Thursday, April 25, 2019

Switching Things

So this past week, we've had an overnight third party crew in our store.
As we've been going through a....I guess a remodel of sorts? 
Where our entire dog and cat sections of food have been moved about with different brands moving to different aisles, as well as adding in like four new brands of like moving 5 of the older 'new' brands of food into the aisles and not just in center pieces in the middle of the main thoroughfare.

So yah. It's been a lot of work.
Like my department  we had to do it all ourselves, so my department has had it's new layout for a couple of months now.
But the dog and cat sections?
I mean, we did a little of the toys/treats/leashes layouts ourselves.

But the food we had a third party come in to move everything.

Which meant that a couple of our managers have been working the graveyard shift really to supervise the process and make sure things go smoothly.

Not that it's gone fully smoothly...
Apparently the overnight crew managed to break two of the chairs in the breakroom. O_o in one night.
Because we used to have four lounger chairs.
But when I came in one morning...there were only two.

*shakes head*

I'm glad tonight is the final night.
So we can have less chaos in the store in the morning.
But also so our managers can get back to a more normal schedule and not be up all night and sleep deprived when I show up. lol.

Still it's going to be interesting getting used to all the changes.
And it's going to be 'fun' having to help customers find things now that everything has moved about.

It's already been a bit of a struggle with some customers....
But overall people have been able to orientate themselves alright. :D 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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