Thursday, July 11, 2019


A friend of mine told me the other day that they had put me as a reference on an application they were doing to try to get into some new housing and told me to keep an eye out for a specific number calling me. 

I'd heard that sort of thing a few times before....and never been called, so I wasn't exactly expecting to ever get a call from the agency in charge of the applications.

But today, while I was on break at work.
A random number called me.
But it wasn't the number I'd been told to be on the lookout for so I let it ring out...
Only for a voicemail to show up on my phone screen a couple of seconds later.

-_- had been from the agency I'd been told to look out for. 
They'd called from a different number and left a message to call them back so they could ask me some questions about my friend.

So I called them back, since I was on break and free at the moment and after a bit of explanation, answered the questions they asked and such. 

At the time I thought I did pretty well....

But now my brain has hit that 'paranoia' point of 'what if I said the wrong thing?! what if I screwed this up for my friend?! Ahhh!!"

Because I'd mentioned that I'd been roommates with them and they were like "Roommates?!" *scritches on paper* "You're currently roommates with them?" 
"No, it was like a year and a half ago" 
-Okay it's been a year or so longer than that but like...I was under pressure and that was the first timeframe that popped into my head. 

And they were like "Okay that's all we need to know." and ended the call.

:S :S :S 
I hope that us being roommates at one point isn't a bad thing.....
*fingers crossed* that my friend gets into that housing place.....but we'll see. :S 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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