when talking with her at work today.
There's still that false friendliness feel around it all....the broken trust.

Still....it shows how much I'd put it behind me that I didn't remember who she was until I put effort into remembering.

Now to put it behind me once more.

Ah. The random encounters of life. *shakes head*

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, January 9, 2017

April 2013 General Conference -Sunday Morning

Dieter F. Uchtdorf -The Hope of God's Light
  • There may be some among you who feel darkness encroaching upon you. You may feel burdened by worry, fear, or doubt. To you and to all of us, I repeat a wonderful and certain truth: God's light is real. It is available to all! It gives life to all things. It has the power to soften the sting of the deepest wound. It can be a healing balm for the loneliness and sickness of our souls. In the furrows of despair, it can plant the seeds of a brighter hope. It can enlighten the deepest valleys of sorrow. It can illuminate the path before us and lead us through the darkest night into the promise of a new dawn.
  • Nevertheless, spiritual light rarely comes to those who merely sit in darkness waiting for someone to flip a switch. It takes an act of faith to open our eyes to the Light of Christ. Spiritual light cannot be discerned by carnal eyes.
  • Start where you are.
  • Turn your heart toward the Lord.
  • Walk in the light.
  • Your Heavenly Father knows that you will make mistakes. He knows that you will stumble--perhaps many times. This saddens Him, but He loves you. He does not wish to break your spirit. On the contrary, He desires that you rise up and become the person you were designed to be.
Neil L. Andersen -It's a Miracle
  • If you're not a full-time missionary with a missionary badge pinned on your coat, now is the time to paint one on your heart--painted, as Paul said, "not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God." And returned missionaries, find your old missionary tag. Don't wear it, but put it where you can see it. The Lord needs you now more than ever to be an instrument in His hands. All of us have a contribution to make to this miracle.
  • I promise you, as you pray to know with whom to speak, names and faces will come into you mind. Words to speak will be given in the very moment you need them. Opportunities will open to you. Faith will overcome doubt, and the Lord will bless you with your very own miracles.
  • "This isn't missionary work. This is missionary fun."
  • "We needed to choose whether to follow the traditions of our fathers or to follow Jesus Christ."
Rosemary M. Wixom -The Words We Speak
  • One of the greatest influences a person can have in this world is to influence a child. Children's beliefs and self-worth are shaped early in their lives.
  • The answer to our prayer of how to meet our children's needs may be to more often technologically disconnect.
L. Whitney Clayton -Marriage: Watch and Learn
  • Watch and learn: the best marriage partners regard their marriages as priceless.
  • Faith is the foundation of every virtue that strengthens marriage. Strengthening faith strengthens marriage. Faith grows as we keep the commandments, and so do the harmony and joy in marriage.
  • Humility is the essence of repentance. Humility is selfless, not selfish. It doesn't demand its own way or speak with moral superiority. Instead, humility answers softly and listens kindly for understanding, not vindication. Humility recognizes that no one can change someone else, but with faith, effort, and the help of God, we can undergo our own mighty change of heart.
  • I have observed that in wonderful, happy marriages, husbands and wives treat each other as equal partners.
  • Husbands and wives in great marriages make decisions unanimously, with each of them acting as a full participant and entitled to an equal voice and vote.
  • Their marriages are based on cooperation, not negotiation.
  • Where there is respect, there is also transparency, which is a key element of happy marriages. There are no secrets about relevant matters in marriages based on mutual respect and transparency. Husbands and wives make all decisions about finances together, and both have access to all information.
  • Loyalty is a form of respect.
  • Watch and learn: terrific marriages are completely respectful, transparent, and loyal.
  • They establish their marriage as [their] first priority. ... They allow no other person or interest to have greater priority ... than keeping the covenants they have made with God and each other." Watch and learn: successful couples love each other with complete devotion.
L. Tom Perry -Obedience to Law Is Liberty
  • "The incidents of the armed service do not permit our keeping in constant personal touch with you, either directly or by personal representation. Our next best course is to put in your hands such portions of modern revelation and of explanations of the principles of the Gospel as shall bring to you, wherever you may be, renewed hope and faith, as likewise comfort, consolation, and peace of spirit.
  • "If you wish to return to your loved ones with head erect, ... if you would be a man and live abundantly--then observe God's law. In so doing you can add to those priceless freedoms which you are struggling to preserve, another on which the others may well depend, freedom from sin; for truly 'obedience to law is liberty.'"
  • "Next to life itself, free agency is God's greatest gift to mankind."
  • God reveals to His prophets that there are moral absolutes. Sin will always be sin. Disobedience to the Lord's commandments will always deprive us of His blessings. The world changes constantly and dramatically, but God, His commandments, and promised blessings do not change. They are immutable and unchanging. Men and women receive their agency as a gift from God, but their liberty and, in turn, their eternal happiness come from obedience to His laws. As Alma counseled his errant son Corianton, "Wickedness never was happiness."
  • In a world where the moral compass of society is faltering, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ never wavers, nor should its stakes and wards, its families, or its individual members. We must not pick and choose which commandments we think are important to keep but acknowledge all of God's commandments. We must strand firm and steadfast, having perfect confidence in the Lord's consistency and perfect trust in His promises.
Thomas S. Monson -Obedience Brings Blessings
  • "Truth is knowledge of things are they are, and as they were, and as they are to come. ...
  • "The Spirit of truth is of God. ...
  • "And no man receiveth a fullness unless he keepeth his commandments.
  • "He that keepeth [God's] commandments receiveth truth and light, until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things."
  • Life would be simpler for all of us if we would obey such rules completely. Many of us, however, learn through experience the wisdom of being obedient.
  • There are rules and laws to help ensure our physical safety. Likewise, the Lord has provided guidelines and commandments to help ensure our spiritual safety so that we might successfully navigate this often-treacherous mortal existence and return eventually to our Heavenly Father.
  • "Obedience is the first law of heaven."
  • "The happiness of the Latter-day Saints, the peace of the Latter-day Saints, the progress of the Latter-day Saints, the prosperity of the Latter-day Saints, and the eternal salvation and exaltation of this people lie in walking in obedience to the counsels of ... God."
  • He never questioned, he never murmured, and he never made excuses.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, January 8, 2017

The New Gang

I bought some new fish yesterday.

Since my 125 gallon fish tank was feeling rather empty with just one fish in it.

And me being semi-impatient. I decided that I'd waited long enough to let the tank 'settle down' again, and got more fish.

Four Glo Tetras to be exact. As I was left with one Blue Glo Tetra in the tank and I felt that the fish could use some buddies of his own kind.
So I got a Red, Orange, Green, and Purple Glo Tetra to go with my Blue one. :)

And I brought them home.
Got them into the house.
And Kikay basically attacked me at the door with "WHAT ARE THEIR NAMES?!"

"...I haven't named them yet. I figured I'd wait and see if they lived first."
"No, no. You need to name them! You should name them!"
"I'm just referring to them as the Rainbow Raiders for now. I'll come up with names later."
"You should name them now!"
"I'll consider it."

Kikay is big into naming things.
Honestly. I hadn't been planning to name my fish in the first place when I first started getting them for the 125.
It just kinda happened.
But with how most of them have died....I hadn't wanted to name them right away as I didn't want to get too attached to them.

Yet, Kikay insisted.
So after some consideration it was decided to go with a 'Theme"
Originally Kikay wanted them named after the Avengers.
But I didn't really want that for the Glo-Tetras. I'd been considering Avenger names for other fish instead.

We named them after the Avatar Gang.
Orange -Aang, Red-Zuko, Green-Toph, Blue-Katara, and Purple-Sokka.

And so far....
So good. 24 hours and all five of them are still alive. :) lol
It feels rather good to have more than one fish swimming around in the tank again.
Especially since the Glo-Tetras are pretty active. Swimming all around and creating movement in the tank. :)
I definitely can't wait to get more.
But I can be patient.
I don't want to cause another die off again. :S

So for now. I'll enjoy watching the Avatar Gang swim about. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, January 7, 2017

A Surprise Gift

A couple of evenings ago.
I received a message via Facebook from one of my coworkers.
-As I'd already gone home for the day from my shift.

She told me that there was a 'gift from Hercules and Dodger waiting for me in the Podium at work.'

O.o A gift?
Who would be giving me a gift? Especially this late after Christmas?
Who would be giving me a gift that knew my coworker?

It confused me for sure.
As I recognized the names Hercules and Dodger.
And for some reason I thought of dogs when I read it.
But I didn't know if my coworker even owned dogs by that name....nor why they'd even give me a present from their dogs. It didn't make any sense.

And I had the day off the next day too.
Which meant that if I really wanted to unravel who Hercules and Dodger was...I would need to drive into work on my day off and check it out.
....I don't like going into work on my days off. lol. I'm already there almost every day. No need to go there when I didn't have to. :)
Was I curious enough to find the answer to drive over there and see?

No. No I wasn't.
lol I ended up not making it to work.
Though I thought I had figured out the answer to who Hercules and Dodger were.
I thought they were the nicknames of two previous coworkers that were also friends with the coworker who left me a message.
Though again, why those two would leave me a present when I haven't seen them in months...I still didn't know. *exhales*

So I wasn't a hundred percent confident in my answer to who these two names were either.
I knew the names!! but nothing was coming to me.
Who would leave me a gift at work?? O.o

I got my answer this morning.

When I got to work, and opened the podium and saw:
Two Hershey's Cookies and Crème bars waiting for me.

It all came rushing back then.
I now had context with the names, and the story behind it. lol.

I don't even remember if I mentioned it here on the blog or not.
I think I did.
But it was months and months ago.
Like September or October?

When one of my favorite customers had come into the store.
The owner of my favorite dog duo.
Hercules and Dodger. lol

So I was correct in that they were dog names!! I just hadn't had the right cues to draw the answer when I wasn't at work.

You see, a few months back. The owner had come to the store to buy things for the doggie duo.
But had ended up being like $5 short.
I'd happened to have $5 on me at that point, and decided to do a good deed and use my $5 to help him pay for his purchases so he wouldn't have to put anything back.

He'd asked how he could repay me.
And I'd simply told him to bring me by a Hershey's Cookies and Crème bar the next time he dropped by the store.
But I hadn't really expected him to do so. lol. I was just doing a good deed for him, I wasn't expecting to get anything back.

Apparently he remembered though. ^^
And had brought them too the store! :D
lol I'm only sad I wasn't there to get them from him and the puppies in person. As I love seeing the doggie duo and haven't seen them in like six months or so it feels like.

Talk about a happy moment for sure. ^^

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, January 6, 2017


It's been rather a fun week here in CollegeTown.
Because it's finally snowed! That's why.
And not just one day for a couple of hours before melting away.
No this has been full on two day storms and the like, dumping a foot or so of snow onto the ground with temperatures staying low enough to keep the snow from disappearing!!

It's full on amazing!
Honestly, I feel like we haven't had it snow like this in Happy Valley since my first couple of years of College.
So to say I'm loving all the white is a bit of an understatement. I'm LOVING IT!!

Despite how much I love the snow.
It has had it's drawbacks this week.

Mostly in regards to getting to work on time.

As you see, it's mostly been snowing heavily at night.
And for whatever reason, the snow plows haven't had a chance to plow the roads when I end up going to work in the morning.
Which is pretty early. Before dawn type of shifts and such.

It's been rather fun to use the Four Wheel Drive on my car. lol. Otherwise...I probably wouldn't have made it out of my driveway those mornings lol.

Still. I love the snow.
So I'm pretty confident driving in it, even if the roads aren't plowed.
Other drivers....not so much.

To say that they drive slow is an understatement. They drive at the speed of grass growing.

I mean, I understand that driving slow is necessary when the roads have six inches of snow covering them.
But I wish the drivers wouldn't drive slow in front of me.
As they've made it difficult to get to work on time. What with everyone going 15mph everywhere. I kinda need to drive a bit faster than that to get to work in a timely manner.

Which is why I've been late to work almost every day this week.
Because people are driving too slowly in the snow storms.
I can understand going under the speed limit. But if the zone is 45....going 15 is a bit excessive in slowness.

Of course I could get around this slow down by leaving earlier.....
Hopefully, if it snows again, it won't cause me to be late again.
As I really don't like being late to things. >.< Especially my job.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, January 5, 2017

A Calling Fulfilled

Years ago as a stake presidency, we felt impressed to call a good man as stake clerk.
At the time he was temporarily struggling with regular Church attendance.
We knew, however, that if he accepted the calling, he would do a marvelous job.

We extended the call, but he replied, "No, I don't think I can do it."

Then an impression came.
I said, "Well, I guess the Glendale stake won't have a stake clerk then."

Shocked, he responded, "What are you talking about?
You have to have a stake clerk."

I replied, "Do you want us now to call someone else to serve as a stake clerk when the Lord impressed us to call you?"

"OK," he said, "I'll do it."

And do it he did.
There are not only many men but also many boys who will respond to a call when they know the Lord is calling them and that the Lord needs them.

-Tad R. Callister -The Power of the Priesthood in the Boy -April 2013 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Mostly Empty

It's never a surprise that around Christmas time, we end up getting pretty low on animals in the store.
After all, we're only sent a certain amount a week.
And if the people in charge of sending us animals don't guesstimate what will sell correctly...
We end up being out of animals.
And end up with unhappy customers. *shakes head*
It's funny how many people think we can just go into a back room and grab out more of an animal that they want. It's not like we have a breeding facility attached to the back of the store. lol.

In any case.
Usually we do really well with replenishments. Sometimes some animals are delayed. But usually, all goes well. Especially in the recovery period after Christmas.

Not this time around though.

It's so. Weird.
We have a huge amount of empty cages in the store.
We're low on everything but fish basically. :S

The reptiles?
I have 21 cages. And out of those 21 cages.... 15 of them are empty. I have four snakes, a Chinese water dragon, and an African Sideneck Turtle. That's it.
I haven't gotten in a shipment of reptiles since before Christmas.
:S Mostly it's the weather to blame on this shortage.
As when it's super cold outside, we don't get reptiles shipped to us, as they can't handle those cold temperatures.

So yay for keeping the animals safe. But boo for having no animals to sell. lol.

Our birds...well we're doing alright for now on them. I have some of everything...not the higher numbers that we're used to...but enough that we'll probably only run out of parakeets and finches if people get into a bird buying frenzy.

Our Small Pets...that's the other section of the department that's suffering.
I haven't had any Guinea Pigs come into the store for nearly a month now. (Which made many a Christmas shopper unhappy) As our breeders are going through a shortage currently. I won't be surprised if we once again receive zero in on the morrow. Though I desperately need them. I need anything really. For some reason the 'after christmas' shipment was really low. We only got in robos and Russians. When I basically needed some of everything. *exhales*
I'm so short on rodents right now. I have 2 Skinny Pigs, Three Robo Dwarves, One Winter White, Three Russian Hamsters, and One Fancy Bear Syrain.

Considering we have 18 spots for rodents and only 6 of them are filled....is rather depressing. So much emptiness!

It certainly has made opening up the department a breeze though lol. With hardly any animals to feed it means that each task takes a lot less time to complete. :)

Still. I can't wait for my cages to be filled once more. I don't like having 85% of our cages empty. It's unnatural.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Challenge Given


I was being my usual self at work today.
Which meant, that when I got done with my opening tasks early -due to having few animals in the store to take care of since we're still recovering from Christmas crazy- I went hunting for other tasks to do.
As I like to be busy 'doing' it makes time go faster.
And usually the Stocker's need help unloading the truck.
And I knew that we had two trucks worth of product that needed to be worked. Particularly product that goes into my department.
Honestly, I feel like we'd look less like a disaster zone if I could fill the shelves again.

So I was more than surprised that my offer to help with Totes from the Truck....was refused.

-Though as usual the Stocking Manager was more than impressed that I was offering to help out. *shakes head* I don't see how that's so weird....but then again I do. Still. Helping one helps all right?

Instead of working truck though, the managers wanted me to work on one of the planners.
-As with a new month we move the product on the ends of our aisles about to generate interest and such.

So I was like "Okay, but when I finish that....can I work truck then?"

The head manager scoffed. "You're not going to finish it."

Oh? *eye gleam* Watch me.

lol. I guess....the HM has never seen me work on a Planner before.
There was a reason why the original set of managers I started under had me working a variety of shifts.
It's because I'm a quick learner, and quick worker. Basically. I get things done. And Fast.

However, under this new set of managers. I haven't really been given planners to do.
Or if I have, it's quick 'finish this up' sort of things. Not resetting a whole thing by myself.

I mean, I understand how they thought I couldn't get it done.
Customers do need help after all. So that delays any project that's being worked on when the store is open.
Still though.
It didn't seem that difficult.

And it wasn't.
After all, it was dog food. *shrugs* Not that hard. It was just a matter of figuring out where to place the shelves so that the product would all fit where it's supposed to.

Lol when I was halfway done, Head Manager came out.
And....seemed genuinely surprised that I was already halfway done.
Like. Super impressed that I'd already finished so much.

*shrugs* It's what I do. lol.

But the manager was like. "Sarnic! You need to become the Stocking Manager! I mean. Wow! This is amazing. You're so good, you need to leave your comfort zone as you'll excel at this!"

Like I'd give up my beloved department full of animals and fun, for boring old stocking where it's lifting and arranging and...yah. Not fun. It's only 'fun' when I do it on occasion. Something to break up the same old same old.

But yah. I know I could be good at it. But I also know that I could be good at a lot of different areas of the store. Doesn't mean I want to permanently be in that spot. lol

It's probably a good thing for the managers to realize that I am fast at what I do. :)
Plus. I DID finish that Planner. It only took me a couple of hours. I still had like 45 mins before the end of my shift when I finished.

*exhales* I didn't get to work totes though. Y_Y by that point after lifting like 400lbs of dog food. I was tired.... lol

Maybe tomorrow I'll finally get to those totes. *fingers crossed*

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi