Wednesday, October 3, 2018


It's been a long time coming.

But yesterday. 
I finally
Bought some new plant decorations for my fish tank!

As a while back I ended up getting new lights for my tank.
Which came with a blue light option.

Which meant that if I wanted to I could buy glofish and have them actually glow under the blue light! Huzzah!

In the process of seeing these glowing fish.
I also discovered that a couple of my decorations also glowed.

And I wanted to even up the tank a bit.
Add more color to it.
And more GLOW. 

Since it's been a while since I've bought plants.

As the last time I majorly redecorated, I'd mostly bought decorations to replace the ones in my tank.
Not the plants.

But some of those plants....were old.
Grungy looking.
Falling apart.

So I decided it was time for an upgrade!

And after a bit of dithering (because I have my moments of dithering too) 
I came home with a dozen different packages of plants. 
Most of which would glow underneath the blue light! :D 

And with Kikay's help.
I redecorated the tank!
It looks so brightly colored like a Pixar tank again.
And under the blue light? 

lol of the meantime I've lost a few glofish. :( So I need to restock those so I can get some moving color when I have the blue light on. 

But in the meantime.
I'm super happy with how the tank has turned out!

…..the downside though.... 
Is that I am so sore today.

Lol apparently standing on your tiptoes and reaching deep into the tank to move decorations exercise.
Exercise my muscles didn't like at all.
So my right side has been so sore today.
Sore enough that when Kikay helped me to massage out the more tender was actually quite painful for her to put any pressure on the muscles because they were so tense. :S

Which considering how bad of headaches I get...I have a rather high tolerance for pain.
So the fact that it hurts...

Note to self.
Be more careful next time when decorating. 

But still!
Worth it. :D 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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