Friday, August 9, 2013

And The Winner Is.....

I've decided....that I'm probably not a good judge. 
Why? Because I tend to go against the grain. lol.

Lemme explain.

You see, last night a few of my coworkers and I, went to this local....'Pet Show' event that a nearby Vet Clinic was putting on.
The basic idea. Bring your pet and show them off.
And then let them be judged in different categories.
Examples being: Most exotic, most unique name, best dressed, cutest tricks.
Things like that.
So contestants would bring up their animals.
Show them off,
and then we judges would decide which ones would place 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
-Don't worry, everyone who participated got a prize. :)

We started out with these...grading sheets.
Only some of the grading requirements didn't apply to certain animals.
Like...'Condition of Ears' is rather hard to judge with a snake. lol.
So we judges threw the papers by the way side and would just huddle together after seeing all the animals, decide which ones we thing should win, and then we'd give out the ribbons.

Lol. We had no idea what we were doing, but it was fun. :)

But yah...judging.
I don't like doing it.
Because there are some creatures that are definite winners.
And in this show you could enter your pet into more then one contest.
Some ended up getting ribbons automatically -like best dressed- because there were only two or three contestants.
But then they would enter again in another contest.
-You couldn't win more then one 1st place ribbon, but you could win multiple 2nd and 3rd place ribbons.
So it was difficult. Because those who entered their pets in more then one contest often took more then one ribbon. Which I thought a bit unfair because there were other animals that were only entered into one contest...but they weren't deemed 'top three' because there were more then three entries and the ones who already have ribbons...qualified better.

And...I'm the sympathetic sort.
I want the underdog to win. The one that's least likely to get the ribbon.
Sympathetic...and a judging contest.
Doesn't always work out. lol.
Luckily I had my coworkers to confer with and we decided as a group which animals best met the 'category' requirements.

Still. I had a lot of fun and I got to see a lot of pets!
Particularly, rabbits.
Lots of nice soft soft soft soft rabbits.
Ah, I'd forgotten how soft their fur was. ^^ Totally a highlight of my night to bring back those childhood memories. :D

Next time, I think I'll work on avoiding the judging spotlight. :) And just enjoy seeing people's pets. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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