Friday, June 20, 2014

Wounded, But Not Bitten...Kinda

I got 'bit' again the other day.

Don't worry, it wasn't an animal bite. :)
No more monitor lizards here!

No, instead I was 'bitten' by an inanimate object.
A box cutter to be more precise.

How so? Well, there I was, doing what the blade was meant to do.
Cutting open boxes so that I could get into the contents inside.
When the box cutter slipped....and 'bit' me. Right in the thumb.

I hadn't really been surprised that this happened.
The two boxes before this one had had seams that the cutter didn't flow smoothly through, due to how the pieces had all come together and then been taped shut.

I was just like. "Well shoot!"
And then.
It started bleeding.

Again, not unexpected, but...definitely hoped that it wouldn't happen.
It happened.

So I quickly grabbed a paper towel, and went to treat my injury.

Do you know how annoying it is to have a cut on the thumb?
Super annoying!
Because wrapping a Band-Aid around it, limited the movement of that thumb.
Not to mention every time I would try to move it, my thumb would ache and throb.

It still hurts actually.
But at least it stopped bleeding! :)

Note to self....Watch where the blade of the box cutter is going, and get my hand out of the way! :) lol

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Editor's Note: I will most likely not be posting for the next couple of days. :) VACA!! :D

The Dream

There was a movie shot of an old creamy colored brick/rock sort of temple that had the look of neglect to it. It looked like it could be a pyramid high up in the mountains away from civilization, as it faced the edge of a cliff. There were other buildings as well, with it surrounded by a high brick wall. It was known as a palace centuries ago, and the kings/queens of Spain would rule from there isolated from their kingdom and it's corrupting ways. There was this king, who had had a lot of children, but only one was meant to rule. It was a young boy, with dark hair, who only appeared to be 12-14 years old. His favorite spot in the palace had been the spot that I first viewed, this crumbling pyramid thing on the edge of a cliff. But it wasn't really a cliff, it was a spot that emptied into a big hole. As this place, back then, had been a pool area for the Prince. He would go there all the time for various reasons. One day he and his advisor were there when there came a riot to the Castle. The prince went to run away, but got cut off from one side, he tried to take a different route, where the water would have flowed into the pool, but encountered the heinous cry of the minotaur (the bullman) and had fled back to the now empty pool, where he'd slipped on a rock and fallen, hitting his head on the arm of a rock chair that was in the middle of the pool and dying. The advisor had found the minotaur -who hadn't meant to kill the child with his cries, he'd been calling out for some other reason.- the poor minotaur was so distraught over the death of the prince...that the advisor admitted, that the prince actually hadn't died. and he showed how all the sea creatures -dolphins, whales, frogs -all cartoonized/looking like live stuffed animals- had covered the rock chair so that the boy had landed on them (and been covered by them.) so he would live. He brought the boy up out of the water, -they were now on a beach- and he came out onto land. As he'd now been living temporary with a Japanese family -who were amused with his American ways- And he'd been doing his best to live to their standards, as the father was a strict man, not to be messed with. The prince got on well enough with the family's only son, who was about his same age. They had been on the beach, digging holes -with a couple other people- and encountering treasures. To much nervousment of one of the people (can't remember if it was a woman or a man) as they didn't want the satellites to see them doing this and track them down. We'd pulled out a giant Tiffany lamp/sword thing, among other treasures, when suddenly above a giant airplane hovered along the beach. On the side were the words "Presidential Flight" It was the president of the United States, come to the country, more particular to see the Father. And the beach, was a hidden landing zone. Which we quickly vacated. It wasn't the smoothest of landings for the president, as we had been unknowingly digging through the landing strip searching for treasure, but he made it to the ground alright, apparently. The boy didn't see the landing, as he'd dashed back into the house to politely inform the Japanese father that the president was there. Only he didn't really get the chance to as the father was busy. He hid behind a door with his friend, though it wasn't much of a hiding place as there was a window cut into the door (circular) and the president saw them through it and went to investigate why the two boys were hiding there. The American felt an immediate connect with the president, mostly because there was someone who was 'as white as him' there. But he didn't get much chance to say anything as the father came in at that point, and the boys scrambled to get out of the way....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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