Saturday, March 23, 2013

I Lost, But Found Freedom

Whelp. I lost the competition.

Between me and Kikay.

On who would find a new car first.

Yep. Kikay did.

lol though to be fair...she did have like only one requirement, while being super picky...I have like 12.
Hers. It needed to be blue. preferably the brighter shade.

And....this past weekend. She found one that she liked.

Dun Dun Dun.

Which means....I don't have to share the car anymore!!

Do you know how weird this is?

It's super weird.
Because I've basically shared a car since I got my license.

I've always needed to check in with someone to make sure that I could have the car when I needed it.

Even more so these past couple of years with Kikay as we've shared a car and so had to figure out how to get us both where we needed to be when we needed to be.

In many cases that involved one of us dropping off the other or picking up the other.

Not no more though.

And it's the oddest thing ever.
lol Kikay's taken to this change like a duck to water.

Me though, I'm still finding my wings.

Venturing out cautiously as it's so weird that one day we're sharing a car, and the next...we're not.

I can go where I went, when I want, at any point I want, however far I want. Without worrying about whether or not it runs into Kikay's plans.

It's like I've found a new level of independence.
I mean...I was independent before, but I had to be independent within a set boundary line.
Now though, the boundary line is gone.
I can go as far as I want.
It's exhilarating.

^^ I can't wait to take full advantage of this new found freedom lol :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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