Sunday, July 7, 2019


It's been a rough afternoon.

Halfway because we spent a lot of the day driving back from the reunion.

But the rest....
Because yesterday we got word that there might have been an attempted break in at the house. 

Attempted because Kikay found the door ajar....but one of the locks had prevented it from being opened fully. 
And it was deemed weird because she had locked up the house before leaving. 
So to find that door half unlocked....wasn't a good sign.

But because there's been a bit of remodeling and rearranging to get the house more to Dad's aesthetic.
So it was difficult for Kikay to tell if anything had been taken.

Turns out. 
Things were taken. 

The thought is that the thieves found the door unlocked -as remodeling people have been known to leave the door unlocked- and they may have come in, grabbed a couple of boxes of stuff....and left.
Only to decide to come back later, after Kikay had come back and locked up and found the door locked. 

The things taken?
Were more of sentimental value to Daddoo. Some family heirlooms, some things of Moms, some collectibles he'd been collecting....

But nothing else.

Kikay had called the cops and already reported it.
But they sent another officer over once we got back and Daddoo had a chance to look around and see if anything had been taken.

Which resulted in like police coming to canvass the neighborhood for witnesses and a crime lab to come by to see if they could get any fingerprints and such.

But the general consensus?
It's a weird theft.

Like there are a lot of things that could have been taken and were bypassed.
Why those two boxes? 
Boxes filled mostly with items that are more particular to Daddoo's Aesthetic and not many people would realize the value of. Why just that?
The police were confused.
It was a very specific theft.

It's unknown if we'll be able to recover any of the items. 
And I feel for my Daddoo.
A lot of them were sentimental. Had a lot of personal value. Especially the items that belonged to my Mom that were taken, as well as heirlooms from his grandparents and great grand parents. 

It also seems to be that life just....keeps knocking him back down.
It seems like whenever he is finally getting his feet back under him....
Something else bad happens.

And I wish that wasn't the case.
I wish that life would just be like...sunshine and daisies. That he would be able to find happiness and contentment again. 

It's really...really....really hard when bad things keep happening. 

I hope we can get the stuff back.
I really hope we can.
For my Daddoo's sake. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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