Saturday, February 28, 2015

Hectic Saturday

I really am not used to working Saturdays anymore.
I've been lucky enough to be able to get many a weekend off recently, because of how scheduling between me and my coworkers has worked out.
Which means, I've gotten to avoid the craziness that is Saturday.
Since we don't have a lot of tasks to do on Saturdays besides opening,
It's not that big of a deal that we're busy.

It's just hectic.
I'm so used to weekday mornings. Where not many people come in and I can get my morning tasks done easily enough for the most part.
But Saturday Mornings....when I'm opening by myself.
Not so much.

Nothing that wasn't doable.
Tasks just took longer to complete as there were customers in pretty quickly who needed my help in the store.
Overall it was a nice long shift of constant customer service. :) There was hardly a moment when I wasn't helping someone it seemed like, constantly moving back and forth on my feet to help out the customers.

Definitely glad I don't have to deal with the craziness as often now, as truly, it's exhausting working with so many people in such a short time. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, February 27, 2015

Empty Seats

There are some nights like tonight.
Where I think the Universe enjoys me being by myself.
Because even when I try to go out and be social...
It totally backfires. With a big melodramatic explosion too.
(Okay not really.)

So Tonight was Hudson Light's Farwell Concert.
It was a group that I'd encountered randomly, and loved their songs,
But hadn't had a chance to see them perform in person before now.
And since it was their farewell concert....It was basically the last chance I would be able to fulfill  my desire.
Surprisingly, there were still tickets available.
But I couldn't get them online because they took down the 'buy online' option.
Which meant that I had to go in to get my ticket.

I say Ticket.
Because I went by myself.

I'm not sure why I did that....
I guess I just assumed nobody would want to spend $15 on a ticket to go listen to a group I really liked, with me. Most people I know would have been at work anyways.

But I told myself it could be fun.
I mean, I'd be able to sit by strangers.
Maybe make a few new friends.
And. Get to listen to songs I'd never heard song by Hudson Lights before. ^^
See them perform live. ^^

I couldn't wait.

And then....expectations took a tumble. A really hard tumble.

Buying my ticket in person....for some reason the girl just picked out my seat for me.
I assumed it was because there weren't many seats left, so she picked the first single seat she saw.
Surprisingly she gave me a really good seat. O.o
Dead center. First row of the second section of seats.
It was really awesome, better than I had expected.
And since it was dead center, I assumed that there would be people all around me.
At first it looked like it would be.

But it wasn't. :(
The show started, and the three seats to my left and the two seats to my right....remained empty.
There I was. A single person. Surrounded by empty chairs.
Talk about feeling isolated.
Talk about feeling removed.
Talk about feeling really really lonely.

Especially after I watched like everyone else in the entire theatre come with friends, family and/or dates.

I tried to not let it bug me.
I really did.

I managed to keep it at bay for a little while.
Because I was distracted.
As I kept seeing different members of Vocal Point (current and former members of the group.) In the audience.
They even paused to talk to each other right in front of where I was sitting.
So close that if I'd just leaned forward and stretched out my arm, I'd have been able to touch them.

Talk about a silent fangirling moment.
And I say Silent because I basically just stared at them wide eyed and gave them a smile if they happened to be anywhere close to looking in my direction.

I should say Hi.
I should introduce myself.

I didn't.
I didn't want to interrupt.
I didn't want to impose.
I didn't want to seem like every other Vocal Point Fan Girl wanting to talk to them.
Which meant...I wasn't like every other VP FanGirl.
Because I just sat there.
Surrounded by empty seats all around me. -because the people sitting behind me moved to a different area.


I try to be social, and it just ends up backfiring every time.
I'm too shy in new situations to be the one to introduce myself.
And somehow I give off the 'do not approach' vibe when I sit down hoping that someone will choose to sit by me.
Surely, Assigned seating. Where people bought tickets and had to sit by me... That would be a good compromise. Right?

Wrong. As I'm guessing the ticket holders either switched their tickets to different seats, or were no shows to the show.

Leaving me to slowly sink into the mood I'm in now.
One where I'm aware how by myself I am.
How I hardly interact with anyone outside of work.
How shy I am, too cowardly to take a leap and try something new.


That being said.
The Hudson Lights concert was awesome. ^^
Their music was amazing. Even more so in person. I loved their CD.
But hearing them sing right there, watching them interact with each other.
Definitely something to smile about.

Oh I wish they had released more than one CD because really, the songs they sang that weren't on said CD....I really want. I want to put them on my ITunes and listen to them over and over and over again.

They have a nice good vibe to them. A sound that I love.

I'm glad I was able to go and experience that. To see all the people who came out to support them as they go their separate ways. :)
So cool. So very cool. ^^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Learning Patience and Calmness

Our influence is surely felt in our respective families.
Sometimes we fathers forget that once we, too, were boys, and boys at times can be vexing to parents.

I recall how much, as a youngster, I liked dogs.
One day I took my wagon and placed a wooden orange crate in it and went looking for dogs.
At that time dogs were everywhere to be found: at school, walking along the sidewalks, or exploring vacant lots, of which there were many.
As I would find a dog and capture it, I placed it in the crate, took it home, locked it in the coal shed, and turned the latch on the door.
That day I think I brought home six dogs of varying sizes and made them my prisoners after this fashion.
I had no idea what I would do with all those dogs, so I didn't reveal my deed to anyone.

Dad came home from work and, as was his custom, took the coal bucket and went to the coal shed to fill it.
Can you imagine his shock and utter consternation as he opened the door and immediately faced six dogs, all attempting to escape at once?
As I recall, Dad flushed a little bit, and then he calmed down and quietly told me, "Tommy, coal sheds are for coal.
Other people's dogs rightfully belong to them."
By observing him, I learned a lesson in patience and calmness.

It is a good thing I did, for a similar event occurred in my life with our youngest son, Clark.

Clark has always liked animals, birds, reptiles--anything that is alive.
Sometimes that resulted in a little chaos in our home.
One day in his boyhood he came home from Provo Canyon with a water snake, which he named Herman.

Right off the bat Herman got lost.
Sister Monson found him in the silverware drawer.
Water snakes have a way of being where you least expect them.
Well, Clark moved Herman to the bathtub, put a plug in the drain, put a little water in, and had a sign taped to the back of the tub which read, "Don't use this tub.
It belongs to Herman."
So we had to use the other bathroom while Herman occupied that sequestered place.

But then one day, to our amazement, Herman disappeared.
His name should have been Houdini.
He was gone!
So the next day Sister Monson cleaned up the tub and prepared it for normal use.
Several days went by.

One evening I decided it was time to take a leisurely bath; so I filled the tub with a lot of warm water, and then I peacefully lay down in the tub for a few moments of relaxation.
I was lying there just pondering, when the soapy water reached the level of the overflow drain and began to flow through it.
Can you imagine my surprise when, with my eyes focused on that drain, Herman came swimming out, right for my face?
I yelled out to my wife, "Frances!
Here comes Herman!"

Well, Herman was captured again, put in a foolproof box, and we made a little excursion to Vivian Park in Provo Canyon and there released Herman into the beautiful waters of the South Fork Creek.
Herman was never again to be seen by us.

-Thomas S. Monson -Peace, Be Still -October 2002 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A Day In Review -February 25th

Saturday, February 25th 2006

- My Sister, Myself and my Dad went to the Eye Doctor today to have our vision checked and to pick out new glasses for ourselves. My Dad needed some reading glasses because his vision is more far sighted than near sighted. We picked up my Mom and went to Paces to get lunch before dropping by the Target to get some new Yu-Gi-Oh Cards. (Obsessed with them at this time.) We picked up my brother (no idea where he was.) and went to another store to get more Yu-Gi-Oh cards. ^^ I was super excited because I finally got the ONE card I'd been avidly searching for. Buster Blader!

Wednesday, February 25th 2009

- I had school today, working on an English paper before going to my classes. ASL I skipped because we were testing and my test wasn't today, Had Anthropology, then in my English class we got into groups to talk about our research projects. I think my group was disturbed that my project focused on the dead. Specifically Mummies. In History we watched a movie. I met up with my roommate Ali so that we could go to physical therapy (she tore her ACL in January) When we got back we made dinner and watched American Idol and High School Musical 2

Thursday, February 25th 2010

- I woke up with the same headache I went to bed with and couldn't last all the way through school. I managed to go to my first two institute classes before deciding that it wasn't worth it. I ran into one of my Institute teachers in the hallway and when I informed him I wasn't feeling well he said "I can see it in your eyes that you're in pain." I felt guilty not going to my last institute class of the day, but plan to make it up by going to a different one on a different day. I slept until 1:30 when some random phone number called me...and hung out the rest of the day.

Friday, February 25th 2011

-I woke up early this morning to get ready for my MRI. I was getting one placed on me because I've been getting headaches a lot, and they wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong with my brain. I went to the clinic where I changed into their scrubs and a guy named Billy took a sample of my blood. (first time I've had blood drawn.) The MRI went well, I just laid there really still as the machine made it's beeps and boops and other sounds. I went to school and at like 10:45am I got the call from the doctor saying that my brain looked normal! Yay! I went to Arby's with Dan for dinner then to the Institute building to watch the Talent Show.

Saturday, February 25th 2012

- I woke up early this day as well in order to work on a writing project with a friend as her computer time was limited. I spent most of the day talking with her online and watched movies on the TV. I ventured outside in the afternoon to grab groceries and ended up getting a free veggie tool thing after watching a demonstration. Came home and watched more TV just relaxing.

Monday, February 25th 2013

-I spent a bit of the morning writing, before Kikay and I went to the bank to do a deposit before we hit up Hobby Lobby where I bought a seed bead loom to create bracelets. I dropped Kikay off at school and stayed long enough to get some stamps from the post office there and then drove over to the other College's campus in the area where I went on a small treasure hunt in the library there and stuck around to write a bit more. Just as I was getting up to leave Vocal Point walked by. ()_() Totally felt like a deer in the headlights. Later in the evening I met up with Kikay and we went and watched Warm Bodies (a movie I didn't think she'd want to see.. but she liked it!)

Tuesday, February 25th 2014

- Work went well enough this day, even though I was opening by myself. I ended up selling a bird to a couple and they took a while to help because they were answering questions. I actually had to talk to a few people and spent a lot of time with them all it seemed like which meant I got a bit behind on my opening tasks. Not too badly...but I didn't get to finish the fish and crickets or the dishes. I tried to do the dishes, but Reth wasn't happy about the 'brown water' today that was left in the sink afterwards... I triggered a headache after I got home from work, probably from taking too long of a nap I think, and it wouldn't go away.

Wednesday, February 25th 2015

- It was another day of training today for me. One of our new coworkers was scheduled to open with me, and while she'd been in the department for the week before, it hadn't been during the busy part of our morning where we work to open/clean/feed all the animals in the store before we open. Because she was new at this I had to take time out to show her how to do everything. I briefly showed her how to do the bedding changes, but had her go open the rest of the department -showing her what to do- as I worked to get the bedding changes done myself. Long story short...compared to the recent changes of the week...we were way behind. It harked back to before I got all my new hires in. As it was a struggle to get anything done. I hadn't even gotten to our fish tasks before it was time for me to go, but at least I got everything else I needed to accomplish accomplished. It was a long day for me, so I came home and took a nap before watching the Agent Carter finale and Big Hero 6. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Planned Attack

I'd been planning it for months.
Literally Months.
Since about the time our Christmas Dog Toys came into the store.
And among all those Christmas themed toys.
Were packages of 'snow balls'
Fluffy squeaky balls with faces on them.

And I thought to myself.
It would be great to have a snowball fight with my sister and friends when we had dinner one night.

It would be even greater if I got one of them in on the action so I'd have a partner in crime.
Which I managed to do.

So on Black Friday when the toys I was after went half off,
I scooped up a nice big package of the snowballs.

And that Sunday delivered them to my partner in crime's apartment.
Fully expecting to unleash them that night...

Only to not have the entire group show up.
That had been the idea, to get everyone else to be there so we could attack them all. A shared experience.
So we agreed, to try again next week....

And time passed.
Months passed.
As our Sunday Dinner's at my Partner in Crime's place never had the whole group,
and the Snow Balls weren't at other apartments when the whole group was there.
And it's possible that the matter slipped from our minds entirely a time or two when there was a good opportunity.

But finally.
This recent Sunday.
It happened.

We managed to get everyone to the apartment where the Snowballs hid.

And after dinner, when the table was cleared and the others were all relaxed in the living room.

My partner and I struck.
Yelling like crazy we threw the snowballs at them in an all out attack.
To the bemused confusement of everyone else. lol.
Still, we got into a good snowball fight once they realized what was happening. ^^

It only took four months for it to finally happen, but it did! ^^

Yay for sticking to the plan. lol :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, February 23, 2015

October 2003 General Conference Priesthood Session

Russell M. Nelson -Personal Priesthood Responsibility
  • My dear brethren of the priesthood, though we are from many nations, we are, as Paul said, of "one Lord, one faith, one baptism." But the strength of the faith within each of us is developed individually, not as a group.
  • All men called to positions of priesthood responsibility are chosen because of who they are and who they can become.
  • To bear the priesthood means you have a personal responsibility to magnify your calling. Let each opportunity to serve help to develop your power in the priesthood. In your personal grooming, follow the example of the living prophets. Doing so gives silent expression that you truly comprehend the importance of "the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God."
  • A husband's foremost priority should be the care of his wife. Be true to her.
Monte J. Brough -Young Men--Holders of Keys
  • Can a 16-year-old priest be "wise"? The scriptures give us a resounding yes!
  • If a 16-year-old Mormon could be the commanding officer of a large military army, and if Jeremiah as a child could have the words put in his mouth by the Almighty God, and if Timothy could be wise as he was, then each young man within the sound of my voice can rise to the challenge of his quorum responsibilities.
  • We need young men to stand up in their calling, knowing of their ordained right to act in the office to which they are appointed.
Merril J. Bateman -Priesthood, Keys, and the Power to Bless
  • It is expected that worthy holders of the Melchizedek Priesthood will use the power delegated to them to bless others, starting with their own families. One of the great inheritances of the Restoration is that a father ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood has the right to bless his wife and children when prompted and when a blessing is desired by them.
James E. Faust -The Phenomenon That Is You
  • In many ways each of us is the sum total of what our ancestors were. The virtues they had may be our virtues, their strengths our strengths, and in a way their challenges could be our challenges. Some of their traits may be our traits.
  • Each of us has a fascinating family history. Finding your ancestors can be one of the most interesting puzzles you young men can work on.
  • "If you don't know where to start, start with yourself.
  • Searching for our kindred dead isn't just a hobby. It is a fundamental responsibility for all members of the Church. We believe that life continues after death and that all will be resurrected. We believe that families may continue in the next life if they have kept the special covenants made in one of the sacred temples under the authority of God. We believe that our deceased ancestors can also be eternally united with their families when we make covenants in their behalf in the temples. Our deceased forebears may accept these covenants, if they choose to do so, in the spirit world.
  • "Who among us wants to throw stones at their own ancestors? I, for one, am intrigued by their battles--their victories as well as their defeats. ... I am fascinated by what may seem the most commonplace of lives; because I have come to realize the excitement that is concealed in the commonplace."
Thomas S. Monson -Bring Him Home
  • "Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you."
  • "The home is the basis of a righteous life and no other instrumentality can take its place nor fulfill its essential functions.
Gordon B. Hinckley -The Shepherds of Israel
  • "(For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)"
  • Your goodness must be as an ensign to your people.
  • You must be their counselor, their comforter, their anchor and strength in times of sorrow and trouble. You must be strong with that strength which comes from the Lord. You must be wise with that wisdom which comes from the Lord. Your door must be open to hear their cries and your back strong to carry their burdens, your heart sensitive to judge their needs, your godly love broad enough and strong enough to encompass even the wrongdoer and the critic. You must be a man of patience, willing to listen and striving to understand. You are the only one to whom some can turn. You must be there when every other source has failed.
  • I know that the work is hard at times. There are never enough hours to get it done. The calls are numerous and frequent. You have other things to do. That is true. You must not rob your employer of the time and energy that are rightfully his. You must not rob your family of time which belongs to them. But as most of you have come to know, as you seek for divine guidance, you are blessed with wisdom beyond your own and strength and capacity you did not know you had. It is possible to budget your time so that you neglect neither your employer, your family, nor your flock.
  • Heavy as the load may be, you know this is the sweetest, the most rewarding, the most important thing you have ever done outside the walls of your own home.
  • We do not expect the impossible from you. We ask that you do the very best you can. Delegate to others every aspect of the work that you legitimately can. And then leave matters in the hands of the Lord.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, February 22, 2015


It was one of those inspirational ideas.
After seeing a picture of a Tater Tot Taco Casserole posted on Facebook by a family member.
I mean, I love tacos.
I love Tater Tots.
So to have both of them together?! ()_() Ooo!!
It totally sparked an idea.
I wanted to make that!
Only....there were  a lot of ingredients posted with the 'how to make' picture and...well... Picky Eater me didn't want to deal with things she didn't like. It could ruin the fantasticness that was the Casserole.
I took the concept into my own head.
And created a more Lasagna sorted of concoction. ^^;;
And called it Tacozanga!
And guys.
It was delicious!! ^^
Therefore, I'm sharing it with you today! ^^
What you need:
  • A brownie Pan. (deep dish pan.)
  • 3 skillets/pots
  • Cookie sheet.
  • Stirring spoons.
  • Measuring Cups
  • Oven and Stove
In this, my first attempt, I ended up using a 9x9 brownie pan because the ingredients about to be listed below didn't spread as much as I thought it would in a bigger pan.
I also ended up not using about a 4th of what I made in the main dish because I made a cheeseless version too. (If you want cheeseless it's going to be the same order, just skip the cheese steps.)
The 9x9 ended up making about 6 servings. And the additional 4th did a good 4 servings, so with what I made it can feed about 10 people.
I don't know how well it would spread if I did use it all in one dish, but if you want thicker layers (and you have a deep enough dish to do so) I would double everything (maybe not the chili...)
  • 1 family sized package of soft shell tortillas (I used La Banderita Flour Tortillas the family pack and the smaller tortillas) 
Image result for La Banderita flour tortillas
  • 2 cans of Nalley Original Chili -Con Carne with Beans
Image result for Nalley Original chili
  • 1 Box of Rice Roni -Mexican Style
    • will need water
    • will need 2 tbsp. of Butter
 Image result for Rice Roni Mexican Style
  • 1 1b lean ground beef
Image result for 1 lb lean ground beef
  • One packet of Old El Paso Original Taco Seasoning
    • Also need water for this.
    •  Image result for Old El Paso original taco seasoning
  • Cheese. Lots and Lots of Cheese.
    • -For this I used 1 package of Cache Valley Presliced Medium Chedder
    • -Also took some Tillamook Medium Chedder Cheese and shredded/grated it.
    • -I think any cheese brand would work. :)
 Image result for Cache Valley sliced medium cheddar cheese
  • 1 Bottle of Pace Mild Picante Salsa
  • Image result for pace mild picante salsa
  • 1 Bag of Tater Tots (I used the OreIda brand for this on
Image result for Oreida tater tots

-I try to Multi Task everything to ensure that each dish is still hot when it's placed in the Tacozagna.
-Originally I'd planned to place frozen tater tots on top and bake it in the oven, but I ran out of time for this. So I have no idea how that would actually work out....
-Again, Warning, you will be cooking multiple different dishes at once.
  • I started off the process by preheating the Oven to 425 Degrees, allowing it to preheat as I cooked.
  • Next I took one skillet (or pot) and turned the heat to Medium and with the butter and the rice, browned the rice before adding in the water (2 1/4 cups) and seasoning. I brought the water to a boil and then turned it down low to simmer for an additional 20 minutes. (about 30 minutes in total.)
  • In a different skillet -after I set the Rice to simmer- I took the 1lb of Ground Beef and browned it before adding in water (2/3 cups) and the Old El Paso Taco Seasoning, again turning the heat down to low to allow the sauce to thicken once it was stirred in.
    • Depending on if you have to thaw the meat or not it will take 10-20minutes.
  • Also about the point of the Rice being placed on a simmer (and the oven being ready) I placed the whole bag of Tater Tots on a cookie sheet and placed them in the oven to cook for 22minutes (20-24mins) -This can happen a little later as the Tater Tots are the Top Layer of the Tacozanga so you want these done last.
  • Next in yet a different skillet (or pot) I poured in the two cans of Chili and warmed them up. Like 5 minutes.
Building the Tacozanga:
  • Layer the bottom of the Brownie Pan with Soft Shell Tacos -so that the food won't leak out.
  • Place Chili on top of the  Soft Taco Shells. Spread Evenly.
  • Layer sliced cheese on top of the Chili.
  • Place Rice on top of the Cheese. Spread Evenly.
    • (for those who love cheese you could add more cheese slices here as well.)
  • Add in another Layer of Soft Shell Tacos.
  • Place Taco Meat on top of Soft Shell Tacos. Spread Evenly.
  • Add the Pace Mild Salsa in a fine layer on top of the meat.
  • Then place another Layer of Cheese slices on top of that.
  • Take Tater Tots and cover the top with them.
  • Take Shredded Cheese and sprinkle over the Tater Tots.
Walla!! Tacozanga! ^^
(Sorry, I didn't think to take a picture before we dug in. ^^;;)
I ended up placing the pan into the oven for 5 or so minutes to make sure the cheesy layers melted as I finished a little early as well.
  • I served Lettuce on the side, and if I had Tomatoes would have had diced Tomatoes on the side as well.
  • It's a recipe that could probably do well with additions for those who like other traditional Taco toppings like:
    • Sour Cream
    • Black Olives
    • Chives
    • Peppers
    • Onions
  • The Meat and Rice end up giving the whole thing a nice spicy flavor so the veggies listed above may not be needed.
  • Fun side affect is that the hot meat/chili on top of the flour tortillas will make it poof up for a chewy bread sort of thing. :)
Hope you guys like and enjoy!! ^^
 Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi