Saturday, August 8, 2020


I had a closing shift at work today.

Which considering I've had closing shifts for like two months straight due to the pandemic and trying to make sure I get my hours...shouldn't be that remarkable.

It is kinda, mostly because this was my first week back to having a nearly normal schedule of working morning shifts. 

And I have to say, it's been nice to work earlier in the day again. Like. It sucks because I have to readjust to going to bed earlier and waking up earlier.

But being able to get done with work and still have time to do things afterwards has been amazing. XD lol. 

In any case.

I bring up tonight's evening shift because it's just....I don't even know how it started.

But like. My coworkers began complimenting me like crazy?

And I guess I don't really hear it that often at work.

Because I honestly don't know what to do with randomly being told that I'm amazing and such.

Like they were impressed that I faced the store so quickly.

They are impressed with how well I can handle customers and get them to listen to me.

Which is kinda mind-boggling because I don't quite understand how they feel like the customers listen to me more than others.

I get my fair share of stubborn people who decide to ignore my advice and forge ahead with their decisions.

But apparently I handle the crazy and difficult customers better than my coworkers? of them mentioned that they feel like the customers don't listen to them, but will watch and see those same customers listen to me.

And I just...guess it kinda has to do with my approach? 

I don't know. I tend to be empathetic. 

And I try to find compromises when working with the customer when I can tell things won't go well if I try and have them go the proper way.

I don't know. *shrugs* 

lol perhaps it's just my years of experience. Since I've dealt with customers in the store far longer than anyone else. So I know how to have patience (most of the time) with them. 

I don't know.

It's just weird to be noticed.

To be reocgnized.

To have people think I'm amazing and such.

It's so weird.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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