Thursday, September 12, 2019

'That' Guy

You ever hear about 'that' person but like...never see them? 
So you're like are you sure 'that' person is that bad? 
Because you know, people are prone to exaggeration. 

Well. Today I feel quite vindicated.
Because yesterday the Head Manager and the Second in Command Manager Finally met "that" customer.

That customer being the Lizard guy that I'm pretty sure I've talked about before...if not on this blog definitely on one of my others.

He and his chaotic energy where you never know what he's going to want from you, nor do you know how long your interactions with him will be, but most of the time like 9/10 times he will ask you questions that are much more advanced information than most general pet stores know

And yah....he's one of the very few customers that has managed to get the entire work force in the building to not like him.

Except, I guess our two top managers haven't had the pleasure of interacting with him?
Which makes sense as he usually comes in in the afternoons and the other managers are usually gone by that point.

In any case.
Yesterday this customer had snagged me right as I was going to clock out. *exhales* And had me trapped in one of those pointless conversations where I was just waiting for the dude to get to 'the point' as to why he was in the store.
But no he has to go through this long meandering explanation that I'm already halfway tuning out of because I don't need to know the details....

In any case.
The managers were alerted that I was trapped and needing to clock out by a coworker so they came to take over for me with the situation.

And....yah. They both understand much better now why everyone else in the store groans when this person comes in.

Because he had them trapped in his meandering and easily distracted conversation for like another thirty minutes after I had left.
And it took them forever to figure out what he wanted and in the meantime he was making himself quite the nusiance to them and difficult and such.

To the point where my easy going manager was getting irritated with the guy.

But yah.
The managers are like O_o when I, today, was like "Oh yah, that's how he always is, no one here likes him."
"You've dealt with him....a lot?"
"Oh yah, like a dozen times or so." 
*shakes head*

Ha. Yah.

Hopefully the dude doesn't end up needing any 'assistance' from us for a long while yet now that he's gotten his current issue solved, but I guess we'll see. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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