Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Challenge Given


I was being my usual self at work today.
Which meant, that when I got done with my opening tasks early -due to having few animals in the store to take care of since we're still recovering from Christmas crazy- I went hunting for other tasks to do.
As I like to be busy 'doing' it makes time go faster.
And usually the Stocker's need help unloading the truck.
And I knew that we had two trucks worth of product that needed to be worked. Particularly product that goes into my department.
Honestly, I feel like we'd look less like a disaster zone if I could fill the shelves again.

So I was more than surprised that my offer to help with Totes from the Truck....was refused.

-Though as usual the Stocking Manager was more than impressed that I was offering to help out. *shakes head* I don't see how that's so weird....but then again I do. Still. Helping one helps all right?

Instead of working truck though, the managers wanted me to work on one of the planners.
-As with a new month we move the product on the ends of our aisles about to generate interest and such.

So I was like "Okay, but when I finish that....can I work truck then?"

The head manager scoffed. "You're not going to finish it."

Oh? *eye gleam* Watch me.

lol. I guess....the HM has never seen me work on a Planner before.
There was a reason why the original set of managers I started under had me working a variety of shifts.
It's because I'm a quick learner, and quick worker. Basically. I get things done. And Fast.

However, under this new set of managers. I haven't really been given planners to do.
Or if I have, it's quick 'finish this up' sort of things. Not resetting a whole thing by myself.

I mean, I understand how they thought I couldn't get it done.
Customers do need help after all. So that delays any project that's being worked on when the store is open.
Still though.
It didn't seem that difficult.

And it wasn't.
After all, it was dog food. *shrugs* Not that hard. It was just a matter of figuring out where to place the shelves so that the product would all fit where it's supposed to.

Lol when I was halfway done, Head Manager came out.
And....seemed genuinely surprised that I was already halfway done.
Like. Super impressed that I'd already finished so much.

*shrugs* It's what I do. lol.

But the manager was like. "Sarnic! You need to become the Stocking Manager! I mean. Wow! This is amazing. You're so good, you need to leave your comfort zone as you'll excel at this!"

Like I'd give up my beloved department full of animals and fun, for boring old stocking where it's lifting and arranging and...yah. Not fun. It's only 'fun' when I do it on occasion. Something to break up the same old same old.

But yah. I know I could be good at it. But I also know that I could be good at a lot of different areas of the store. Doesn't mean I want to permanently be in that spot. lol

It's probably a good thing for the managers to realize that I am fast at what I do. :)
Plus. I DID finish that Planner. It only took me a couple of hours. I still had like 45 mins before the end of my shift when I finished.

*exhales* I didn't get to work totes though. Y_Y by that point after lifting like 400lbs of dog food. I was tired.... lol

Maybe tomorrow I'll finally get to those totes. *fingers crossed*

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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