Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Mostly Empty

It's never a surprise that around Christmas time, we end up getting pretty low on animals in the store.
After all, we're only sent a certain amount a week.
And if the people in charge of sending us animals don't guesstimate what will sell correctly...
We end up being out of animals.
And end up with unhappy customers. *shakes head*
It's funny how many people think we can just go into a back room and grab out more of an animal that they want. It's not like we have a breeding facility attached to the back of the store. lol.

In any case.
Usually we do really well with replenishments. Sometimes some animals are delayed. But usually, all goes well. Especially in the recovery period after Christmas.

Not this time around though.

It's so. Weird.
We have a huge amount of empty cages in the store.
We're low on everything but fish basically. :S

The reptiles?
I have 21 cages. And out of those 21 cages.... 15 of them are empty. I have four snakes, a Chinese water dragon, and an African Sideneck Turtle. That's it.
I haven't gotten in a shipment of reptiles since before Christmas.
:S Mostly it's the weather to blame on this shortage.
As when it's super cold outside, we don't get reptiles shipped to us, as they can't handle those cold temperatures.

So yay for keeping the animals safe. But boo for having no animals to sell. lol.

Our birds...well we're doing alright for now on them. I have some of everything...not the higher numbers that we're used to...but enough that we'll probably only run out of parakeets and finches if people get into a bird buying frenzy.

Our Small Pets...that's the other section of the department that's suffering.
I haven't had any Guinea Pigs come into the store for nearly a month now. (Which made many a Christmas shopper unhappy) As our breeders are going through a shortage currently. I won't be surprised if we once again receive zero in on the morrow. Though I desperately need them. I need anything really. For some reason the 'after christmas' shipment was really low. We only got in robos and Russians. When I basically needed some of everything. *exhales*
I'm so short on rodents right now. I have 2 Skinny Pigs, Three Robo Dwarves, One Winter White, Three Russian Hamsters, and One Fancy Bear Syrain.

Considering we have 18 spots for rodents and only 6 of them are rather depressing. So much emptiness!

It certainly has made opening up the department a breeze though lol. With hardly any animals to feed it means that each task takes a lot less time to complete. :)

Still. I can't wait for my cages to be filled once more. I don't like having 85% of our cages empty. It's unnatural.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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