Monday, January 9, 2017

April 2013 General Conference -Sunday Morning

Dieter F. Uchtdorf -The Hope of God's Light
  • There may be some among you who feel darkness encroaching upon you. You may feel burdened by worry, fear, or doubt. To you and to all of us, I repeat a wonderful and certain truth: God's light is real. It is available to all! It gives life to all things. It has the power to soften the sting of the deepest wound. It can be a healing balm for the loneliness and sickness of our souls. In the furrows of despair, it can plant the seeds of a brighter hope. It can enlighten the deepest valleys of sorrow. It can illuminate the path before us and lead us through the darkest night into the promise of a new dawn.
  • Nevertheless, spiritual light rarely comes to those who merely sit in darkness waiting for someone to flip a switch. It takes an act of faith to open our eyes to the Light of Christ. Spiritual light cannot be discerned by carnal eyes.
  • Start where you are.
  • Turn your heart toward the Lord.
  • Walk in the light.
  • Your Heavenly Father knows that you will make mistakes. He knows that you will stumble--perhaps many times. This saddens Him, but He loves you. He does not wish to break your spirit. On the contrary, He desires that you rise up and become the person you were designed to be.
Neil L. Andersen -It's a Miracle
  • If you're not a full-time missionary with a missionary badge pinned on your coat, now is the time to paint one on your heart--painted, as Paul said, "not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God." And returned missionaries, find your old missionary tag. Don't wear it, but put it where you can see it. The Lord needs you now more than ever to be an instrument in His hands. All of us have a contribution to make to this miracle.
  • I promise you, as you pray to know with whom to speak, names and faces will come into you mind. Words to speak will be given in the very moment you need them. Opportunities will open to you. Faith will overcome doubt, and the Lord will bless you with your very own miracles.
  • "This isn't missionary work. This is missionary fun."
  • "We needed to choose whether to follow the traditions of our fathers or to follow Jesus Christ."
Rosemary M. Wixom -The Words We Speak
  • One of the greatest influences a person can have in this world is to influence a child. Children's beliefs and self-worth are shaped early in their lives.
  • The answer to our prayer of how to meet our children's needs may be to more often technologically disconnect.
L. Whitney Clayton -Marriage: Watch and Learn
  • Watch and learn: the best marriage partners regard their marriages as priceless.
  • Faith is the foundation of every virtue that strengthens marriage. Strengthening faith strengthens marriage. Faith grows as we keep the commandments, and so do the harmony and joy in marriage.
  • Humility is the essence of repentance. Humility is selfless, not selfish. It doesn't demand its own way or speak with moral superiority. Instead, humility answers softly and listens kindly for understanding, not vindication. Humility recognizes that no one can change someone else, but with faith, effort, and the help of God, we can undergo our own mighty change of heart.
  • I have observed that in wonderful, happy marriages, husbands and wives treat each other as equal partners.
  • Husbands and wives in great marriages make decisions unanimously, with each of them acting as a full participant and entitled to an equal voice and vote.
  • Their marriages are based on cooperation, not negotiation.
  • Where there is respect, there is also transparency, which is a key element of happy marriages. There are no secrets about relevant matters in marriages based on mutual respect and transparency. Husbands and wives make all decisions about finances together, and both have access to all information.
  • Loyalty is a form of respect.
  • Watch and learn: terrific marriages are completely respectful, transparent, and loyal.
  • They establish their marriage as [their] first priority. ... They allow no other person or interest to have greater priority ... than keeping the covenants they have made with God and each other." Watch and learn: successful couples love each other with complete devotion.
L. Tom Perry -Obedience to Law Is Liberty
  • "The incidents of the armed service do not permit our keeping in constant personal touch with you, either directly or by personal representation. Our next best course is to put in your hands such portions of modern revelation and of explanations of the principles of the Gospel as shall bring to you, wherever you may be, renewed hope and faith, as likewise comfort, consolation, and peace of spirit.
  • "If you wish to return to your loved ones with head erect, ... if you would be a man and live abundantly--then observe God's law. In so doing you can add to those priceless freedoms which you are struggling to preserve, another on which the others may well depend, freedom from sin; for truly 'obedience to law is liberty.'"
  • "Next to life itself, free agency is God's greatest gift to mankind."
  • God reveals to His prophets that there are moral absolutes. Sin will always be sin. Disobedience to the Lord's commandments will always deprive us of His blessings. The world changes constantly and dramatically, but God, His commandments, and promised blessings do not change. They are immutable and unchanging. Men and women receive their agency as a gift from God, but their liberty and, in turn, their eternal happiness come from obedience to His laws. As Alma counseled his errant son Corianton, "Wickedness never was happiness."
  • In a world where the moral compass of society is faltering, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ never wavers, nor should its stakes and wards, its families, or its individual members. We must not pick and choose which commandments we think are important to keep but acknowledge all of God's commandments. We must strand firm and steadfast, having perfect confidence in the Lord's consistency and perfect trust in His promises.
Thomas S. Monson -Obedience Brings Blessings
  • "Truth is knowledge of things are they are, and as they were, and as they are to come. ...
  • "The Spirit of truth is of God. ...
  • "And no man receiveth a fullness unless he keepeth his commandments.
  • "He that keepeth [God's] commandments receiveth truth and light, until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things."
  • Life would be simpler for all of us if we would obey such rules completely. Many of us, however, learn through experience the wisdom of being obedient.
  • There are rules and laws to help ensure our physical safety. Likewise, the Lord has provided guidelines and commandments to help ensure our spiritual safety so that we might successfully navigate this often-treacherous mortal existence and return eventually to our Heavenly Father.
  • "Obedience is the first law of heaven."
  • "The happiness of the Latter-day Saints, the peace of the Latter-day Saints, the progress of the Latter-day Saints, the prosperity of the Latter-day Saints, and the eternal salvation and exaltation of this people lie in walking in obedience to the counsels of ... God."
  • He never questioned, he never murmured, and he never made excuses.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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