Tuesday, November 30, 2010

If the World Was Crazy

Exhaustion makes it hard to think I've discovered.

So tonight I will take an easy way out.
And just share a random favorite poem of mine.

If the World Was Crazy
By Shel Silverstein

If the world was crazy, you know what I'd eat?
A big slice of soup and a whole quart of meat,
A lemonade sandwich, and then I might try
Some roasted ice cream or a bicycle pie,
A nice notebook salad, an underwear roast,
An omelet of hats and some crisp cardboard toast,
A thick malted milk made from pencils and daisies,
And that's what I'd eat if the world was crazy.

If the world was crazy, you know what I'd wear?
A chocolate suit and a tie of éclair,
Some marshmallow earmuffs, some licorice shoes,
And I'd read a paper of peppermint news.
I'd call the boys "Suzy" and I'd call the girls "Harry,"
I'd talk through my ears, and I always would carry
A paper umbrella for when it grew hazy
To keep in the rain, if the world was crazy.

If the world was crazy, you know what I'd do?
I'd walk through the ocean and swim in my shoe,
I'd fly through the ground and I'd skip through the air,
I'd run down the bathtub and bathe on the stair.
When I met somebody I'd say, "Goodbye, Joe,"
And when I was leaving -- then I'd say "Hello."
And the greatest of men would be silly and lazy
So I would be king … if the world was crazy.

In 4th grade we had to memorize a poem. I don't remember why. It was an assignment though.
I remember that I spent the weekend at my Great-Grandma's house sitting in her loft that was only reached by a spiral staircase.
And I sat up there memorizing the poem.
lol I thought it was silly and fun.
Almost like a 'backwards' day type of poem.
It was fun to say and if I remember correctly....
I was one of the few to say it all correctly.
Of course we had choices of other poems
And I think this one was our longest one....
Few of my classmates picked it.
But it was fun to say.

But I don't really wish that the world was crazy.
Because being king/queen of crazy people.....would take alot of work.
Especially if they're silly and/or lazy.
If I did all the work...
That wouldn't be much fun for me.
But you can't really be the silly/lazy person either
Somedays as you go about your routine.
Crazy things seem to happen and you're left as King/Queen of the mountain
Holding the hole shadaddle together by force of will and tons of string, gum and paperclips.
(yes I made up the word shadaddle. A fatigued mind believes its a good word to use in explanation.)
Just waiting for some other person to come along to help or take the whole shabang off your hands.
But definitely not hinder.
Hindering is annoying and time consuming....
Sometimes I feel as if we move about in a world of I can'ts.

I can't do that because of this.
I can't do that because of some other reason.

How many times in a day do we walk past something and think "Oh. Someone else will do that." or "I'll do that later."
If everyone else thinks that its a someone else problem....
Nothing would get done.

By Milton Berle

I'd rather be a "could-be', if I cannot be an "are';
Because a "could-be" is a "maybe" who is reaching for a star.
I'd rather be a "has-been" than a "might-have-been', by far;
For a "might-have-been" has never "been", but a "has" was once an "are'.

Maybe the world is a little crazy....
But if it wasn't, we'd end up getting bored really quick.
Its good to have things that twist your routine slightly. Make life different for a moment.
Everything is good in moderation.....

And that about sums up my thoughts when my brain is exhausted and fatigued lol. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, November 29, 2010


My Fish Dobby left me a gift.

A nice fish tank sized watermark on my desk.
...that won't go away.

At least the bright side is that I discovered this before it got really bad...
cleaning the space where the tank had been.....allowed me to see the mark before
it was totally black with mold....but its still visible....grrrr bad fish tank!! >.<

I'm considering calling it "Dobby's Mark."
A constant reminder of my college fish buddy.

But as I stared at the watermark I had this strange thought.

What else do we see on a daily basis that has us remember something or a person from our past?

A "Forget-me-not" in a sense.

A favorite blanket made by a grandmother
A figurine given to you while visiting another country.
A stain on the floor from a fun game night.
A ding in the door from when you tried to move some piece of furniture in the house.
A trinket given to you to celebrate a special day.

We surround ourselves with visual objects that hold memories of events or people.
Most of the time the objects contain good memories.
Or memories of friends/family/pets you don't want to forget.

I know I've mentioned before how smells or sounds can trigger memories.
But how many memories do we trigger by what we surround ourselves by?
look about your room and look at the things in there. Do they spark thoughts/feelings/memories?
They should. You usually choose what is in your room.
Why do you keep what you keep?
Why do you move things around
or get rid of other things?

Sometimes you can't get rid of something. Like a stain. But you can cover it up. But the reminder is usually there...even if you do manage to forget about it for a time.

Dobby's Mark.
What other marks have been left to remind?

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, November 28, 2010


For those of you who haven't read Harry Potter book 7....(or seen the movie yet.)
You will want to skip this blog until you do...
Unless you don't care to know a spoiler of Book 7.....
Then you may keep reading. :)

In book 2 of the Harry Potter series, a character shows up called Dobby.

My second year of college...perhaps in the second semester of my first year of college.
I had a fish tank.
It had guppies inside of it....the pretty males.
(I had to beg to get a small fish tank in my room.....dumb apartments don't like pets >.<....I don't know why ;) ) lol.
Well I decided....after buying some betas for a roommate's birthday.
That I would like one for myself.
So I went to go buy a beta.
Now most betas are really prettily colored. blues, reds, whites, purples, combinations of all of them.
But I found one beta.
That was kind of brown...somewhat golden....a dirty gold color.
needless to say...He didn't look that pretty next to the bright colors.
Soo I did what I usually do.
:) I bought the misfit. :) lol.
(I have a soft spot for misfit animals/things.)
And My mom was like "You should call him Dobby."
So I did! :)

And Dobby and I had been friends ever since.
He had me pretty well trained
If I walked past and happened to look at him and he swam towards the front.
I'd go.
"oooh! Dobby! Are you hungry?!" And I'd feed him.
lol. I think he was a spoiled fishy, though I never understood why we'd only feed animals once a day when we ourselves as humans need at least three meals a day.
So I think he was pretty happy with being fed two to four times a day.

Though I felt sad that he didn't have any companions (besides snails) in his little tank. :(
Betas are mean fish though.....sooo its risky giving them friends.
I think they haven't been socialized, so they dont' know how to play nice.
So Dobby just had himself and the snails and me to be with.

We were a good team. :)
He was a great friend my second year when I had absentee roommates.

This past weekend, knowing I would be returning home for most of the week, and no roommates in the apartment, I decided to take Dobby home so he wouldn't starve to death.
I don't know if the journey didn't agree with him, or the water I put in his tank when I got to the house and filled it back to the top.

(if you still don't want spoilers you will need to stop reading now.)

Well. For Thanksgiving my family went to go see the Latest Harry Potter (#7 part1)
And I knew what happened to Dobby in the book.
And it happened in the movie as well. :(
It was a very sad moment.
But I couldn't help thinking.
Ha. It would be ironic if my fish Dobby died because he did in the movie.

:( Sadly....Irony came to pass.
Dobby hadn't really been acting himself the last couple of days.
Y_Y And this morning I found him...not moving.
Y_Y My poor Dobby.

RIP my college buddy. RIP
His burial at sea was a tear jerker :( :( but he's in a better place now.
My room seems so empty now.
I left my fish tank home.
So the spot where it usually resides is blank and....very disheartening to stare at.
I could have bought another Beta....and brought him back to the apartment...
But I'm going to wait until after Christmas Break and decide then.
Since I would just have to bring a fish tank back home then anyway for the holiday.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Do you ever have a tendency to add in extra sillybles to your words? Or mayhaps you drop a couple letters in a word or change words around?

Sometimes I add in syllables to words.
Sometimes I pronounce it "Pol-li-ti-kits"

Maybe that's why I liked Megamind. Because he would do the same thing.
Poppit Corn. (popcorn)
Melancony  (melancholy.)
Revahnge (Revenge)
Shool        (School.)

Sometimes I think its just fun to pronounce things differently to see how other people react to it.

Most of the time they correct you. "You mean politics?"
"It's revenge and tis best served cold."

Or else they just look at you blankly wondering what word you're actually trying to use lol.

Other times its combining words
Mayhaps -is a combination of Perhaps and Maybe.
Experior- I think that was a combination of Superior and Excellent...I don't remember anymore lol.
Anywho- Its a combination....of Anyway and...something that has Who in it lol.

Anywho :)
Do you have any fun ways to pronounce words?
I think the area we have most creative liberty is when reading books. With strange names lol.
Often times I end up dropping or adding syllables to the names.....so when i end up trying to talk about a name you encounter different variations. lol.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, November 26, 2010

That's the truth?

One thing I find intriguing about the Wheel of Time books are the Aes Sedai.
(people with magic powers.)
They take a binding oath to not tell lies.

Yet they can spin the truth like a top.
By pausing here, leaving this bit out,
or just wording things in a way that you think they said something they didn't.

They won't lie outright.
Yet they can lie if they believe the lie to be true.
Otherwise if they want to guide a person to a certain decision

I had always found the idea intriguing.
Of seeing what I can say to hide what I don't want to tell, but not lie. To give people a different impression to make them think what I want to them to think.

Its kind of fun really....though I don't really do it that often.
Its really not that easy.
Easier on computer.
Not in person.

How often do you lie?
Tell a white lie?
A half-truth?
The truth?

I wonder what people think of me when I do that and they find out later I didn't mean what they thought I meant.

In the Wheel of Time books Aes Sedai words are listened to with a grain of salt, unless they say the words right out.
But....if you are known as a trust worthy person. and you're words of truth are truthful....its just a matter of deciding. Does it help others doing this? Or only yourself.....


Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gratitude, Nothing to Gobble at.

Happy Thanksgiving Turkey Day!

Now....I'm going to cheat.

About six months ago I had to give a talk in church.
On Gratitude....Soooo
I figured since it was a day of Thanksgiving...

I'd just copy and paste this talk and then go enjoy some Turkey! :)

Experiencing and Expressing Gratitude

HI! Before I start my talk I want you to do two things. One look up. Two put a hand on your heart. Personally I feel like the first two minutes of a talk are extremely important because that’s when you, the congregation, decide on whether or not you’ll listen to the rest of the talk or not. So at least I know that if you don’t learn anything else from what I say today, at least your hearts have been touched and you’ve seen the light.
            Okay...I admit that I got that saying from a talk given in my home ward a while back, but I thought it appropriate to use for this singles ward.
Last Sunday I was home with my family. We were sitting in our living room chatting before we needed to go to church all enjoying each other’s company, when I randomly pointed to a picture on the wall and said something along the lines of “Dad, after you go onto the next life I would like to have that picture.” This of course started a whole round of my siblings and I claiming different things around the house. The conversation had kind of died off when unexpectedly a temple picture my neighbor had made for my mom, that hadn’t yet been claimed by a family member, suddenly jerked off the wall and came crashing down onto the mantle piece, knocking over a ceramic pot, and a couple of glass thermometers to the floor below. The glass thermometers of course, broke spreading their oily alcoholic liquid all over the carpet. The pot amazingly didn’t break, but as it fell to the floor it hit a hug pot that was holding a bunch of cacti, and chipped that pot. You’d think that the nail just gave out or something causing the picture to fall but when my mom went to pick up the picture frame to save it from being damaged by the liquid, she discovered that the nail, which had been driven into at an upright angle into the wall was still stuck into picture frame. Weird isn’t it?
The topic I was given to speak about today, I consider a hard topic to talk about. Why? It’s a topic where I can easily go into a Thankyoumony and I think that might be very difficult to sit and listen to. That is why I started out with the story I did. To catch your interest.
            Gratitude. Everybody knows what Gratitude is right? Thankfulness and such. But being the outstanding and awesome institute and church going young adult I am, I wanted to double check my thinking to make sure this talk didn’t go in the wrong direction. So while in an institute class I checked a place most people would look when preparing to give a talk. The Bible Dictionary. The problem? Gratitude wasn’t in the Bible Dictionary. So I looked in my next best option. The Topical Guide. The result? Gratitude: See Ingratitude; Thanksgiving. Not very helpful, but I did what the Guide told me to and looked up Thanksgiving. That result? Some scriptures dealing with Thanksgiving! Yay! But I didn’t want to deal with turkeys, so, upon returning to the apartment I decided to look up the synonyms of gratitude in Microsoft Word. Thankfulness, appreciation and gratefulness was my reward for that effort. And finally before going to the March Ensign like I’d been told to I went to the one place that any upstanding, yet time strapped, college student would go to find sources. I googled it. Similar results.
Now back to my story and how it connects with gratitude. I mentioned four key objects in my story and they are:  
A nail.
Glass thermometers.
A pot
And cacti.

In order to hang a picture on a wall there are three different ways you can put a nail in the wall. One, you can pound it in at a downward angle, which is very uncommon because anything you hang on that nail will most likely fall off and will probably crack, or break. The second way to place a nail is straight into the wall. Most pictures will stay up, placing a nail this way, unless the wall is hollow and the nail gets pushed into the wall or accidentally pulled out, then down comes crashing the picture. The safest way then is to place the nail at an upright angle to prevent the nail from being pushed in or falling out. But as proven by the temple picture last Sunday. It won’t always keep your pictures safe.
Now with a nail you always have to pierce a hole into something in order to get the nail to stay. And when the nail is pulled out, unless you fill it in with some kind of putty you leave a scar in the wall. Sometimes these holes are very obvious to see. Like with a nail. Other times they’re a little more difficult to spot like those caused by thumbtacks. But each leaves an influence.
 “At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” -- Albert Schweitzer
Everybody has a wall filled with nails that represent different points in your life. Each nail is hammered into the wall at different angles and each nail has an object hanging from it representing things that you feel that you appreciate, or influence you.
I bet there have been times when you’ve been feeling down, alone, useless. You’ve failed a test, your hair isn’t cooperating, or you haven’t had a date in a long long time. Often having friends there to cheer you up is soothing to the soul. Holes that have been placed in your spirit are plugged up with a ‘nail’ of gratitude towards those who pay attention to us. They care about what we say, without giving the vibe of “I really don’t care about your problems let me tell you about mine”  I admit I’ve probably given off that vibe and I can’t say how guilty I feel afterwards that I was trying to put my own needs above others. But it is hard when there are lots of holes that you yourself feel need to be plugged.
The best part though in our chain of gratitude is what can be hung on those nails. Pictures of soothing places, the temple, family members, Christ, your friends, or a favorite cat, big pictures or small, they can provide a source of thankfulness and inspiration until that need is met. Then we might rearrange our wall of pictures to again fill in different needs we require at certain points in our lives. And if our pictures suddenly fall off our walls, maybe that signals that we aren’t showing enough appreciation towards the blessings that picture gives us, like being grateful as members of the church that we have the opportunity to go to the temple to be sealed and have eternal life.
Or if our nails are driven in at downward angles, and the pictures keep falling to the ground it could signal that we need to fix the influences those pictures are giving off whether it be family, friends, or schoolwork. Every problem can be solved though with the help of people you’re close to, or even with the help of our Heavenly Father and Christ when we pray for guidance and recognize their help in all things.
 “When we become more fully aware that our success is due in large measure to the loyalty, helpfulness, and encouragement we have received from others, our desire grows to pass on similar gifts. Gratitude spurs us on to prove ourselves worthy of what others have done for us. The spirit of gratitude is a powerful energizer.” -- Wilferd A. Peterson
Gratitude is an attitude, a way of perceiving life, in which individuals are willing to receive and acknowledge the beneficial actions of others on their behalf. Yet often our need to have people acknowledge our efforts can come to prickly results.
Cacti can grow in many shapes, sizes, and heights. But one thing in common is that basically every single one has thorns. This prickly exterior keeps hungry herbivores or in other words bad influences from preying on them. Yet for those who want to help out the cacti-like people, often get hurt in return, stabbed by the thorns. Their defenses coming into play before they realize that a helping hand was before them, not an enemy.
 Trying too hard to get gratitude expressed your way can cause people to feel defensive, and in return for your hard work in trying to ‘help others’ you feel like you aren’t appreciated enough for your efforts so the thorns come out and everyone is unhappy.
Ralph Marston asked “What if you gave someone a gift, and they neglected to thank you for it-would you be likely to give them another? Life is the same way. In order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have.”
 Gratitude is a habit that can be cultivated, causing one to focus on the blessings of life. In order to prevent our thorns from poking out and pushing away others we need to know that.
“Both abundance and lack exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities. It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend… when we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that’s present — love, health, family, friends, work, the joys of nature and personal pursuits that bring us pleasure — the wasteland of illusion falls away and we experience Heaven on earth.” –Sarah Ban Breathnach
            As we go about our days expressing gratitude soon enough we realize that “Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” — William Arthur Ward 
“We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” — Cynthia Ozick.
            But “If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.” — Rabbi Harold Kushner.
Everybody has seen a thermometer, when it gets hot the red line on the thermometer rises, when it gets cold the red line lowers. The thermometers that our temple picture broke were different though. They were tall cylinder shapes with glass bubbles inside filled with some unknown liquid probably mercury like other thermometers. Each bubble had a little plaque hanging below it saying what temperature that bubble represents. Depending on the temperature outside the bubbles of liquid will rise or fall telling you what temperature it is in the room or outside.
You can also compare these liquid thermometers to your gratitude levels. If the thermometer says its 98 degrees outside, then your levels of gratitude towards others are nice and high and you’re more likely to have a positive attitude and will be more likely to help other people’s thankfulness levels rise by pointing out positive things happening in other people’s lives or doing random acts of service. If your gratitude attitude is low like in the 30s then you are the one in need of a positive pill to change your outlook about how life is going for you. You can find joyvels of gratitude towards others are nice and high and you’re more likely to have a positive attitude and will be more likely to help other people’s thankfulness levels rise by pointing out positive things happening in other people’s lives or doing random acts of service. If your gratitude attitude is low like in the 30s then you are the one in need of a positive pill to change your outlook about how life is going for you. You can find joy and raise your gratitude levels by helping out others when you don’t feel like helping out, or just fishing for complements when you’ve done something you feel is great and you want others to tell you what you’ve done is great. Gratitude is a positive experience that comes from recognizing gifts or blessings and feeling thankful.
“Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting.” — Author Unknown
Finally the pot. When it was knocked off the mantle this hardy ceramic vessel was luckily empty, no ashes, water, or other objects inside. At least it was empty of the tangible things. Inside of us we each have a pot where gratitude lies. As we go about our days noticing things that we are grateful for and defining challenging circumstances as ways to help us grow, our pot fills up with gratitude, happiness, and appreciation for what we have now instead of what we don’t have as of yet. At anytime you can dip into your pot and spread out a little appreciation towards others around you and help them fill their own pots. By giving to others and seeing their joy at receiving your attention and help, you often get back twice as what you gave in good feelings and sometimes gifts and Walla your pot can become full and overflowing making it almost easy to unthinkingly do acts of kindness and expressing our gratitude easily to others who take the time to help us out.
My dad is a nurse at the VA hospital. Everyday for 8 hours he gives chemo to war victims suffering from cancer. Often to express their gratitude beyond a simple thank you for the help he gives, family members, and the patients themselves will give gifts of food, objects made by them, or knowledge to my dad, who took the time to care and talk with his patients. Instead of just seeing a body needing chemo.  Without taking the time to appreciate these war victims my dad would have missed out on many different opportunities to meet people, have favors met, and to gain knowledge along with random gifts. He gives gratitude for the trials his patients have gone through and in return he receives gratitude back.
We have “two kinds of gratitude: The sudden kind we feel for what we take; and the larger kind we feel for what we give.” — Edwin Arlington Robinson
“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.” — Buddha

In closing I want to share with you a poem I found titled “Be Thankful”
Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don’t know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you’re tired and weary
Because it means you’ve made a difference.
It is easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are
also thankful for the setbacks.
GRATITUDE can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles
and they can become your blessings.
Author Unknown
“Gratitude should not be just a reaction to getting what you want, but an all-the-time gratitude, the kind where you notice the little things and where you constantly look for the good, even in unpleasant situations. Start bringing gratitude to your experiences, instead of waiting for a positive experience in order to feel grateful.” — Marelisa Fábrega

            “God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say “thank you?” — William A. Ward

I say these things in the name of thy son Jesus Christ Amen.

Until you next see these words;
Eat tons of turkey and have fun with family while I will be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the Day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, November 24, 2010



We've had a few of them in our house over the years.

They've usually lived in the basement where in case they escaped...
They would hopefully not figure out how to climb the stairs
And we wouldn't wake to a slithering companion.

Unfortunately the tricksy creatures..
escape alot.
Maybe the cats have helped them, they always seem curious about the snakes.
But I think snakes are just plain smart.
At least the little ones are.

After we found/bought/were given one snake (I don't remember..)
....it decided to have babies.
Us kids being young at the time, and loving having baby snakes, decided to name them
after candy :) lol
Skittles, Kitkat....there were more, but I remember those ones best.
We kept them in a tank...
But they would keep escaping
I don't think we ever figured out how they managed it.
But we'd come home
And they wouldn't be in the tank.
So we'd have to search.
:( Sometimes we found dead ones.
Mostly we found ones that were alive.
But in the end....they all disappeared.
(I think we might still be missing one years later.....maybe....or else we found all the dried up corpses...)

They just seem to be hard to care for, snakes. If they don't eat...its really hard to keep them alive.

Well....apparently we're trying again with another snake....a ribbon snake I think.
And yesterday...
It "escaped."

So began the mad search for the creature.

And we found it!
....still in the tank.
Somehow it had managed to get underneath the lid where it couldn't be seen, but couldnt' escape either.
How the snake managed to climb glass to get up there I dont' know
(nothing in the tank is tall enough to give it support.)
I just hope it doesn't escape while I'm here lol.

In the words of my brother "I think Snakes are smarter then we give them credit for."

Yes...yes they are.
They are excellent escape artists if given the chance and the time to work at it.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Holy Shoes

Today in one of my institute classes
We were talking about how you can pick any object
And you can tie that object back into Christ.

So I was thinking well....how about shoes?

Imagine a typical tennis shoe.

Now think of the shoe as Christ.

If you place your foot in the shoe.
You are placing yourself in Christ.

Trying to move in line with his plan.
Allowing him to help you out.
and Protect you from the 'bumps, rocks, thorns, glass, and other unpleasant options' that you might not see in front of you and will accidentally trod on as you walk the path of life.

Now you may place your foot in the shoe.
Place yourself in Christ.

But....there are ways where you won't fully be "In Christ."
If you don't tie the laces up tightly -(the laces could be scripture reading, prayer, going to church)
you might not feel as secure in Christ.
If the laces are loose you might end up being tripped up because of them.
Or the shoe might unexpectedly slip off your foot.... and you'll be left exposed....to those rocks and thorns...

I bet other analogies could be made
with the Sock.
Or if you chose to wear flip flops where you should wear sturdy shoes....

Yes lots of analogies can be made with shoes and Christ. :) lol.
What shoe are you wearing currently? If they have laces or straps...are they done up tight? Or are they loose for the convenience of being able to take them off easier?

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, November 22, 2010

An Air of Command

In one of my ASL classes, we have been talking about Affect.

I'm not sure I can really explain everything right, but I'm going to try.

When speaking (or signing) you can convey a degree of speaking by
a) your word choice
b) your tone of voice.

Both a and b have different levels

For Word choice a low level word/setting would be common words that everybody would know like "Book."
Medium would be slightly higher level of speaking that many people would understand, but not all.
A High word choice would be the specialized jargon of a workplace where the words you say might not mean the same to others as it does to you. Think Lawyer talk, or Computer talk.

For the tone voice its the same principle.
Low- low emotion (calm voice)
Medium- medium emotion (more expressive voice)
High- High emotion  (really excited/angry. louder)

Now combining the two together you can get a variety of different intonations
Medium- Medium
Medium- High

Depending on the word choice and tone voice (this can include gestures as well.) Your meaning can change and the people listening to will get a different result.
But because not everyone in a group will have the same knowledge results will vary.

so if you
or p-per-perhaps st-stutter a bit.
Or...ummm you know...ummm.....well I can think of the word I know.....ummmm....
just. speak. slowly. and. monotone. in. a. way. that. isn't. exciting.

Your Affect to the audience will take the message

But what I found interesting was when Low Voice met High wording.
(like i said I might be explaining this well.)
High Wording might be 'charged' terms as well, words that get your back up.

Say for example the word Kill.

If I say
chances are people will think there is a chance. for me if somebody yells it, it might mean they've lost control. They're not thinking straight.

Now if its said in a high squeaky voice
We might find it funny and not something serious.

But if you have a calm tone. (charged)
I'm going to kill you.
That might send shivers down your back. The voice is emotionless. Which might put in mind to the hearer that they've planned out the action before hand and it causes them no grief that you're going to die.

In the Wheel of Time books (I don't remember which one or where)
There was a saying along the lines of:
Men might ignore a yelling voice, but will strain to hear a whisper.

Have you ever noticed that something serious is actually very serious if the person grows calm?
You know you're in trouble then.
Yelling, you know the person is mad.
Talking calmly though.....
Most people know that.
"JOHNNY GET OVER HERE NOW!" might mean you're in trouble. but if the person says.
"Jonathan Theodore Smith. Come here." You know you've crossed the line and you're in deeeeeeep trouble.

So how does affect affect you?
Do you find yourself straining to listen what you would have ignored when a person shouted?
Have you seen how people respond when your tone varies? or the word choice you use?

It was an idea.
What do we need to do to give ourselves an air of command, without screaming ourselves hoarse.
That will make the people listen to you, obey you, help you when they might be unwilling to do so.

The way we speak has an affect on how people perceive us.

So how do you want to be seen?
How can your words and tone affect that image you want people to have of you?

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Water and Cave Ins

The Beach.
Filled with tons of sand, maybe some shells, more sand, random plantlike creations, and more sand.
Of course you can't forget the water that goes with sand. But then there's the sand. Have I mentioned that? Sand?

Besides playing in the water, while at the beach one cannot resist playing in the sand.
Many people might build castles, racing the tide and perhaps digging moats to protect their creations.

Yet I liked to dig.
I think digging I might have had the goal to dig a hole deep enough to bury myself, at least up to the waist.
Yet I never really became successful in that endeavor.
No, it wasn't the sand...mostly...
It was the water...
I'm sure if I had decided to dig further up the beach water wouldn't have become a problem.
But sand is too dry and dusty further up the beach.
But anyway, back to digging.
Eventually as you dig down into the sand, getting into wet sand as you go down, water will begin to seep in.
Now, that wouldn't be a problem. You'd think.....
Water would keep the sand soft, and give you something cool to stick your hands and feet in.
But....it doesn't work that way.
Once water comes into the hole....it never seems to get deeper.
But it does get wider.
The water loosens the sand from below
To a point where the above drier sand collapses inward...since it can't really collapse outwards since it is a hole.
So you have to hurry and scoop the sand out from the bottom.
In time for more sand to fall in.

Maybe that's why, if you want to stop bailing out sand....you should stop digging.
Perhaps more sand will fall in to make the 'foundation' firm again to keep the walls from further caving in.

But until the water dissipates again covered by the sand.
The walls will continue caving in while the foundation is unstable.

Needless to say I eventually gave up with the digging.
I think I would manage to dig deep enough to get my knees covered....but most of the time it was mid calf I would bury my legs.
And then after a moment I'd unbury them and begin again lol.

Other things I would try would to be to dig a hole and use that sand to build something, and then try to fill the hole so that you couldn't care that the sand had ever been disturbed.
That's hard to do when the wet sand mixes with the dry sand....you just get more wet sand lol.
The best I could manage would to make it smooth or something.

But it never looked the same.....mostly because I kept messing around with the sand.
Because it never looked right.
Some problems...should just be left alone for a bit and allow others to make things right lol.
Time solves most problems :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Bump in the Night

Sometimes I wonder if people realize how loud they're actually being.

The apartment complex where I live, has notoriously thin walls and ceilings. My upstairs neighbors have always seemed to be very loud in their day to day activities. you can tell what room they are in, when they leave or enter the apartment by where their footsteps sound or how they slam the door.

My upstairs neighbors are really loud. I have often thought that it must be a guy's apartment above me, why would girls get so loud?
But no, every year its been a girls apartment over my head.
And a party apartment at that.
Even visitors comment on how loud our upstairs neighbors are.
"Elephants tramping about" is a usual description to describe them lol.

My first year here the ruckus upstairs got so bad, screams, thumps, running and slamming doors...that i thought somebody was getting murdered up there.
sometimes I wonder if their not lol.
The apartment upstairs is very 'violent'
By noises I can hear either a person is exercising...or they like to play 'energetic, moving, wrestling games.'
I'm not even sure if the same girls live in the upstairs apartment each year, there must be a common factor though if only one roommate stays the same, because they've always been loud.
It just thumps, like somebody has been thrown to the ground. Shaking us below by how much the walls vibrate.
No they have musical instruments up there as well...like a piano, drums, guitar....and video games it sounds like. Those resound through the apartment.
Then there is always the unexplained tapping that happens where they might be nailing things into the walls.
Why the upstairs people insist on continuing changing their wall decorations is somewhat of a mystery of me. lol.
I am guessing though.
I've never been in the upstairs apartment.
I have no idea who lives there.
I just know that they're loud and like to get physical.
Methinks that the must invite alot of guys over as well.

*shakes head*
At least its not too distracting....often.....
But I have to wonder...does the upstairs apartment realize how loud they are? How heavy they let their feet fall, how resounding their voices get?
I don't know lol.
But hopefully....next year.....a more quiet apartment will be above me. ;) lol.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, November 19, 2010

I've Tried to be Fair

Lord Farquaad: [playing with Gingy's legs] Run, run, run as fast as you can / You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!
Gingerbread Man: You're a monster!
Lord Farquaad: [tossing legs away] I'm not the monster here, YOU are! You and the rest of that fairytale trash, poisoning my perfect world. Now tell me, where are the others?
Gingerbread Man: Eat me!
[spits in Farquaad's face]
Lord Farquaad: I've tried to be fair to you creatures, but now my patience has reached its end! Tell me, or I'll...
[reaches down]
Gingerbread Man: NO! Not the buttons! Not my gumdrop buttons!
Lord Farquaad: All right, then! Who's hiding them?
Gingerbread Man: Okay, I'll tell you... Do you know... the Muffin Man?
Lord Farquaad: The Muffin Man?
Gingerbread Man: The Muffin Man.
Lord Farquaad: Yes, I know the Muffin Man. W-who lives down on Drury Lane?
Gingerbread Man: Well, she's married to the Muffin Man...
Lord Farquaad: The Muffin Man?
Gingerbread Man: THE MUFFIN MAN!
Lord Farquaad: She's married to the Muffin Man...

I've tried to be fair.
You know, a theme in many movies with a bad ruler...is that they have tried to be 'fair' to those not like them.
They end up trying to kill, extinguish, stomp out, or change whatever ideas are not their own.
Being fair...means for these rulers
"I will give you a chance to conform to MY ideas and rules. Or else...You get the boot.
There doesn't ever seem to be any work to trying to harmonize or blend cultures.
Either you are or you aren't.
There is no middle ground.

Why is that?
It must be something important to us as human beings to prove that "our way" is the "right way" and there is no need to compromise or conform to the 'weaker groups' ideas.

We even seem to do that in real life.
Hitler  is an example.
What happened to the Native Americans is another.

Why must there be a need to have someone's way proven the 'best way?'
Can they not all be equal? A blend of more then one idea that makes two alright ideas into the best way ever?
Apparently not.
But I think...we might be working towards it.....maybe.
But it doesn't seem noticeable, not with all the wars, and fights for rights going on.
Its still on the small scale methinks.
Hopefully it will grow bigger soon.
And Fairness will change its meaning from "My way or the highway" to "Equality and Understanding" or something....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, November 18, 2010

From the Future Past

Dear Sarnic; (and reader)

Greetings from the future.
No you are not going crazy this is actually happening.
Pretty cool yes?
So anyway. I am writing to you my youngerself to tell you to serve others more.
Stop thinking of yourself because in the future it doesn't get you very far.
Follow your Patriarticle blessing and happily step out of your way to serve others in need.
Help out your siblings because keeping close ties with family is very scarce here.
Keep Kay and Todd close. They can help you out more then you know.
Also accept church callings with good grace. Even if you hate the calling -Trust me you will- Act happy about it because complaining will get you nowhere.
You're probably finding this letter boring, but the future will be boring if you don't try to reach out.
-Oh I got to go. Duty calls.

- Good luck, Have Trust in the Lord. He knows what he is doing.

-Sarnic ^-^

(*note names have been changed from original names)

This morning I was going through some papers I keep in the pocket of my scripture case, and I came across this letter.
I don't really remember writing it.
But I do remember one of my teachers in Seminary telling me to write a letter to myself in present day as if I had written this letter from the future and somehow managed to send it into the past.
I thought it was interesting what I chose to tell myself from the future in the past. lol. And how it still applies to today.
But I thought the advice I gave myself was good enough to share with you fellow readers.
It actually seemed like good advice haha :)
I hope it gave you something to think about. :)
It certainly made me think...Am I doing enough?
Am I helping others more?
Am I doing things with good grace?
Am I trusting in the Lord?

Just a reminder I guess lol.
It seems like we constantly need to get reminders from different sources to
a) straighten up
b) keep moving forward your doing good
or c) some other option lol.
Why I needed to read this "Letter to myself" today, or why I felt the need to share it with you.... I do not know lol.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


There is one annoying thing about doing these blogs...
And that is....
Often times I think of great ideas to talk about on my blog...
But when I get to the actual website, ready to type!!......
The thought has faded from memory.
>.< So annoying.
So I sit...thinking...."What did I want to write about?"
Because I knew there was something to write about....but now its not there lol.
Then....after I post for the day...
The thought pops back in my head and I feel hitting myself. "That's what I wanted to write about! Gah!"
Then I wait for the next day to post the thought....and some other thought comes to mind that I find I want to talk about more....so often times I have a storage of "I could do this or that or talk about those" but when I need one...Its not there lol. :)

Its kind of like that idea of "I'm placing my keys on the counter. I will remember this!" and two minutes later you're like "Where did I put my keys?!?! I know I put them somewhere. I know I did and I wanted to remember where...but now I don't remember!"

I wonder why our brains do that.
Its almost like there is a disconnect where we make the mental note to remember something, but accidentally wrote it with a dry erase marker instead of a permanent one and it got erased. Perhaps the subconscious/multi other thoughts going through our heads took precedence to us remembering what we wanted to say/write/or put something and we have to go 'hunting' through our brain -repeating actions and/or word paths- that will build the connection to what we wanted to remember.
Sometimes it doesn't work, other times it does...after we find/remember what we wanted to remember/find then we remember how we got to the path. lol.

Mayhaps our brains are just playing games with us. lol :) Getting a little enjoyment. We're playing with ourselves, sometimes at inconvenient times....okay most of the time its inconvenient.
lol Perhaps we should take the time to talk to ourselves and appreciate our awesome brain powers.
And maybe things will stay remembered and known when we want them to. :) hehe

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Soup and Cereal

Rambling rambling rambling thoughts twisting turning all along.
Swishing twirling spinning words make you see what was not heard.
Down we go and high or low
There is freedom indigo


I don't really like them.
You may look at me weirdly, but I don't like them.
I much prefer using forks.
I have too many spoons and not enough forks.
You may wonder how I can eat things that require a spoon...without a spoon.
Well the first solution is....that I don't use a spoon lol.
The second would be I don't eat the foods requiring a spoon.
Because Milk is not a favorite flavor of mine I don't eat cereal...so no spoon needed.
Soup is much the same way....if I do drink soup i might use bread, or just sip it from the bowl, or use a fork.
It depends on the thickness with soup. The ChickenEnchiladaChili is considered a soup, but I eat that with a fork until the fork is useless, then I use bread.
Chili I don't use a spoon....I use Frito's to eat it :)
Ice cream I usually eat with a fork....
Why am I so against spoons?
I think perhaps its the shape.
Some spoons can be quite narrow (no wider then a fork really) and I like those spoons.
But others...they're so round and deep...I feel like I make more of a mess lol. I have to fit my mouth weirdly to those wide bottom mouthed spoons. *shudders* I'm not sure how to 'properly' use those spoons without making myself look silly lol ;)
I prefer forks much more lol :)

(and btw the poem above has nothing to do with the spoons :) It was a random way to get my brain thinking)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, November 15, 2010

When I wake up

In the Dark of the Night
I was tossing and turning
I couldn't focus,
Ideas, Dreams overflowing my thoughts...

And then...I woke up ;) lol

Do you ever have dreams....where upon waking up from them,
they stay in your thoughts throughout the next day or so.

Why would a dream resonate so strongly with you....that the images, ideas, feelings found in the dream would stay with you when you awoke?

Especially when the dream had no real connection with events of real life....
at least not that I know.

Its strange really, dreams....
I usually can remember my dreams. Some become ideas for stories, others I remember for their....strangeness. But when the dream influences how I feel for the next day....that's something to remember. Perhaps its a warning in disguise, to tread warily, be careful...or else get to work or something lol.

How could a dream about catching turtles and frogs stick so strongly in my mind....
Who knows...
I often think that it takes my brain two or three days to comprehend what I see before those images find their ways into my dreams. In some very cool thrilling ways sometimes lol :) But also with some interesting meanings as well.

Dreams....why do they stay with you?

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, November 14, 2010



....just.....just give me....a minute to recover.....


*shakes head*
Okay. Now i can talk :)

Driving.....driving in rain....Is not fun.
O.o its also strange.

With it pouring down like no other....driving in rain....seems kind of crazy.
No I correct myself It IS crazy.
I knew there might be a problem when I had a hard time seeing the lines in the city streets, sooo
On the highway....yah it was nerve wracking.
O.o People drive crazy there.
You'd think with the rain pouring buckets on the car that everyone would be driving ten or twenty miles below the speed limit.
It was the speed limit...no going over or under it. The cars kept to the speed limit.....
If the rain was moderately heavy. If it got heavy heavy...well They sped up O.o If the rain became lighter....that's when they'd slow down.
Yah....I don't understand it....well I kind of do.
Driving through it. I had my eyes on the car lights of the car in front of me because I couldn't really see the lines in the road. When the rain got heavy I found myself speeding up...
Why? I think its the concept of...."Its going to painful so might as well do it fast." lol.
If we only drive a little faster, we'll get through the heavier parts of the rainstorms quicker and then we'll be safe...well as safe as you can be when the cars are throwing up trails of rain, and you're being blinded....then when the rain doesn't seem as heavy we can relax a little more.

Another thing I noticed.....
Overhead street lights.
So Do Not Help.
It makes it worse in a sense on wet roads, having overhead lights shining down from above. They just put a slight glare on the road making it harder to see the dotted white lines.
Yet...when the lights came from the side, like from the big parking lot of a car dealer...I could see the lines pretty well. From overhead...not so much.
I think they need to rethink the line system on the roads....maybe paint them a glow in the dark color....like yellow...or green maybe red...something that will show up in the rain when the roads are slick with rainwater and the lights from above make it hard to see just the plan white lines.

Needless to say....In heavy rain...I do not want to drive lol.
lol From the outside I might have appeared cool and unruffled to my passengers, but on the inside I was screaming "We're going to die we're going to die we're going to die!!" haha. ;)

Until you next read these words;
I"ll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Weekend

Weekends at home...
Are not productive for doing homework.
I don't know why I try to plan to do homework when I visit home....lol
I end up getting busy and not doing anything I planned to do...and end up doing it all on Monday before class.
Yet I have so much fun being home that I don't really care if I have to do my homework last minute :) lol. Its nothing that a little fast writing won't fix. :P lol.
And I get to go hyper and crazy for a couple of days ;) lol.
Friends...always fun :)
But homework...homework suffers where Friends are involved :)
Poor homework. lol.
But friends aren't around everyday...and homework is :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the Day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Sound of Music

With the speed of light I strip the keys
Avoiding all mine enemies
Music heard from all around
And yet I come upon you without a sound.
A light hop there A quick step here
And expectation wanders near.
Until you see my plan unfulfilled
No music will sound as I am killed
But then, happy day.
I'll make my escape away
So the music can play once more
Until I once again knock on your door.


I think what makes a movie good.....that makes you want to see it again and again.
Is the fact that the person moves with, or interacts with the music, that only the audience can hear. :)
Its fun that way, when a person steps to a beat.
I think it draws you into the movie more.
And makes it more likeable :)
Like......MEGAMIND!! :) Its very likeable ^^;;;;
(yes I saw it again. haha)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The World Would Love His Own.

As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.
If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.
These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.
This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.
Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.
These things I command you, that ye love one another.
If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you: if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.
If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.
John 15: 9-22

In my institute class for the past couple of classes we've been talking about excuses of why people refuse to change. (Or why they refuse to repent.)
I went into the scriptures and searched in the Topical Guide "Worldliness" 
And I found this scripture block. -Well not all of it, just one verse, but I thought the rest were cool and applicable.-

They just seemed to catch a cord with me, but I'm not sure what.
Mostly my idea is "Who do you fear more?"
 "Who do you want to accept you more?" 
 "What relationships should you work to stay strong, and which ones should you just let go because they're dragging you back?"
"What is important to your continue well being?"

Often times people complain that 'life is hard, that life isn't fair, that they're having an off game"
I think the scripture above says both why you might have being going through a hard time and what you need to do to help you get through the hard time.

First, You are not of the world. You are a spirit of god. The world doesn't like that. Infact the World hates that and tries to tear the spiritualness into many little pieces.
Second, you need friends. You need to reach out to the world around you, and let people reach out to you.
Third, love is a mightier power then any anger or hate. (Just read Harry Potter ;) )

So you need to find Good to balance out the evil that the world is trying to shove down your throat to make you like any other lost soul.

Ye are my friends. You have been chosen. The world hates you for following this chosen path. But stay on the path. And you will become content/happy.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi