Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Where's The Treasure?

I'm going on an adventure!!!

Or...I went on one.

For you see, a friend gave me this web link page....
that had me take a journey to the rival school's library.
(and you thought I was just there to check out a favorite group of mine. ;) )
And find a secret code from a secret book hidden...well in the library.

That was fun.
I kinda wish that the treasure hunt had continued there.
I mean how cool would it be to do a treasure hunt all over campus....
and at the end you get this random prize?
Even if it was just a glowstick I would be pretty proud of myself. lol :)

That wasn't the case.
The library clue revealed a meeting that would happen tonight that would give details on this project...that didn't have alot of details to it....
Sooo off to the library I went again.

O.o seriously....who builds a building with only one main exit?
I mean there were a bunch of emergency exits supposedly around.
But if you have a classroom at the back of the building...
logically it would make sense that you could enter it from the front of the building.
Like kindergarten, these classrooms had their own special doors, cutting you off from the rest of the building and supposedly preventing you from getting trampled in the rest of the library....or something.

In any case....
The meeting...went alright.
I think the adventure basically ended with finding that clue to the meeting though.
As the meeting itself, while entertaining and laughable....
wasn't my style.
I'd gone into it hoping it was somehow related to writing as I think that would be really cool.
It kinda was....
but it was more of the foundation of a computer based RPG game that wants to be the best RPG game ever with tons of plots and creative computer DMs and a whole lot of other jargon that I didn't really comprehend....
Seriously....I kinda lost focus as I'm not a fan of RPGs.
They're not my think.
I prefer to write by myself and I have trouble collaborating on other people's stories....
So not for me.
Seems like a long term project....
but it's not 'shiny' to me.
meaning, totally not in my interest level but good luck guys!

I really just want to start a huge treasure hunt......with a fun random prize at the end. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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