Saturday, August 1, 2020


My roomie has some family staying over for the next little bit.
Because it's that 'homeless' stage of the semester where apartments kick people out cus their lease is up...but the new apartments won't let them in because their lease won't start for a week.
So a bunch of people spend 'homeless week' camping down wherever they can until they can move into their new place.

I've never understood it.
Like I understand it.
But I don't understand why there hasn't been something done to 'fix' it so that students at our local universities don't have to scramble for places to stay inbetween moving out of one place and into a new place.

In any case.
Because we happen to have a handy dandy guest room now that we're no longer having a 4th roomie.
And we live nearby.
We gave roomie's family permission to stay in the guest room until they can move into their new place.

Which is gonna be interesting.
Because my area is definitely 'anti-single' and I can only imagine the wolves breathing at the door seeing a bunch of boxes moving into our place.
-As the family has to put their stuff somewhere too. 

Though roomie reassures me that no one was present to see.
It's still noticeable that we have like two more cars present than we used to.

Hopefully though people realize that even single adults can have visitors over to stay for long periods of time.
*shakes head*

In any case.
It's gonna be interesting having more people around the house for the next little bit.
Though so far they seem to be pretty quiet like the rest of us.
So hopefully this won't be too crazy of a thing having guests over.
Guess we'll see. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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