Thursday, April 14, 2011

Learning Paitence

This semester for kicks and giggles.
I decided to take a Dance class.
Ballroom Dance the beginning level.
I mostly decided to take it because I've watched Dancing with the Stars.
And at one school's dance team was able to participate in the show when they had different college teams verse each other.
I was really impressed at how well they danced. And I wanted to have a chance to
learn how to do more then a 'side to side sway step.'
And this was my chance. :)
It was a one credit class and I had one credit free. Sooo I took it. :) lol.
And its been rather fun. :) I've learned steps!! problem is....there's nobody nearby me that knows the steps. :(
So therefore...still have nobody to dance more then the sway step at dances with. :(

lol Oh well. was...a couple of days ago.
I was showing one of the guys how to do his steps.
And he commented that I must have taken this learn patience.

That is a rather interesting concept.
Taking a dance class to learn patience.
Its rather true actually.
You have the spectrum of dancers. Those that are good....and those that....
well your feet hurt alot afterwards. lol.

Anywho. If you're one of the better dancers, paired with those dancers that tend to step on toes.
Yah. I could see why patience would be a virtue in that class lol :)

I think he was impressed that I would go over the steps again and again with him and show him how to move again and again.
Perhaps....people don't have alot of patience with him so he's surprised when people spend more time with him to help him improve his dancing steps. (or other classes where he might struggle...idk I only have him in my dance class....I think...I've found a couple of my dance mates in my other classes...which is rather weird. lol)
Anywho. I took it as a compliment.
That I was patient in helping him out. :)

I'm glad I was able to help him. I told him that that wasn't my reason. That I had had patience

But...that thought has stayed in my mind for a bit.
That in order to learn Patience, you can go take a dance class.

And I was thinking today.
"You know if I took a dance class to learn and practice a particular attribute....I think I would be learning how to be a better teacher."

I already know how to be patient. ;) lol when I choose to be ;) lol.
But teaching....I think I can always use the opportunity to practice 'teaching' skills.
Because I feel like....being able to teach is a....low for me.
I probably don't portray it that way.
But often when I encounter people who....aren't on the same wavelength as me...
I think that I come off as....condescending and unhelpful.
"You don't know that? You thought that was hard?"
So I think the opportunity to go to dance and teach others some of the steps has helped me somewhat in my 'bedside manner.' so that I'm easier to approach, and that I can help other people out.
Or give them tips on what they can work on so that they don't miss a step or something.
That it makes both of us feel good. If I do it in the right manner.
That doesn't mean I know everything about dancing lol.
I can get the steps down...but positioning, heels/toes and such...I struggle with.
But hey. :) I know the steps lol
And because I know the steps. I can help others out. :)

And that is what I learned from Dance class.
A few tips on leadership and teaching.
That I will hopefully be able to improve upon when the next teaching moment comes. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves!

Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was doing the regular preparatory stuff that needs to be done whenever Tom drops by to visit.
And I went into the other room.
And suddenly....I was spouting out blood from my mouth and nose.
My only thought was....that my Inferior Vena Cava....must have burst.
I was trying to prevent blood from going everywhere.
Especially on my sister's stuff...since I was in her room.
And I went back out to the main room where my family was.
And I was given a pill to swallow.
And then I basically got better....

And we were suddenly in a pet shop looking at pets.

And then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.

This was a somewhat odd dream...because basically it seemed like the vein in my throat (it looked kinda like the esophagus) and burst. Funnily enough...the Inferior Vena Cava...isn't in the throat...its down by the belly button.
I think this dream was brought on by worry.
My body has been acting rather....injured....lately.
Random areas of my body have been hurting...for no reason that I can see....
and I think its bugging me that I'm not really sure whats wrong.
So therefore I dreamt that one of my veins/arteries burst....
Kinda odd...

But that
Is why the fox never came home. :)


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