Saturday, March 28, 2020

S.t.a.y. H.o.m.e.

It's stupid really.
The little things I let get under my skin. 

And I get how some people still don't think the pandemic is that big of a deal.

Honestly, some days it's hard to believe that it is such a big deal.
That nations are shutting down, having people stay home, to try and prevent the spread.

Like when previous pandemics have happened...I don't recall it being like...this crazy. I knew they were going on but like...I don't think we had multiple countries close down... 

So I get how people are not taking this seriously.
How they think it's still okay to go out and shop and be in public places.

At the same time....I really do wish that they would listen. 
And think about the effects of them being out in public can have on other people around them.

Because the people who have to be at their jobs are taking all these precautions to try and stay safe and healthy.
And it can all be undone in an instance the moment someone who thinks that they're 'okay' comes into the store and gets us all sick.

It's stressful.

I love my job. Love being at work.

But right now I'm so tense there.

Like I know people need to come in to buy food and supplies for their pets. 

And that's why we're still open. So people can buy their essentials. 

So that their pets can survive too. 

And yet....
We have people coming in just for fun.
To look at the animals.
To buy pets that they probably won't be able to or want to properly care for once everyone goes back to work and school.

Like...this isn't the time. 
It's pointless to have you and/or your kids out of school. To have you stay home from work. 
If you insist on going out in public, out into the stores because you got a little stir crazy.

The more people you interact with.
The more likely you are to contract the virus.
The more likely you are to give it to someone else. 

Like...I know it's hard to stay home when you're used to being able to go and do whatever you wanted whenever you wanted. 

But like.
It's safer that way.
For you.
And for other people.

There are those who don't have the option to stay home.
There are those who go to work to help those be able to buy the supplies they need. 

The best thing you can do for us.
Is to stay home.
Stay home unless you absolutely need to go out and buy something that you need.

But to go out just because you're feeling a little stir crazy?
It's not worth it.

It's really not.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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