Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Nitpicking Irritation


DM visits aren't my favorite thing.
Mostly because the managers get super nitpicky over the oddest of details, and making my life difficult.

As they'll ask me a question.
And I'll give them an answer.

And they'd say "Well that is the answer, but it's not the RIGHT answer because you forgot this ONE word that changes the ENTIRE meaning of the answer."

*rolls eyes*
Guys. Chill. Just chill. Take the broader meaning of the rule instead of the narrow meaning.

*shakes head*

The story.

There is a room at work, where we keep our sick animals in until they recover from their illnesses/injuries

In that room there are certain protocols and rules and blah blah blah that need to be followed and maintained.

However, in the past week or so.
We've been struggling to maintain one of those things.


The room has to be within a certain temperature range.
And unfortunately, the room was getting too hot.

I believe it was due to us having too many isolated reptiles in the room (3 heat lamps cause a lot of heat).
But also because for some reason there wasn't any circulation of any sort happening within the room.
I.E. Our A/C to that room....wasn't happening.

So our solution, until we figured out what the problem was.
Was to prop the door open and have a fan blowing cold air into the room to cool it down.
As that room would get in like the 80s while the rest of the store was in the low 70s.
Not good for the animals. It was too hot.

It was eventually figured out that something with the AC was broken to that room, so my manager put in a work order to have someone come fix it.
In the meantime though.
We had to keep the room cooler within the temperature range.

The struggle comes from the fact that our policy says that that room should be Locked when the store is open.

Technically it was 'locked' The handle was locked, but the door was propped open.

Door wasn't supposed to be open.

You wouldn't believe how many times I was asked by the managers why we had that door propped open and how many times I had to explain to them that we had to keep it cool blah blah blah.

This morning was another occurrence of that.
-Though I was only propping the door open to get it as cool as possible before the store opened and our DM dropped by for a visit.

So I had to once again explain to the manager why it was open.
Only this time, This manager did my least favorite thing.
Question me.

"What is the temperature range supposed to be at?"
"It's supposed to be between these two temperature ranges."
"Is that what the paper says?"

Is that what policy says? Is that what the paper says? Is that what the vet recommended?

I hate these sort of questions.
Because I'm confident in my answers. But questioning me makes me doubt me and then I have to actually go look up the stupid information to see if they were correct or if I was correct.

Honestly. If they said "No, this is the way because I looked it up." I would probably be like "Okay." and proceed with the new information.
I don't like being made to look like I know nothing, that I've been sent to go ensure I'm following policy correctly or instigating the right measures to things.
If they have doubts they should go look it up and let me know. Not have me go look it up for them and let them know.

In any case.
Back to the temperature thing.
The manager said. "No, you missed a word. That paper work says that it's "Optimum" to have the temperature at this range."

As you know, Optimum means basically "THIS IS A HIGH PRIORITY, but if you can't get it within that range that's okay."
*rolls eyes*
I double checked the paper and Yah, it did say that word.
Optimal range blah blah blah

Which basically translated into :You're being stupid Sarnic, you shouldn't be propping the door open just because the temperature is a little high, it's not the optimal temperature but it's fine.

Not the greatest feeling in the world. I assure you.

And then the manager was like "Well, how high of a temperature can these animals stand?"

Well....obviously if you can't leave them in a hot car.....you can't leave them in a hot room.

I mean, reptiles sure, it's fine to get hot.
But the birds and Hamsters and such we had back there?
No. They needed cooler temperatures.

But did I know the exact temperature range they could stand?
Of course not.
It's not something that comes up.

I've always said it was in the 70s.

But the manager was like "Are you sure, what about the animals out on the floor, what temperature are they at?"

The reptile cages have temperatures in them to ensure that each reptile is getting the right amount of heat.

But there's no real reason to have thermometers in the bird or small animal cages.

The obvious answer to that dumb question was "What temperature is the store currently at?" Because since the animals for sale are on the sales floor then that obviously means that whatever temperature we keep the store at would be the temperature necessary for them to do well.

(sorry, can you tell I'm irritated? because I am.)

In any case.
I went and checked the bird and small pet sections of the store.
Looking at the paper work there.

To find that it had the same temperature information listed as in the back room.
Only the papers on the floor had an additional sentence added to it.
Optimal temperature range. (Take measures to correct if abnormal.)

Which means.
We SHOULD Be keeping the animals within that range and taking measures to fix it if it's not in that range.

So I went back to the manager and let him know that.
To which he was understanding.

But honestly.
He could have seen that if he went and looked for himself.

*shakes head*

Luckily, the guy showed up today to fix the problem.
The motor and belt that gives airflow to that room had totally gone caput.

So hopefully, tomorrow when I come into work.
The problem will be fixed.

And I won't have to worry about more nitpicking....
Until the managers find something else to suddenly have a problem with.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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