Thursday, April 28, 2011


The other night I was talking to another individual
(because it would be weird if I talked to myself wouldn't it? Well I do that too, just not this time ;) )
And I mentioned how long hair is annoying.
Because of all the snarls that happen in my hair.
Because it can get really curly.
And all tangled
and basically snarly.
And this individual looked at me weird.
And I felt subconscious as if I had used to word wrong.
Snarls I repeated to myself.
Snarls Snarls Snarls.
Now when you repeat any word to yourself a bunch of times, well begins to sound weird.
But anyway...this individual had never heard of the word "Snarls" and didn't know what it meant.
I kind of just looked at them dumbfounded.
Wondering. "How could have never heard of this word?!"
Snarls is what happens when you're hair gets all knotted up, tangly, its what your comb/brush snags on when you run it through your hair.
And they had never heard of it.
So now I'm this just a family word....that I took for granted that everybody knew.
Or is it actually a common word...but the individual had never heard of it....
*just checked google* Yep its a I'm not crazy! woot! (at least not in this aspect ;) haha)

Anyway, that was just something that through me for a loop the other day :)
Thought you should know. :) lol.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

-It had something to do with Dancing....because I had a dance final today for school.
But having come home and gone about my day....I've forgotten it Y_Y

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