Friday, September 13, 2019

Seeing Problems

Ended up with a major migraine today that refused to go away.
I figured it was just from strain on the eyes since my contacts haven't...been working as well as they should have.
Mostly in my right eye as that particular lens refused to...well focus? Idk. But I would look out in the distance or even the near distance and wonder....had I actually put the contact in that day?
Because everything was fuzzy. 
And fuzzy isn't good when you're trying to see things.
It also causes quite the amount of strain on my left eye if it's doing all the work...though surprisingly the headaches mostly take place behind the right I guess the right eye is straining too much in trying to see and failing in seeing? *shrugs* Who knows.

Today's migraine was behind the Left eye though.
And I figured the left eye was just expressing it's displeasure in doing the work? Who knows.

In any case.
I avoided putting in my contacts today in the hopes that it would help the migraine go away faster if I didn't have my eyes trying to focus and see....

Turns out I was wrong.

Kikay dropped by after work today to bring me a new contact lens for my right eye that is a slightly stronger power --the power I'd been wearing like five or six months ago before deciding it was too strong-- so I could test out the stronger power and see if that would help a) my right eye to see and be more equal in seeing with the left as well as b) maybe hopefully help the migraines stop coming as often. 

I had considered not putting in the new lens until tomorrow.
Let my eyes rest more today.
But with the headache pounding away in my skull with no relief in sight.
I decided to try and see if focusing my eyes by putting in my contacts.
I mean, if it didn't I could always take them out again.

Surprisingly it worked.
My headache vanished pretty quickly after putting in my eyes. 
Wish I'd known that earlier in the day. *shakes head*

Hopefully the new power in my right eye helps.
We'll see. I'm going to test it for a week to see how it goes before getting back to the eye doctor on if it's helping or not. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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