Monday, October 8, 2018

The Fast

So over the weekend was conference right?
And like the main big goal that everyone is all 'gung ho' about is the Social Media Fast.

Where you take 10 days and fast from all your social media.

Originally....I was like :S Crap.
How do I do that?

Because I wanted to do it.
But at the same time...I'm on social media a lot.
Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and I literally just barely joined Instagram. 

It's basically my life really....outside of you at the PetStore. ^^;; haha. 

So I've spent the past couple of days....just pondering I guess.
The best way to do the fast.

Cus I know, I could go cold turkey. I've done it before.
You know when like I go on a cruise and don't have internet access. ^^;; lol. 

But at the same time....
I haven't really seen most of my social media thing as a....negative. Where it's bringing down my day.
I usually try and shift how I'm using said social media if I understand that it's not making me happy.

Like Facebook I've mostly gone to just posting there and hardly looking at other's feeds because I hate how I can't see everyone's posts. I've not liked the site since they got rid of the 'news feed' and did the 'see the same six people's, same three posts a hundred times along with a ton of commercials feed.'
It's stupid. I don't like it. Just let me scroll and see people's posts chronologically. *exhales* 

So yah. The same with Twitter. I mostly go on to do my own posts and barely look at other people's. 

And a lot of negativity with social media is the 'jealously' sort. Where you see other people 'having more fun' or 'doing more life things' than you. Or you know, seeing all the depressing news stories and such. main social media vice would be Tumblr.
I'm on that site A. L.O.T. 
But like....I use it for inspiration. To help me with story ideas and to see what other people post....

So yah.
I've been trying to decide the best way to fast.
As I enjoy posting things online. 
And I've made it more of an effort since like...what? Four years ago? When I was an Online Missionary for my Ward where we were trying to be 'a light' to others by posting positive things online.

Which has been the goal for Facebook. -Post positive/funny/interesting things relating to work and church and such.
Twitter I mostly just use to post conference talks.
Instagram I just barely started but it's mostly going to be pictures of animals and nature....for now lol.

And Blogger? It's basically me writing into the void. ^^;; haha. I don't interact with anyone on Blogger so it's really....just me talking to myself.

Tumblr? I have the most interaction with. And it's probably the most....greyed out in my 'positive/negative' thing as there's both good and bad to it.

So my first thought was mostly to try and get more positive things back into the social media.
Like on Twitter and Facebook I would go through the people I follow and my friend's list and see what is posted and see if it's more positive or negative. If it's the latter, I would unfollow or try and mute that person so I can see more uplifting things online that wouldn't drag me down.

-I haven't yet done that because a) that's a ton of people and b) I ended up with a major headache and haven't been in the right mindset to decide things like that lol. 

But yah.
I my headache weary try a different thing this week. 
Of a limited fast.
I mean a fast Sunday is usually two meals.
So if I tried a similar thing with social media. 
I might do better with it. 

I mean.
I get online a lot.
Like even during work, I know I've gotten into the habit of checking my phone to see if my favorite people on Twitter have updated, or if anyone on Facebook and Tumblr has liked/commented on my posts.

And I had a moment of clarity -which is funny since my mind was hazy- in that I'm probably stressing myself out too much at work because I'm trying to find moments to check my phone. I'm trying to stay up to date. And taking those little thirty second breaks to look online is probably...being detrimental.

Since I wasn't really in the mood to look at a tiny screen.
I figured today was the best day to just...try and limit the use.
To not look at my phone as often at work. 

The goal was to not look at all.
^^;; lol didn't quite manage that.

But I did only look at my phone like...three times during my shift.
Instead of like...every five to twenty minutes. (depending on how many customers were in at the time) 

I've known for a while that Tumblr is a vice. 
Like...I love the site. It's so inspiring.
But oftentimes after being on it and such....I've found that either a) my mind is whirling with too many writing ideas...leaving me stuck on what to do. or b) I've lost all creative will to create because like...I lost the drive while scrolling.

So I figured I should try and limit my Tumblr use. Try to not get online the site until after eight in the evening.
Which...when I don't end up sleeping the day away like I did today...would give me four or so hours between work and getting on Tumblr, to work on my writing stories and to I'm not left blogging at 10 or 11 at night. ^^;; haha. long as I don't always crash for four would help (I barely slept last night, so sleeping longer today wasn't a surprise) to shift the focus from "What is happening on Tumblr!" to "Let me write in my stories and blogs and then I can see what happened on Tumblr!" 

And yah.

It's already been interesting. Limiting how and when I use my social media.
Like I've already gained some good insights.

Like the fact that the one time I got on Facebook to put down a post....I realized that the post was a slightly more negative one. Even though it was a work story....and work stories are often more interesting when it comes to being exasperated with customers. 
It's not always the most...positive.

So yah. Facebook. Gonna work on posting more positive things. More uplifting things. As I may have gone a bit away from that over the past little bit. 

In any case.

My Mom mentioned last night that the main thing with social media, is that she never wants to miss out. She wants to know what's going on and doesn't want to 'miss something important.' 
And like.

I think I'm kinda the same way.
The reason why I got obsessed with checking Facebook/Tumblr/Twitter throughout the because I didn't want to miss anything. I wanted to be among the first to know. I wanted to be 'on top of it'

And it was causing stress.

Like today at work.
I found I was a bit less stressed out.
When I was able to give my full attention to my job.
When I wasn't trying to multitask by seeing the 'latest news' inbetween helping customers and doing my opening tasks.
It was easier to kinda just....focus.

I mean, part of it was that I was mostly zombie during work, trying to conserve my energy for when I had to interact with customers. So I wasn't in the mood to try and stare at a tiny screen. 

But yah. I think today went better without the focus on trying to 'see' what was 'happening' online. 

So...I'm going to stick at it.
Limit how often I pull out my phone. If possible. Not look online at all.
But you know...limit it. ^^;; 

And the thought of avoiding Tumblr until later in the evening.
It's TBD.
I mean, I still haven't gotten fully on the site today. 
I glanced at it twice and posted once. 

>.> Goals lol. Finish the blogging first.
Then the Tumblr!!

So yah.
We'll see how it goes. ^^

Limited Fast here we go!

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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