Tuesday, October 23, 2018

So Long Tanks

So in my store we have these three display fish tanks right?

The ones that are halfway a bane to my existence because customers love to ask me for the fish within the display tanks and it's a pain to fish out.

But like...I really like having those tanks because I enjoy putting the 'funny-weirdo' fish into them. The ones missing eyes, missing fins, or are otherwise...well not 'perfect' as it gives them a chance to live in an actual tank and not spend forever in our selling tanks not getting sold. 

The main notable thing about these tanks though.
Is how often I've been told that we're getting rid of them.

I mean. I think it was within the first month of starting there. 
That the managers were like "Yah. We're getting rid of these tanks."

Only for them to still be there.

Nearly every year it's brought up.

"We're getting rid of the display tanks." 

Only for it not to happen.

I mean....corporate isn't the quickest to change things. It took them seven years, after all, to finally get around to painting the outside of our building. 

But today.
My manager pulled me aside.
To show me a CASE message we got.

Saying that Monday they will be coming to take away our display fishtanks. 


I'm still skeptical it's going to happen.

But apparently at some point in the past monthish?, someone called the store asking the managers to take pictures of our display tanks to send to them.

And then we get this message that they're going to be leaving Monday evening sometime.

Which means by Monday...we at least need to get the fish out of the tanks....

But at the moment....we don't know all that we need to....do to help out with the process.

Like do we need to drain the tanks of water?
Do we need to remove the decorations?
Do we need to unplug things?

What do we need to do?

The mystery gets slightly deeper, in that later in the day, just after lunch time.
We get another call.

Saying that an electrician will be coming in Friday to shut off the power to the aisle.

As that aisle apparently has it's own power source. O.o go figure.
Like it's not something I thought about.
But yah...it's weird that this shelving unit that's standing away from any walls....can have at least a dozen tanks on it with lights on. (as we turn on the lights of the tank/stand combos we sell on that aisle as well to make the tanks look more appealing to customers to buy) 

That means...if the electrician is coming Friday to turn off the power on the shelf unit....

That means those three tanks won't have access to power.
Which means the filters, lights, and heaters won't work.

Which means instead of needing the fish out by Monday night....
We're going to need them out by Friday.


I'll have to check in with my manager tomorrow.

But I forsee it being an ardous task to get those fish out before Friday....since it's likely I'm going to be the one doing it.

We'll see though.

In any case.

I am sad to see the tanks go. :( 
I mean they were useful in showing customers how the tanks worked and everything. Showing them different bubblers, lights, and filter types and how it all looks set up.

I wonder what's going to take it's place.....
Probably more shelves to put more product on.

But yah...we'll see. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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