Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Acquiring Midnight Sun

Midnight Sun.

It's a book I've been waiting to read in it's entirety for like....ever. 

As I just loved the little snippet I found online that was from Edwards point of view.

And somewhere I realized that there were probably a ton of other people anxiously awaiting for today.

When the book came out.

So that they could go buy it and finally read the story that we were teased with all those years ago.

And knowing that the Twilight series was just as popular as Harry Potter or Hunger Games and a few other books.

I should have realized that having a new book released would mean that everyone would want to go buy it. 

But I didn't.

As it's been a while since I've been into a series that has a ton of fans and a huge following.

So I figured, that on the day of its release, there would still be plenty of books on the shelf this afternoon.

Since I had to work a morning shift today, it meant I couldn't go right out and buy it first thing in the morning.

No big deal though.

I could just go buy it after work.


Well....it turned into a bit more of an adventure than a simple hop over to the nearby Barnes and Noble to pick it up.

Maybe I've just been spoiled by following Brandon Sanderson's books. As his seem to always be in stock.

But when I walked into the B&N expecting there to be this HUGE display of Midnight Sun.....

I found nothing instead.

Sure I found the rest of the twilight series.

But the book Midnight Sun was nowhere to be seen.

Confused I even looked up the release date to make sure I hadn't misremembered when the book would be coming out.

I hadn't.

So I asked the info desk if they still had Midnight Sun here.

They didn't.

Apparently they'd sold out of the book around noon.

Which was like...four hours earlier. :S 

It's kinda crazy.

I knew it would be popular. 

But I didn't expect that the twilight fans would come out of the woodwork in such numbers as to completely sell out of the book by noon. 

*shakes head* Of course I don't know how many books the store had ordered in either. It could have been a smaller amount that demand for all I know.

What I did know was that I wouldn't be getting the book from B&N today. And with the want to read it today.

I decided to jump online and see what other stores carried the book.

First two that popped up were Walmart and Target.

And Walmart was just down the street from me.

But if Walmart had any Midnight Sun books in....

They'd already been sold. 
Plus the store was so huge who knew where they would have put the books, though I assumed it would be by their little book section.
Saw no sign or hair of it. 

So I kinda resigned myself to the fact that I was on a wild goose chase.

That the book was sooo popular that I wouldn't be able to get a physical copy anywhere today.

Which meant probably going home and ordering a copy to be shipped to me in the next few days.

Or else downloading an online version of the book to have on my phone. 


As I was sitting at a stoplight.

I decided to check out Target's website.

And saw --after changing the location to the nearest target-- that they still had some physical copies of Midnight Sun in stock!

Target was a little out of my way of heading home, but it was only one exit further North so I jumped on the freeway and drove over to the store.

Hoping that a physical copy would still be there.
But already resigning myself to the fact that the online store could have lied to me and the books would all be sold out by the time I got there.

As I walked into the store though, I realized one tiny oversight on my part about heading into Target.

In the fact that I was wearing a red shirt.

As I had taken off my blue work shirt so that people wouldn't see the nametag and assumed I worked at Walmart even though all the wording on my shirt indicates I work for a pet store.

And I'd forgotten to put it back on. --I don't go to Target that often-- and I wasn't thinking I would need to put my work shirt back on. That my red shirt would be fine.

That was until I walked into Target.

And abruptly remembered exactly why wearing a plain red shirt wasn't a good idea in this store. 
As Target's uniform involves people just wearing plain red shirts.

And I was wearing a plain red shirt.

But I'd parked far enough away (as Target only has one entrance open and I'd parked at the other entrance that wasn't open) that I didn't want to have to walk all the way back to pull on my blue work shirt to walk into the store to find my book gone.

So I basically sped walked through Target.

Conscious of my red shirt that could potentially hinder me in my goal to see if the book was still there.

Thankfully, no customers stopped me.
Perhaps I looked like I was in a big enough hurry that people assumed I was in the middle of something and left me alone.

So I was able to reach the little book section without an issue.


There were still like five midnight sun books still on the shelf when I walked down the aisle.

Can you imagine my excitement!

As I was planning to be disappointed.

To not have the book be there.


So I grabbed it off the shelf.

And raced back to the front of the store to use the self-checkout.

And it was there as I was scanning in the book.

That I was asked if I worked in the store. :S :S 

By a Target Employee.

Which it's crazy to think that Target has enough employees that workers don't know all their coworkers in the store. *shakes head* 

The employee just asked if I worked here.

To which I said I did not.

And they were like "Oh, because I saw you with the book and it's just been flying off the shelves and I wanted to know why it's so popular."

Which led me to explaining that it was basically a Twilight book from Edwards point of view.

It was a short conversation.

And thankfully it was the only conversation I had with anyone in the Target.

So I was able to escape back to my car without issue despite me wearing a bright red shirt.

But I have the book!!! :D :D :D 


Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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