Friday, July 26, 2019

Stinky Removal

:S :S :S :S

So....remember when I said that i had to leave a fish decoration in my tank because I had a clown loach in it that refused to come out.

Well....I haven't seen it come out.
Which didn't bode well for it's chances of still being alive.
Since it's been a good three days or so since I took the other decorations out.

And knowing that the clown loach was suffering from a bit of ick if not maybe a fungal issue too....and the stress of being out of the water as I tried to get the fish out of the decoration....

My guess was that the thing was probably dead.

Pulling the decoration out of the tank today confirmed it.
As I caught the briefiest scents of death before my nose went noseblind to it.
-Too much time in the pet store so I only catch brief scents before my nose filters it out. 

The roomie though was like "Whew!! That reeks! Something's dead."

Heh. Good to have that confirmed.
But that left the problem that I now had a dead fish stuck in this decoration.

And I didn't really want to break it to get the dead fish out.

So with a bit of shaking and use of small tweezers. 
I was able to pull the dead fish out of the decoration.
(Did accidentally break the corner of the decoration though. Foo.)

But at least I have the last decoration out of the tank and the dead fish out of the decoration.

-Also rescued a catfish that decided to hide in the same decoration when I pulled it out. *shakes head* Silly fish.  

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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