Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Outta Time

It's interesting how quickly things can go astray when it comes to work.
And usually it's because of customers.
And usually it happens when there's a ton of customers in the store when you're not expecting them.

Such a case happened today.
Not that there were a lot of customers. No it was still pretty slow all things considering.
But there were more customers in the store earlier in the day than expected.

And it probably stressed me out more because I had a bit more of a deadline today as I was off a couple of hours earlier than normal. 
Which meant I had less time to get things done.
And things were happening in such a fashion that by the time I got to the point of being able to do the bedding change....I only had like an hour left in my shift.
Which with reptiles it's at least a two hour bedding change if not three depending on how many times I get interrupted.
And considering I'd spent the last half hour helping customers....I wasn't hopeful as we were getting into our lunch rush timeframe.

So after checking with a manager to see if my replacement would be able to do the bedding change and finding out what I already figured....that they couldn't because we were one person short already today....we decided to forgo the bedding change.
which is stressful in its own manner, but at least it was the reptile bedding change and out of all the animals, the reptiles are the ones where we can get away with not doing if necessary as the cages tend to overall appear pretty clean anyways.

So yah...slightly stressful in that I wasn't able to get that done.
But at least I was off early. :D So woot for early out. :D 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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