Tuesday, September 10, 2019

That Constant Hum

It's amazing how small irritants can suddenly become major problems...for no discernible reason.
Like it was okay before...but suddenly its not.

The major irritant for me recently has been the white noise coming from the AC unit outside my window. 
As I dislike the constant hum/buzzing that comes from that machine, but I tolerate it during the day as I realize that the upstairs gets hot, and my roomies like it cooler and with our trees having been burned down over a year ago...the house gets far hotter...which means the AC works even harder and longer to try and cool the house back down...which really doesn't work at all if the outside temperatures get above 90 because the house can never seem to get us below like...78 on a good day. 80 on a bad day.

And the upstairs roomies...like it cool.
Like they would prefer the house to be at 73 degrees.
Which is a little cool for my liking and I like the cold, but I do like to be comfortable in the house and the basement gets far colder than the upstairs.

And it wasn't as big of an issue last year when the roomie currently upstairs was living downstairs because they liked the cold while the upstairs roomies could deal with the heat just fine.
But now that the cold loving roomie has moved upstairs and doesn't like the heat at all.

So they have the AC running constantly.
Which when the AC drones on and on and on for hours on end...yah. It makes it difficult to relax in my room with that constant background noise. 

Hopefully though...I only need to tolerate it's excessive buzzing for only a little while longer.
As we're now in September. Which means fall and then winter is approaching which means the house should start staying cooler throughout the day which would mean the AC needs to be on less and I will have to deal with less buzzing outside my window.

*fingers crossed*

In any case.
Another issue with having the AC on constantly...is that our unit is controlled by the WIFI signal.
And if we have the TV on -using the internet to watch Netflix and such, and all the roomies are home doing computery stuff on their computers....

It means very little signal makes it down to the basement.
So my other irritant with the AC unit running all the time is that the WIFI we have currently can't handle having so many things using it.
Which means if we try to use any computers in the basement, the furthest away from the wifi box....often the connection cuts out and I can't connect to the internet which means either a) I have to go back to using my old computer -which can connect just fine oddly enough, or b) I have to go upstairs where the wifi signal is stronger.
And there are days where I don't want to be upstairs.
I just want to hang downstairs away from people.


So yah, a lot of irritants involved with the AC. 
I can only hope as September continues and October approaches...the issues will resolve themselves. 
*fingers crossed*

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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