Saturday, September 21, 2019

Snake Killer

He came in again.
Our crazy reptile customer. 

Which was stressful. 
Because I had been told by management that we're no longer selling this customer animals. 
Not after we found out from this customer that he had been attempting to make a snake -a Ball Python I've later learned- Vegan by feeding it only crickets and mealworms....and the snake hadn't been eating those and died after three months. 

I honestly don't know why the dude was trying to feed the snake they're obligate carnivores and Ball Pythons prefer eating rodents. Like mice. So like...crickets and mealworms? No interest in that. 

My guess is he was trying to save money by buying cheaper food sources.....but idk. I honestly don't know.

In any case. 
Because of that situation we won't sell him any more pets.

And I was stressed seeing him in the store because what if he tried to buy a pet?
I honestly didn't want to have to tell him no. 
Because he's such a chaotic personality I didn't know how he would react to the news. 

Thankfully he was mostly in to get crickets and mealworms --as he has a bunch of anoles, frogs, and long tailed lizards that he's also feeding. 

And he asked if his crickets would live longer if he fed them.....
Yes dude. 
Crickets are Living Creatures. They need food to live. 

Of course this was the same customer who asked me if crickets needed air to breath. Sooo....

*Exhales* It was in the course of getting him his bugs that he brought up the bombshell.

The dude had killed another snake. XP 

Well it wasn't through veganism. 

The Kingsnake that we had sold him -which I thought was the original snake that had been subjected to the vegan diet-- had been placed in the same tank as a Garter Snake that the customer had (not one we sold) 

And the Kingsnake....had eaten the other snake. 
And the aggravating part was....that the customer knew this.
Knew that Kingsnakes could EAT other snakes (hence why they have the name) 

And had knowingly put the two snakes together...because his son who is like 5 or 6 years old wanted the snakes to be put together.

Like DUDE.
Who is the adult in this situation?

If you, the adult, KNOW not to put two snakes together.
DO NOT LET a child convince you to put two snakes together?


That wasn't the end of today's encounter. 
No this particular customer has also had a ton of issues with heat bulbs for his reptiles.

And today he'd come in with yet another issue with the bulbs.

Because apparently two more went out. 
Within like two weeks of purchase.

And he wanted to know if using a faulty lamp could cause the bulbs to go out. 
Yes dude. 

I had the manager take over the situation.
And manager was sooo done with the encounter. 
So done with this customer.

Manager ended up telling the customer that we would no longer be replacing light bulbs for him.
Because this guy has returned lightbulbs at least six times if not more. 

Which is ALOT.
And speaks a lot that somehow this customer is misusing the bulbs because we've never had other customers complain so much about the bulbs. *exhales*

So yah.

It was a stressful day. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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