Sunday, June 8, 2014

After The Missionaries Come Home

It's an interesting thing.
Writing a missionary.

As week, by week. For a while now.
(I actually don't know how long I've been writing missionaries)
I've sent off email letters to missionary friends.
Telling them about the happenings of my week,
commenting on theirs -if they write me back.-

Only, recently, the number of missionaries I'm writing has dwindled, as they've come back.
And I've realized.

That, in my letters to the missionaries, I probably tell them more about what happens in my life than any one else ever would know unless they read my actual journal. Or you know...this blog. Okay, more of my journal since this blog doesn't go through everything that I go through in a week. :) 
It's crazy to think that though,  
I tell them so many different things. In a way, it's like I'm journaling to an audience.
Showing them a piece of myself, that they otherwise wouldn't get to see/hear. But feeling like I'm being heard, listened to, cared about because I have someone to 'vent' to, without having to deal with their immediate reactions to everything. *shrugs*

And I haven't really thought much about it.
Til now.

Lol, I halfway expect....that when my missionaries come home, we'll continue to 'talk' like we did while they were on their mission.

It doesn't happen though.
Really, all I've experience once they come home is...silence.

The special moment.
Is gone.

They've gone back to join the rest of the people who know not knowing me. In not knowing what I've been up to week by week.

It's crazy really.
Telling someone on the other side of an email address what I've been up to for months on end. Only to have it suddenly stop.

Soon enough.
I won't be writing missionaries anymore.
And that phase of my life, those 'open moments' will be gone, a memory in their own right. Recorded in a journal, and known only to myself.
Since it will be a long while before anyone will probably try to read what I write in those. ;) lol.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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