Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Bump Bump Scrape

It seems to be a week of injuries for me.
Which happens every now and then.

Despite my years of experience at work.
There's just those days where I get hurt.

*shakes head*

Like earlier last week I banged my elbow against something and scraped it a little.
But for the first time in a long while.
The bump actually turned into a bruise. O_o 

Though it's the light yellow/greenish shade that isn't really that noticable unless you're looking for it. 
It's still weird that I ended up with a bruise. 
As I've probably gotten banged up enough that my skin doesn't react to bruising as easily anymore.

But nope. Nice big bruise like a good two inches or so long is on my elbow. 

And then I accidentally pulled up the fingernail of one of my fingers hard enough that it's still tender like a day later. Sore. So I'm not quite sure what I did...besides trying to grab something and my fingers slipping at the wrong angle causing the nail to be jerked upwards. 
But I don't know why it's causing the finger itself to hurt when it was more focused on the nail. *shakes head*

And then today....

A customer had come into the store with a dog kennel on a flat cart that they wanted to return.
And since I was in charge of the register at the moment, I was in charge of returning said kennel.

But when I went around the back of it to scan the barcode so I could return it.
I misjudged where the end of the cart was.
And when I started moving back to the register to finish the transaction...
My leg went full tilt into the corner of the cart.

Like. Agh.
Instant pain. 

Because OW!

But I had to finish the transaction before I could check my leg as it was aching, but I wasn't sure if I had scraped the skin or drawn blood or anything.

I scraped it pretty good.
And hit it hard enough to cause like instant swelling because there was quite the lump on my leg where I'd jabbed it against the cart.
And yah....it drew blood. Not a lot...but like enough that I wanted to get a bandaid on it to give it some protection since I still had like...6 hours of my shift left to work. 

The problem was was that I was on register.
And no one could come cover me as I was the only one available at the moment because the rest of my coworkers for the day were managers.
And one manager had left the store to run a guinea pig to the vet.
While the second manager was in the back unloading our truck that had just shown up with more stock to put on the shelves.
While the third manager was stuck in an office on a weekly conference call....

So yah.
I couldn't really have anyone cover me.
So I had to wait until the manager got back from the vet and could switch me out so I could go clean up my leg and get a band-aid on it.

-It wasn't a major scrape, and I wasn't actively bleeding though blood did well up on the scrape.
So I was good to wait at the register for a bit longer.
If the injury was more serious I would have called out the manager from the conference call to cover me so I could treat it faster.

But yah.
Besides being super sore still.
And tender to the touch.
It's good overall.

Though I will be curious to see if it bruises more than the bump I got on my arm or not.

As it seems to be that the injuries you think will bruise...don't....and those that you think won't bruise...do. 

So we'll see what happens.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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