Sunday, September 15, 2019

Writing Struggle

It's weird how the desire to write comes and goes and ebbs and flows.
Like there are days where I'm like YAH!!! I'M WRITING LIKE CRAZY!!!
And others where I just stare blankly at the screen and am like "wat r werds?" 

It can be a frustrating process.
Especially on the days where you plan to write and yet have no inspiration/desire or time to write. 

Then there's the aspect where writing for least story writing....takes forever.
I can spend all day on a single page.
Hours upon hours on a single chapter and not have it finished.

And frustrating.
Especially when I want to write faster and get stories posted quicker.

But at the same time.
I recognize that that is unlikely to happen.
As I tend to be perfectionistic in my writing.
So it's difficult to just....let loose and let the story flow.
As I want to get it right the first time.

And sometimes when I'm struggling with a certain part.
I'll psych myself out....and be unable to write in that particular story at all.
Because I've made out the scene to be 'too intense. too much. tooo whatever" and I find it difficult to even look at the chapter let alone write anything more within it. 

Still working on that goal.
To write faster. 

We'll see if that ever happens lol. At least today was a good 'writing day.' 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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