Thursday, August 13, 2020

Big Fangs

You ever have your plans get derailed by a tiny itty bitty detail or issue?

That happened to me today.
As I was halfway planning to maybe hang out in the basement and try and work on writing down there while listening to my fish tank trickle water.
Since my usual spot upstairs has become too 'comfortable' to me and I find it difficult to actually get into gear and write.

And I currently can't hang out in my room and work on writing, because we're at that stage of the year where the AC unit outside my window goes ALL DAY LONG. 

That particular white noise gets on my nerves after a while.
Especially when it goes for hours on end.

And since we've lost our shade trees to the fire like three years ago, the western half of our house gets a ton of direct summer heat shining on it.
Which means the AC unit has to work all day long to keep it from getting above 80 degrees in the house.
And then spends the evening after the sun has set frantically trying to cool down the house to the point where all of will be able to comfortably sleep. 

So usually I end up hanging out upstairs where it's the 'quietest' all things considering.
You know...besides getting distracted with roomie conversations lol. 

In any case.
I had topped off my fishtank with more water recently, so the noise of the filters and trickling water was in the more quiet soothing stage than the gurgly annoying stage.
So I was thinking I would hang out down there and write.

When I went downstairs to feed the fish and scope out a good writing spot.

I discovered a HUGE GIANT spider waiting for me.
I was sitting in the corner of the room halfway up the wall.
And it's body was like a good inch long. 
It was the largest spider I've seen in a long while at the house.
(explains why the tiny spiders vanished though) 
And like...that spider had ginormous fangs. 
Like they could have been mistaken for legs.
They were long.
Very intimidating.
And I very much didn't want to get bitten by such a creature.
Nor have it wandering around my house.

Nope nope nope nope.

It took a bit of willpower to gather up the courage to approach giant spider with a glass bottle and a piece of cardboard so that I could catch it.

Yah. Spider freaked out when I placed the jar over it. Zooming back and forth from the top of the glass to the bottom to the top to the bottom.

But yah.
I managed to catch it and thankfully it couldn't climb the glass once I got the cardboard over the opening so I could turn it upright.

Such a creepy brown spider.
Honestly it looked kinda like a hobo. :S :S :S
Though another person thought it might be a funnel spider?
In any case.

It was huge.
It was creepy.
And it wasn't staying in the house.

So I took it to the deck  upstairs.
And yeeted it into the backyard below. 

Hopefully it had a 'nice flight'

And after spraying down the entrances with peppermint.
I called it good.

Only. Being downstairs now made me on edge.
Knowing that such a huge spider had been lurking over by my fish tank.

I mean, I'd been sitting, leaning against the wall near said fish tank like two days earlier.
And I shudder to think that such a huge spider could have been lurking so close to me even then.

So yah.
Being on edge already from seeing the creature.
I didn't feel like I could actually go sit on the couches down there and relax.
Because what if another giant spider appeared?!

Nope nope nope.

So yah.
My plans totally got waylaid because of that. Heh.

Hopefully I can actually get to writing tomorrow....
We'll see. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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