Friday, February 6, 2015


It seems like nearly every street I drive on in CollegeTown, I see lots under construction.
Construction of Apartment Buildings.
At least that's what it looks like.
What I hope it actually is.

Because I'm looking for a new place to move into once my current contract is up.

And what better place to move into than a new place that was just built!
Of course...said place has to be finished first....

I am hopeful that most of them will be completed when I have to leave my current place. 
I'm also hopeful that one will be affordable to me. >.< As I already know of a few that are too pricy. *sighs*

But there is one apartment complex, that I do not think will be in my reach any time soon.


Because it was burnt down the other day. :(

It's thought to be arson,
A coworker told me she heard that there's some guy running around college town setting buildings, owned by a certain company he has a grudge against, on fire.
And this apartment complex I was looking forward to checking out....was one of them. :(

It was rather depressing to have driven by only a day or so before to see the strong framework rising from the ground,
only to come by the next and have only a single discolored concrete tower with blackened charred remains of wood piled up all around it.

All that hard work, months of construction, millions of dollars spent... for it to disappear in a matter of hours.
Due to a grudge by an individual.

I don't know if they plan to rebuild. I would assume so. Even with all the money gone... (maybe they had insurance?)

Still, it saddens me to know that there are people out there who set out to make others suffer because they are suffering themselves.
Hopefully they catch this perpetrator soon.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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