Friday, March 6, 2020

So Many People

I'm so used to working with barely anyone in the store with me....that it's really weird to have more than like...four other coworkers in the store with me.

I mean...usually when I come in in the morning there's me, the manager, maybe one other coworker...and maybe like a cashier when he first open.

Then as the day progresses we might get a mid person and/or another manager. 
And then as I'm heading towards the end of my shift...we have afternoon crew come on. 

But it feels like we never have more than like maybe four workers in the store at a time.

And today?
Before I left we had EIGHT people in the store.

It's so weird.
It's weird having so many people that I don't know what to do with them.
Especially when we have customers in the stores to help.
So there's eight other people...looking for things to do to say busy while we wait for people to come into the store. *shakes head*

It was weird.
Like I had two other people helping me to do the fish shipment.

We had three other people in to help with stocking.

Maybe this is a typical Friday set up.
Maybe it's just a fluke as I was training a couple of people today so maybe we don't usually schedule so many people on a Friday.

I don't know.
I don't usually work Fridays. 

But yah.
It's weird to have so many people around.
So weird on a day that isn't a busy Saturday I suppose. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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