Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Fallen ill

I should have known there was going to be an issue.
Because usually if people decide to talk to me about my 125 gallon tank and I tell them everything's good and all the fish are great and that I have like 50 fish in that tank---

Within a day or two or you know...the same day....I discover an issue with said tank.

Guess what happened today?
I discovered an issue.

I'd realized something may be wrong yesterday evening as I was heading to bed as I realized one of my bettas appeared to have ick when I fed the tank yesterday.
But I didn't think much on it, beyond you know maybe wanting to move said betta to a different tank when I got home from work today.

But when I got home?

Not good.
Like...all but two of my bettas have vanished. I know there were like 7 in the tank. And I could only find like 2 of them. :S

Plus I noticed that some of my tetras have ick.
Others are clamped finned.
Yet others seem to have swelling on their mouths....

And looking closer.
A lot of my fish have randomly vanished.

So it appears that my tank is going through another die off. >_<

And I'm not sure what caused it.....
In any case.
I've started treatments and such to try and save the rest of my fish.
But gah.

I was looking forward to potentially adding in more fish this week!

And now I have to wait and see how everyone does.....


Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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