Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Arms Of Fog

Not something I think about much.
When driving.

It's something that happens...but usually it's above the road. Not near it at all to make it difficult to see.
Or if it is, it's just like clouds.

What I drove through....
Was odd.
Thick fog.
But there were swirls of it, kinda like swirling snow, but not snow as it was clouds, that appeared to have an evil life of their own as they weaved around, and swirled like mini tornadoes and attacked my windshield.

I nearly couldn't see the on ramp.
Luckily I did.
And thankfully, A semi-truck happened to drive by so that I was able to slide over into his lane and followed his nice big red tail lights until I got out of the fog bank.

Needless to say. I'm really grateful for semis ^^
And that I didn't have to drive in fog the whole journey home. ^^

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was in a room/church building/motel with my roommates. We were hanging out getting ready, when I hurt gun shots. I told my roommates that we should probably leave. Then, there was a knock on the door. I went up to the peep hole and saw a guy dressed as Santa Claus holding a gun. I turned to my roommates told them to run and ran out the sliding glass door. My roommates were like "why?" and didn't move...and I think they might have died because of that, because the gun man shot open the door and I heard more shots, but I didn't see what happened because I was already running. I tried to get to my car to open the door, but the gun man caught up with me, getting inside before I could. I turn and ran...and ended up with my old roommate laura in our bathroom, we were doing things with our laptops when we both discovered that we had gotten that computer virus where you couldn't get your files back unless you pay a ransom to the senders. But they gave us like an hour to get everything off our computers before the virus took effect. My roommate was panicking so I gave her my flash drive -since I had two- for her to use, though we took too long...or didn't see the email quick enough for both our laptops already had the red signs of virus all over it, telling us we couldn't open certain folders or view things. And somehow it got onto my new computer (I wasn't as concerned about my old because there wasn't really anything on it...though I was concerned I would transfer the virus through my flash drive) and onto my ipod so nothing was working, things just got worse as I ended up in the presence of a dragon...who really liked me, but I was...less then enthusiastic about her, as she was kinda evil. I was trying to get away from her via a highway slide thing, but she ended up becoming an ally in the end when I got into trouble with someone else...even though she threatened my life to do so...

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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