Sunday, June 15, 2014

Appreciating The Guys

Do you ever have those thoughts that go along the lines of: "If I ever get into this position, I'm going to do this?"

Today, I had one of those thoughts.
And it's actually a recurring thought.
That comes to mind every time this year.

For you see It's Father's Day.

And it always bugged me that on Mother's Day, the Moms would get a gift (Flowers mostly) from Church.
But Father's Day....Nothing would happen. There was no special treat waiting for the Father's after Sacrament Meeting was over. :(

Which I found... sad.
I mean, Dad's are awesome!
Don't they deserve to have an awesome treat as well?? To celebrate that fact that they are Fathers?

So once again, the thought came to my mind this Father's Day,
That "If I ever get into a position of influence (I.E. into the Relief Society Presidency/committee) I'm going to suggest that we give the Father's Something for Father's Day!"

Funnily Enough.

Someone must have had my same thought,
Only much earlier.


Because this year, in my parent's ward....the Father's actually got something!! :D

Oh the joy I felt for them, that for once they got something special for Father's Day!
(Added's possible that they've gotten things for other Father's Day before...but I don't remember it.)

What was their Father's Day Gift?
A Package of M&Ms tied in the middle to make it look like a Bow Tie.

lol I thought that was rather creative of them. ^^

Happy Father's Day to all the Men out there!

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I looked down at my feet, as another person pulled away, and discovered that they had been tied up in some sort of white fabric. Why? Well, I wasn't sure at first, but I quickly discovered that it allowed us to walk around quietly without making noise. Which was great, because....we were under attack by a rival group (rival clan? Petstore? Someone trying to take us over.) And they had these awesome weapons, while my group.....didn't. But that didn't stop us from fighting back. It just meant that we had to be a lot more creative with our offense. We would find things around the store (electronics, animals, etc) and tweak them to make them a weapon. Like an electronic pad thing became a taser. A box of two chinchilla parents and their babes became a whirlwind of terror if anyone dared to open the box (the parents were very possessive of their young, to the point they were willing to attack.) And it all seemed to be helping, we seemed to be winning because we wouldn't stop fighting, and the others...were backing off....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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