Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The Nightmare Came True

One of my least favorite dreams, though they tend to occur pretty frequently for me---are ones where I end up having some sort of issue with my teeth. Mostly they're ones where like...something goes wrong. Either I lose a filling or lose a tooth and sometimes I try to put it back in and other times I'm like "whelp that's how it is." And it's just.....annoying really.

Because I do have a slight paranoia about the state of my teeth and dreaming of fillings falling out or the entire tooth puts me on edge and I don't like it. 

I had one of those dreams the other night.
Not surprising as I'd just gone and started the whole process for getting a Crown.
And I have a temporary one currently while we wait for the actual one to get made and such or whatever. 

And one of the things the dentist said was to not chew on hard things or like sticky things.
Because that tooth is 'weaker' right now. And the temporary crown is just that. Temporary. So it's easy to get loose apparently.

Not my favorite words to hear at all. Like Oh great you're telling me there's a higher chance this thing is going to break/fall out. Just great.
Especially when it takes a couple of weeks to get the real crown in.
So like it's a matter of chewing carefully and such.

And my dream the other day was the fact that like the entire tooth came out. :S :S :S

Not. Fun.

Especially when it basically predicts the future.

Because guess what I did today?

No I didn't lose my entire tooth.

But I was eating some pringles.

And had kinda spaced I wasn't supposed to really chewing much on that side.
So I was happily chomping away---
When my teeth bit down on something hard.

Too hard to be a chip.

I knew immediately as quickly as my heart sank, what it had to be.

It had to be the temporary crown come loose. 

I was right.
Half of it had broken off XP 
Leaving only half of the temp on my tooth. 

Not. Good.

So I called the dentist up --I wonder how often this happens to them--
To see when I could get in to get the temporary crown fixed.
Hoping beyond hope that they would be able to see me tomorrow.

Only to discover to my surprise, that they could see me today. After work!

So I drove on up to the dentist once my shift was done.
And got the temporary replaced.
Which---it's not as nice as the first temporary, but I suppose it will do it's job of protecting the tooth --which how scarring is it to see your tooth all ground down and such because they have to do things to it to make the crown fit *shudders* I'm more than likely going to have nightmares about that imagery. XP 

In any case. getting the temporary crown fixed was pretty easy. Didn't have to get numb at all, which my gums are thankful for because the dentist had to numb that side like a good five times to get the right never numbed so my tooth wouldn't be sensitive. XP 

However, in the process of making sure the temp was comfortable in my mouth----

The filling next to it fell out. XP 
Gah. Apparently it was cracked, and has some slight decay under it.
So now I have another hole in my mouth. XP 

The person who made the temp crown was like "Oh we'll just get that fixed when you get the actual crown put on"
-Because my dentist had left for the day already. 

So I need to wait like a week to get the filling fixed. 
In the meantime though, she put in some like putty stuff to protect the hole that's there. 
Which means basically don't even think about chewing on that side at all.

I was so hopeful that my major stressors had vanished.
But it looks like it will be on my plate for another week until I can get in to get that real crown put in. 
*fingers crossed* that everything goes smoothly.

Because I really don't want to have more nightmares about my teeth.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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